
The Beginning

The first gods crafted the world out of the void. The void a pure motionless blankness of dark. The gods molded the void into the plane of Fractal.

They created giants too mold the land and serpents to make the seas. Elks brought nature to the land and life into being. Hawks painted the sky and blew the winds. Then the humans were made used to settle and learn.

After everything was made the giants slept making mountains and a race of the stoks. Stoks live in the mountain and are a shorter race and strong. The elks went and hid in the forests they created. From the elks came a race known as the elkin. They are a slender race with pointed ears and the more royal and pure there blood the bigger are the antlers coming out of there head. The hawks disappeared making living storms over the seas. The serpents rest at the bottom of the sea waiting.

The humans made a city and hid from the world. They welcome other races into there walls making the city Light the biggest city to exist. A few other exist but are small. Most are afraid to explore the unknown but for those brave enough too search for new things are the adventurers of Fractal.

The world has many mysteries left all over and dangers on all corners.

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