
Forsaken by fate

A Boy from the 21st century was reincarnated into the world of Naruto with three wishes. Follow him as he struggles to find his place in this world. How will his presence affect the story? What are his motives?

crowkenz · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Give me all your power stones.

100 power stones = 1 additional chapter

If you want to read 8 chapters ahead or support me, visit my P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / crowkenz


" Shiro, wake up. " came the voice of my mother from downstairs.

" I'm up, mother. I will be down in a bit. " Shiro replied back to her.

Little does she know that he had been up for a while now. A part of his daily morning ritual. While most people would prefer to sleep in the morning. He opted to do a different thing.


Even though He had never done such a thing in his previous life.He had come to do so in this one. It was an activity Shiro had come to enjoy doing as time passed and one that had already shown him countless benefits already.

Meditation was an exercise he had come across in one of the books He read in the library. It was one that was practiced by the Ninja monks of the Temples in the Elemental nation. A respected religious order that practiced the ways of Ninsou rather than Ninjutsu.

While Shiro was unclear about the difference between the two. It was clear to him that the monks had a greater respect for chakra than the Ninjas did. After all, the book strongly suggested that chakra was sacred and must be used to give rather than to take.Something that many ninjas were guilty of doing as they used their chakra to kill rather than to heal. To plunder than to protect. While Shiro did disagree with what the author had written somewhat. He could only assume that the author of the book was being a bit too biased. After all, The book was written by a monk from the fire temple.A place that Shiro was hoping to visit in the future to learn more about this art called Ninshu. While he had no idea what Ninshu did to those who practiced it. He did know the benefits of meditation. It allowed him to clear his mind and become more intune with his surroundings. In a sense it helped him understand himself and the world better while also sharpening his other senses.

A valuable skill that would no doubt help Shiro immensely on his journey as a professional killer.

Coming out of thoughts he quickly got ready to go to the academy. It didn't take him long before he ate his breakfast and was on his merry way to the academy. On the way there he saw many kids going to the same place as he was. Some held the hands of both their parents while many others were like himself, walking besides their mother. However, There was a third group of children. The unlucky ones who walked alone with no one beside them. The orphans. A group shiro pitted more than anyone else in this world.

" Are you certain this is what you want to become ? " my mother asked me. Her voice trembled as She asked me.. Even her hands clenched tighter as she asked me that question.

Shiro turned towards his mother. He could see that her eyes were tearing up.

" Will you hate me if I become a ninja ? " SHiro asked his mother.

Her eyes turned wide for a second when I asked that question.

" Of course not. " She said to me as she bent her knee to hug me.

" No matter what you become in the future, You will always be my baby boy. " She whispered into my ears.

" Then I'm sure that this is what I want to do. " Shiro replied to her.

After releasing me from her momma bear hug. Shiro walked through the academy gates before turning around one last time to wave at his mother.

Today would mark his first step into this bloody ninja game of kill or be killed. A game where he was determined to come out as the victor no matter the cost for the price of death was far more than anything he was willing to pay.


Like magicians, 3 Adults, all wearing the same garments with the same forehead protectors appeared in the middle of the field with a puff of smoke.

" Gather around and form a line. " Shouted the one in the middle in a tone that simply commanded authority.

It didn't take long for everyone including myself to make a horizontal line in front of them.

" My name is Inko, and beside me are Choko and Moko. We are going to be your Teachers for the next two years where we are going to drill you in the basics of what it truly means to be a ninja. Today we are going to awaken your chakra. After awakening it you will no longer have the option to become a normal civilian again unless you are unable to use your chakra or unless you die. Is that clear? " He asked us.

" Yes sir " We all replied in unison.

" Now do any of you want to drop out ? This is your last chance, " Teacher Inko said to us.

" NO SIR. " We all replied in unison even louder than before.

" Good. Then we will begin awakening your chakra. " He said to us with a smile on his face.

Shiro watched as his new teacher, Mr Inko, walked in front of the first boy in the line and placed his hand on the boy's chest. Moments later, a small blue aura enveloped the boy before dying down. This continued on until it was finally his turn to unlock his chakra.

' I wonder what color my chakra is going to be. ' Shiro thought to himself as he thought about the chakra colors of his fellow students. While the majority of them had a blue chakra aura, a few of the students had a turquoise aura and one of the students, a girl, even had a purple aura.

' Does the chakra color mean anything? Is it based on your personality or your nature? Is it possible for the chakra color to change ? ' Shiro thought to himself.

Mr Inko laid his hand on Shiro's chest just like he did with all the other kids.

" Take a deep breath, " He asked shiro.

" Oh, it seems like you have already taken the first step on your own huh? What's your name, boy? " Mr Inko asked me with a smile on his face

" Yes sir. My Name is Shiro Uzumaki. " He answered his teacher.

" Okay, Shiro, I'm about to start. " He said to me.

The feeling he was experiencing at that moment was difficult to describe. It was as if someone had put Ice and Fire into his veins. It felt as if a snake was slowly slithering in his body towards his chest.

Taking a huge breath. Shiro couldn't help but close his eyes and submerge into his consciousness like he had done so every morning for the past year. The outside sound slowly faded away and he focused solely on the feeling he was getting from his chest.

He could slowly feel his chakra more and more clearly. It was as if the small crack he made at the door all those years ago was becoming bigger and bigger.

' Come to me, friend. Let us be whole again. ' Shiro thought to himself as he tried to push his own chakra through the door.

The second he did that it felt as if the world had exploded into a kaleidoscope of colors. Like a part of him that was missing had finally been returned home. Like the last piece of the puzzle that was missing was finally put into place.

' Welcome, partner. ' Shiro thought to himself as he opened his eyes.

He was surrounded in an aura of white with black streaks running through it.

" That was unexpected. Choko note his name down. " His teacher said to his colleague before he looked at Shiro with a surprised look on his face.

" Welcome to the academy, Brat. I'm looking forward to teaching you. " He said to me with a smile on his face before walking to the kid next to me.

' So it begins huh. ' Shiro thought to himself as he closed his eyes to get a better feeling of his fulling awakened chakra.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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