
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

The Smell Of Coffee

TW: This chapter contains depictions of sexual assault and can potentially harm the reader mentally.

Dorhaven, October 16, 2010

"Happy birthday, Princess," said a man in his twenties to the little girl in front of him. He looked at her fondly as if she was the most precious being in the world. "I know I am late, but you will forgive me, right? After all, I bought your favorite cake. Now blow your candle."

The man gave her a strawberry cake. He positioned the cake right in front of her face to make it easier for the girl. "Blow the candle, Kath."

Every time the strange man spoke, Katharina felt a tinge of fear. She could not see his face due to the blindfold; she could not fight him because her movement was restrained. Her feet and hand were tied. She could not do anything but obey him. She blew out the candle in haste and stayed silent, waiting for the man to give his next instruction.

"Good girl."

She heard the man say something with a trace of humor in it. After that, she felt him kiss her left cheek without her permission. As he continued to kiss her on the right side of her cheek, Kathrina's body went stiff, and her fears grew more intense. Her tears came out in slow, steady streams. Finally, she felt the man touch her to wipe her tears.

"I don't know if you are this happy just because of a kiss."

She spoke in a hushed tone and stated, "I'm not happy." She was shaking all over, and she was sure the man could feel it.

"I know you are happy, Princess."

This time, the man spoke in a commanding manner to assert that he was in the right and that she should not defy his words. After that, Kathrina maintained her silence in the hopes that, if she remained obedient, he would let her go.

"You should eat. Here opens your mouth."

Kathrina complied and could feel the spoon being placed inside her mouth. She exerted a lot of effort to keep the food down, although all she wanted to do was throw up. Even though the food tasted heavenly, she could not stomach it.

"I have something to do, so I'll see you tonight." The man stated while feeding her. His eyes keep lingering on her lips. He kept reminding himself that he had to wait because Kathrina would eventually like him. He was under the impression that she would be able to understand his action.

Amidst eating, Kathrina's brain was actively searching for a way to extricate herself from this situation. Based on her instinct, this place shouldn't be remote. In the morning, she could make out the sound of a car honking its horn. She was almost sure that the man had bought her into his house since the room's smell was nearly identical to his.

"I'll leave you here," he said while caressing her cheeks. "Be good, Princess." Then, after planting a kiss near her lips, he turned his back on her and left her alone.


Dorhaven, November 5, 2010

Kathrina jolted awake from her sleep. She turned her head to the right when she felt someone's hand on her waist. The man had managed to sleep with her again. She forgot how often they had slept on the same bed; she didn't even know how long she had been held captive in this place. She had lost trace of time.

During her time in the room, her eyes were always covered. The man never gave her permission to remove the blindfold. He couldn't trust her, he said. She had begged him, fought, and even cried nonstop, yet the man turned a blind eye to everything she did. After that, she just lost her will to escape. There was no way for her to run away from him. Maybe she would be free once her breath stopped; that's what she thought while staying in his birdcage.

"Kath came here." He told her with a hoarse voice. The man gave her his brightest smile even though Kathrina couldn't see it.

He felt the slight movement she made. His Princess was shy; even after being together every day, she still showed a sign of being hesitant. He embraced her tiny body, and her body went stiff as usual. "Relax, Princess." He stated while giving her back a light pat. Then, he inhaled her natural scent, which had been his current obsession.

"I'll make a coffee. Do you want a taste this time?"


"It's okay, just accompany me then."

The man got out of bed, leaving her behind. For the past two weeks, his days had been wonderful. Waking up with Kathrina beside him, having breakfast, bathing, and doing many things together made him feel like they were a newly wedded couple. Nothing could ruin this moment; he won't let anyone destroy his happy life.

After a few minutes, Kathrina could hear the man's footsteps getting closer. As soon as he walked into the room, she immediately caught whiffs of freshly brewed coffee. After being forced to spend the morning with him drinking his coffee, she developed a strong aversion to the smell. It made her queasy.

"I'll untie to rope, so be good and eat your breakfast. Okay?" His instruction was delivered in the same manner as the other days.


When he untied the rope, she flinched in response. The man took his time doing it. She knew he enjoyed their current position, which was him hugging her. She felt his breath on her neck. He was breathing heavily. Not long after that, the man suddenly planted several kisses on her neck. Her body stiffened again. She couldn't shake the feeling that something awful was going to happen to her.

"Your smell Kath. God, I want to have you right now."

Kathrina made a feeble attempt to get as far away from his arm as she could, which miserably failed. "You said you won't." She uttered with a shaky voice. "You promised me."

"You also promised to let me touch you and won't back away like this, remember?!" His voice dropped, rumbling almost menacing. His last straw was about to snap. He could devour her right now, and she wouldn't have the strength to refuse him. So her only choice was to accept and succumb to him. "Don't test my patience, Princess." He gave her his last warning before leaving her alone, just like he always did.


Dorhaven, November 12, 2010

"Will you ever let me go?" Kathrina voiced the same question she had been asking since the first time she entered her cage. The only difference was that the slightest glimmer of hope couldn't be found in her voice. Instead, she sounded like a robot now. It was as if her soul had left her body, leaving only a vessel behind.

"I will, Princess."

His concise response caused her to turn around and face him. "When?" Her voice was getting smaller. She was afraid that he would take back what he had said if he sensed a tiny hope in her voice.

"Soon, Princess."

His tone conveyed a sense of desperation and helplessness. This was the first Kathrina had heard him speak with no enthusiasm. She assumed that his plan had been derailed somehow, but she didn't care about him. She just wanted him gone; she needed freedom like she needed oxygen to breathe. She had no interest in knowing the details of whatever transpired with him. He bathed in her misery so she would do the same.


November 13, 2010

The moment Kathrina felt someone touch her thighs, she woke up. The sensation of being touched sent shivers down her spine. The thought of it gave her the creeps. Her stomach felt that it wanted to pour everything she had eaten. She tried to be calm but to no avail. Her fear only continued to intensify with each passing minute.

"Easy Princess."

That voice. It was devoid of any kindness and was instead filled with malice. Kathrina could get the distinct impression that this was the monster he had tried to hide from her. She did not doubt that she would not be able to escape from him this time.

"Are you happy with your new cage?"

Kathrina was startled when she realized that there was no sound of cars passing by. Instead, all she could hear was the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. Kathrina fought a rising panic in her heart. They were not in the city anymore. Her heart dropped at the realization that no one would hear her even when she screamed her lungs out.

"You'll be staying here for two days. Alone, Princess," He stated while stroking her inner thighs. "You know what? In just two days, it will have been a whole month since I brought you with me." His hand continued to move closer and closer to her core. "Before you go, I'll give you a present. You will love it just as much as I do."

Nothing in the world could have prepared Kathrina for what was about to take place. Her body went rigid just as soon as the man touched her most private part. Her heart hammered in her chest; it was beating so fast, she believed it would stop working soon. The color drained from her face, and a look of sheer horror could be seen on her features each time the man gave her a light touch. She kept shaking her head and trying to move her whole body in an attempt to resist him, but it didn't affect him. On the contrary, her refusal only made him crazier.

"No, no, please."

"It's okay, Princess, you'll love it."

He turned deaf to her plea. She was sobbing and screaming uncontrollably. Her face was filled with tears, and saliva dropped from her mouth. "Please don't…please…." She shuttered; it was hard to form a complete sentence.

As the man toyed with her body, Kathrina wished she was dead. She wanted to vanish from this world. Her tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes as she gave in to fate. She shut herself down. She couldn't hear anything. She only wished he would be done soon.

"Don't worry, Princess, I won't do it right now. I'm just touching you." The man's voice sounds hoarse. He stared at Kathrina with eyes that were brimming with lust. His Kathrina stayed still just for him. So beautiful, like an obedient Princess.

Kathrina didn't care what he would do to her. She ignored him while trying to remember her happy memories with her family. They were so happy; she was so happy. So how did it happen? What went wrong? What did she do to deserve this kind of treatment? All her life, she had been shielded from harm, and suddenly the world decided for her to learn that she should know how to protect herself the hard way. Maybe after this, she should die. After all, nothing was left for her.

"Let's wash you up."

Kathrina felt him lift her body from the ground. She lets him get everything he desires. Not long after, the water touched her naked body. Even though it was cold, she was unfazed. He helped her to bathe. She knew he tried to destroy the visible mark of his sin on her body, but the imprint he left on her soul would never fade. It would stay with her until she exhaled her last breath.

After what seemed like an eternity, the man finally helped her to get dressed. The man still touched her body, but unlike before, his hands were not bare. He wears gloves.

"You look pretty, Princess."

His compliment made her sick. He took her for a walk; she didn't know where, maybe, to his new room. To her surprise, he bought her another bathroom.

"You will stay here until someone finds you, Princess."

I will die before it happens. That's what Kathrina thought, but she kept it in her heart.

"Don't be too sad. I'll come to you again, and you will be completely mine at that time."

That was his promise to her. No matter what, he would make it happen. He just had to wait for Kathrina to be ripped then he would claim her again.

"See you soon, Kath."

After saying that, he left.

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