
Forever August

"Are you trying to act tough? ". He questioned with a crust voice. " If you are! You are really failing miserably ". He had a smirk plastered on his face. I gave him a stinging glare " N-no., why would I? ". He gave out a low chuckle " You getting mad and glaring at me feels cute". August and his journey to an unrequited love story. An overwhelming journey which is not only about loving a person but also to embrace oneself.

Silver_bunni · Thành thị
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13 Chs


August pov

"Stop looking at me and get lost". Noah glared at me as I flinched with the harsh tone in his voice.

I knew it. I had this gut feeling telling me not to go to the washroom today. My lucks with washroom.


I shuddered when he had bleeding knuckles and torn lip at the corner. I knew something was up with him.

He ignored my presence right after and started running the tap water to wash off the bloody knuckles.

He had his jaws ticking and he looked wild with anger. He roughly handled the wound. I walked toward him and before realising I closed the running tap water.

"What the fuck are you doing? ". He questioned really annoyed but not as angry as he was.

I shuddered and mumbled " Let me help you". He did not reply and simply shrug which made me assume it was a yes. I took out my clean towel from my bag and started drying the wet wound. He did not flinch one bit.

He had huge hands with lines of blue veins running down his forearms. He looked intensely at me as I did my job of cleaning his wounds. "D-did you get into a fight? ". I uttered killing the silence.

"None of you business August". He responded in a monotone. I nodded as a response and after wiping the fresh wound. It was the best I could do without any first aid. "You should get a first aid". I crooned which had me genuinely worried.

He glared at me as our eyes met and I still held on to his hands which made me tensed up. Noah swiftly took his hands away from my grip and walked out of the washroom with only a small mumble cursing "fuck".

"Your welcome" I mumbled as I was sure he did not hear it but my face was red with embarrassment. I was too flustered by the situation.

Thanks to him.

'Now I am late for class'. I talked to myself looking at the mirror.When someone entered and looked at me like I was a lunatic.

I grabbed my bag and left.


"The worst day of my life". I left out a loud sigh as I waited for Keith to drive us home.

He was also not in a good mood and I don't know he did not want to practice either. I sigh and being a good brother I asked " Keith wassup?".

He drove us out of the campus. "Noah got into a fight again with our guest practice match team and it's partly not his fault but he needs some anger management now we are cancelled from having practice matches for sometime". He blurted out.

" Ummmhhh". I replied knowing how I encountered him in the washroom today. "What was the actual reason behind the fight though? ". I questioned and he scoffed " None of your business august and I don't want to talk about it".  I rolled my eye and fuming with anger because the same shit that Noah said to me was repeated by my dumb brother.

"Dumbass". I mumbled under my breath and looked outside the glass window of the car.

Keith smirked and continued driving.

We got home and I rushed to my room without glancing at anyone.

I laid on the bed feeling frustrated and tired.

The tones of assignment and my unrequited stupid feelings is making me want to just sleep and not wake up for a month. The world would be a different place if we sleep for a month and wake up after.

The thought in my head twirled around as I dozed off to sleep.

I grumbled and moved around on the bed when the hunger got the best of me. When I am hungry I tend to get angry.

I drowsily opened my eyes as I scanned the room. It was dark and the window was open on one side which displayed the star studded sky and the silence. It was 8pm at night and everything was super silent.

I groaned and stretched on the bed as I pushed myself to wake up. I had to fill this little stomach of mine.

I got out of my outfit that I wore at college today and got into my oversize white shirt with a black short. The cloth layed on the floor and I sigh.

I flicked the light open as I left the room trying my best to be silent. I missed mum but they will be back a day after and I missed her cooking.

I walked down the kitchen when I heard someone rummaging in the kitchen. I flinched and shuddered with fear as I held on to a vase kept on a corner. I was ready to attack anyone.

I slowly walked to the kitchen and whispered a small "who is there?".

No response.

The rummaging too became silent.

I lifted the vase a little and walked in swiftly to the kitchen ready to hit anyone with it. when I saw Noah standing there on his joggers. He was shirtless with messy hair.

" What the fuck are you doing? ". He scorned eyeing right at the vase and then at me.

I wish I didn't notice his abs and the scar on his left chest. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh as I was still holding on to the vase.

He walked towards me and I quivered as he grab on the vase and placed on the kitchen counter. We were just some inches away from each other.

I was speechless and silent. My only responses were my eye blinks.

"I am staying for the night". He droned and smirked " How the hell do you plan on defending yourself with a vase? Go back to sleep". He added which made my face flustered with embarrassment.