
Just a normal day

This is a story about four teens, Sharky, Niko, Nancy and Lucy. They were not on good terms, so they always bullied one another whenever they had the chance. They were in the same school and mainly did the same subjects. So, it was just a normal day, they our four teens woke up and they got ready for school as always. And like the normal days, they met in math class and Lucy decided to sit behind Nancy, which was a big mistake because during their lesson, Nancy ended up sticking a chewing gum in her hair which poor Lucy didn't notice up until lunch.

And as for the boys, they met during gym class for their PE. And like all the old days, Sharky looked for a way in which he could annoy Niko and he finally found one. Yep, as they were given a task to run for thirty whole minutes, he decided to make Niko trip and fall by running too close behind him and ended up giving him a slight kick which made him stumble to the ground.

Apart from all the funny things the two pulled on one another, this one was apparently not wise because by the time Niko fell, he hurt his right hand and since everyone saw that the person who caused the fall was Sharky, he had to take responsibility of his own actions by taking Niko to the school clinic and attending to his sore hand. Well, the boys didn't talk much in the clinic, as Sharky was done attending to Niko's sore hand, he called it quits. 

And after that day, he lowered his bullying towards Niko but just a bit. The four kept on being like that for quite a long time. And finally, the end of the first term arrived and as a very well-known DJ, Niko was asked to play at the small party their class had arranged, and he couldn't say no to such an offer. Mostly because he wasn't invited in serious shows, so that's why. That day, every student got ready and off to their school hall they went. And there they found the party already started.

Niko had a very cool playlist, and I might say, he wasn't really bad at his work at all. There were drinks, food and everything was just in place, and finally the time for the big dance of the night came, it's the moment whereby guys get the privilege to ask pretty girls to dance with them. But some didn't even have partners at all, well their job was just to watch, maybe becoming security guards would've been better for them because they were just folding hands listening to the music. 

They were also pretending to have a great time but to be honest, they were not. And finally, the trusted DJ finally had the chance to play one of his favorite songs by his idol, Lady Cassandra. Allow me to explain a bit about Cassandra, she is the princess of Wonderland. Before you get over exited, the place is a magical one and isn't believed to exist but there are some who believe that it is real.

Some even think that the songs do not belong to a princess at all, the person making the music is impersonating a princess and giving people the idea that Wonderland is a real place even though it is not. So, during the huge dance, Niko played the song Home by Lady Cassandra. Everything was fine at first up until four maniacs decided to show off to everyone that they knew the entire lyrics of the song and they sang along but today was not their lucky day. 

They reached the best part of the song which goes like (Home, take me home, a place of wonder, a place of imagination. Raise me up from these grounds, home is the only place I belong). After they were done singing these parts of the song, a breeze of air hit the room, lights went out and everything just stopped for those four people only. Before they knew it, they were dropped in front of a huge castle which didn't seem to be real at all.

 At that moment

Niko- (in a shaky voice) What just happened?

Sharky- (in a mocking tone) I believe we have died, but I truly believe that God made a mistake, I cannot be in Heven with Niko, it just doesn't make sense.

Nancy- You know I actually thought you were smart Sharky, but no, you are far from that, are you seriously talking about death now, ........

Lucy- I think he is right, someone like you must never be afraid of such since you are just a devil......

Sharky- Ladies, calm down, you shall fight when we figure out where we are.

said Sharky as he got up only to see the gate they were in front of opening. He only thought of himself at this point if you ask me, he turned around and as he was about to run Niko grabbed him by the leg and caused him to fall down. And at that moment a woman who seemed to be in her early forties walked out followed by more than ten guards. She looked at the four on the ground and laughed before telling them how she missed them. She them asked them to follow her for she has ordered her maids to cook the best meals in the house. 

The four were very dazzled, they seemed like idiots for a moment and the worst part is that they were not even given the chance to ask any questions, so they ended up following the woman who claimed to know them. They were led into a very large dining hall, and when they got there, she asked them to sit down for her daughter was to join them shortly.

 At that moment

Lady Miranda- I really cannot believe how grown you kids are, I haven't seen you in ages, oh my word, and you're still friends on top of that.

Sharky- I am very sorry madam but, we are not friends, that is just sick.

Lady Miranda- Oh Sharky, you are still as amusing as always, ( she looks at the girls) Wow, look how pretty you girls look, I believe Lady Cassandra would enjoy picking out dresses with her.

Lucy- And why would she enjoy doing that with us if I may ask?

Lady Miranda- You four are her most trusted guardians in the whole kingdom, she grew up with you guys so she wouldn't mind having a fun time with you ladies.

Said Lady Miranda as she told them that they were free to start eating. So, they began to eat and as they were eating, Sharky's eyes sported something that gave him a shock for a few seconds. There was a picture at the wall of the four of them with a lady that seemed to be a princess of some sort. He then asked the others to look at it and Lady Miranda told him that the picture was taken the past year when they visited.

So the lady wasn't making anything up, the four were actually guardians of the one and only princess Cassandra. Yes, you called it, the one they loved listening to her songs, it wasn't a coincidence at all, they were attached to the songs for a reason.

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