
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Thành thị
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69 Chs

The Banquet

The gift arrived at Arthur's home in the evening. It was brought directly to his room as the note stated it was a special gift from Dion.

Arthur studied the big-sized gift, wondering what kind of trick Dion was up to. Dion sent him a gift from time to time, but most of it was useless and ridiculous. So, he thought, this one was just the same. He considered throwing it and pretending that it never existed. But something caught his eye.

"To mend your broken heart." He read the small words below on the cover. "Fucker." Arthur cursed.

Curiosity took over him, and he tore the package hastily. After unpacking the top of it, he noticed a pair of brown eyes, and his heart started beating incredibly fast. His hand moved impatiently, trying to free the gift from its cover.

Disbelief was displayed on his face. His eyes wandered every inch of the painting. "Kathrina," he whispered. His breath felt stuck to his throat as the surge of feeling assaulted him.

Arthur moved closer, feeling the canvas against his skin. He stroked the painting as though it was the real her that he was touching intimately. Kathrina's countenance in the painting was like a mirrored version of himself.

"Did I hurt you, Kath?" He tried to imagine that he was having this conversation with Kathrina in front of him. He did not know whether the reason she looked tortured was the result of his selfish behavior or not. "I can't live with the knowledge of hurting you." He confessed.

Day by day, this cursed feeling ate him away. Consuming all his rationality. All night he would go to bed with the image of Kathrina's brown eyes that looked at him with hurt and contempt. If she stared at him like that one day, Arthur did not know what to do.

Arthur's eyes finally moved from Kathrina's face and landed on a name on the corner of the canvas. "Jenna R." He spelled Jenna. "Dion, that bastard." He muttered an expletive.

He took his phone from his bed and immediately dialed Dion's number.

"What the fuck are you trying to do, Dion?" Arthur asked as soon as Dion answered his phone.

"You're welcome. Do you like my gift?" Dion ignored Arthur's question. Instead, he proposed another question to shift Arthur's attention from scolding him.

Arthur remained silent. He gripped the frame of the painting hard, trying to collect his anger in him. "I told you to stay away from The Reeds except for Victor, didn't I?" Arthur reminded Dion.

"It's okay. I will work for them anyway."

"Stay away from them, Dion, and stop sending things to my home."

"I see I've failed to impress you." Dion chuckled. "Then, mind giving it back? I planned to sell that painting if you hate it."

Arthur ignored him, then ended the call without bidding him goodbye. He could see Dion laughing out loud after he hung up the phone.

Not long after his conversation with Dion, an income call from Belle came.

"Hello?" He greeted her with his usual flat tone.

"You received an invitation to Auburn's banquet again. Do you want to attend, or should I go on your behalf like usual?" Belle informed Arthur carefully, silently wishing that Arthur would tell her to proceed like in the past.

Arthur stayed silent, considering all the pros and cons if he decided to skip the event again. According to his calculation, it would be better to ask Belle to attend. However, against his better judgment, he agreed.

"I'll go." He said with certainty.

"Are you sure?" Belle asked for confirmation. Hope had not left her entirely.

"Hmm. You should come with me."

"Okay, I will arrange your schedule."

"Thanks, Bell." Arthur expressed his gratitude.

"Sure," Belle replied without spirit. "Enjoy the rest of your evening Arthur."


Arthur's routine after receiving Dion's thoughtful gift altered from visiting Central Palace Apartment to watching the painting nonstop before and after sleeping. He placed the present in his secret room so his mother would not know the existence of his obsession.

Waiting for two days seemed like an eternity for him. The anticipation to see the moving and breathing Kathrina instead of the painting growing feral in the last few minutes. It would not take long before he left for the banquet. Arthur hoped the chain in his neck was enough to bind him from taking Kathrina in his arms.

He watched his reflection in the mirror, seeing a tall man wearing a set of suits with a white shirt underneath it. Arthur had to admit his complexion was not the best today. Lack of sleep from watching the painting finally took its toll on his body, yet he had no regret at all. On the contrary, he felt full and satisfied.

Arthur took his phone and car key, slipping them into his pocket, then went out of his home.

On the other side, Kathrina more or so felt the same way. She had been anxious since Jenna's exhibition. Knowing she had the chance to see a glimpse of him brought so much peace to her. She only wished that nothing would go wrong today.

After getting ready in the salon with her mother, they immediately set off to the venue. The banquet would take place in Celestial Hotel. Celestial was under the Garcia family's management. It was a five-star hotel with a beautiful building and view to complete the luxury experience for the customers. Celestial was located in the heart of Centre City, around thirty minutes from their salon.

"Mom, remember to drop me at the back door," Kathrina told her mother. She would not walk the red carpet along with her family.

Kale, her father, and her mother would have to entertain a bunch of reporters before entering their own party. In comparison, she would enjoy herself in the venue.

"Why don't you try walking with us? It's fun." Kalina tried to persuade Kathrina but seeing the movement of her daughter's head made her give up instantly. It was nearly impossible to get Kathrina out of the dim light.

'As a detective, I don't want to get entangled with the spotlight from Auburn.' That was what Kathrina told her. Kathrina claimed that it was better that she was unknown in public eyes and desired to work peacefully. Therefore, as a good parent, Kalina had no choice but to comply with her daughter's wishes.