

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

I plug my headphones in, reveling in the calmness it brought to me as I walk through the hallways of the school. My school was not very big, with a small yard to move about and a small cafeteria. I smiled as calm down by Rema began to play. I began humming softly as I headed for class. As I sat in my seat at the back of the class one row before the last. My best friend Jeriah sat beside me.

She nudged my shoulder, removing one side of my air pods I look at her and smile, "hey girl, there's a new student" she says, "oh for real, male or female?" I ask calmly. "Boy" she says typing on her phone in a bored tone, "ohhhh" I say eyeing her screen "so when are you guys going to go out", I ask she blushes.

"Shut up" she says pouting, "we all know that I can't go even if he asks". she looks down at her phone again. Shary comes over from the front of the class "hi bitch" she says, "bitch get out" I say playfully. She stares down at my laptop screen, a Wattpad story on screen.

"ooo" she says "stop read porn" she says tapping me on the face, I get up and hug her sinking into her flesh "my pillow" I say she was so soft she wasn't slim like girl wanted to be or thick like most boys in my country liked. And I always said that if I was a boy and my woman felt like this when I hugged her if anybody said anything about my girl, I would never let it slide I mean look at her.

"I can use a mattress at school I say "you see- let me hold my tongue she says "yessss you know You won't answer because you love me" I say smiling evil like. Jeriah laughs beside us, "awww she's in love" I say "girl stop" she says her face red, the bell goes, for assembly and Angela is rushing into class. I get my hymnal and roll it up walking to the front "come on let's go guys" I say over my shoulder.

"wait for me Lev" Angela says pulling out her bible from the desk. we walk down the stairs together and reach under the hall lining up. yes, we are in high school, a catholic school to be exact. Shelicia bend over in front of me her skirt so short I'm blinded, I hear a few boys behind me, "what the- eww".

I resist the urge to laugh but Angela is already cracking up and I lose it when I look at her and burst into laughter. As we are lined up, we begin to sing songs and offer prayers. Soon after Assembly is done. The principal, Miss Denver, makes announcements and dismisses us.

"Have you heard that Sandra's nudes came out", "which Sandra?" I gasped. Angela points to a girl heading for class and I look at her my eyes wide she nods. "seven videos" she says, "seven!" I laughed. Then I realized that if that ever happened to me, I would be extremely humiliated and embarrassed sighing I stop.

Madame Carry the French teacher and also our class teacher cleared her throat, "girls, boys the new school term has begun, and we expect hard work from all of you, the boys especially", she eyes them. "Our new student is here please, introduce yourself young man the teacher looked up at him.

He was 6'4, his hair was braided and reached his cheek. his eyes a dark brown he arched one eyebrow, a bored look on his cute face, wow I thought never seen a guy that cute in a school like this lol I thought. He sighs, "my names Kayden Vander, I'm 17 and I play basketball."

Man, whoever gets this guy is one lucky girl, I hope he's nice. He sits behind me dropping his bag to the floor, he pulls out his phone, a light blue case hugging it, with stickers on the back. How do I know you ask, because I'm sitting cross wise leaning toward my friend lol.

The stickers were basketballs and footballs etc. He sighed in annoyance looking at his screen and typing profusely. I turn around sitting straight and looking forward at my phone before he notices I was staring. fuck! I say quietly, a text coming in from my brother Hey sis we need to talk it read, can't it wait I replied quickly. No, he sent back. I sigh in annoyance. When I get home, I reply. k, he sent back.

Miss Lewis walked in, and we all stood, sitting after she sat. "Good morning", she said. she taught English. I was looking down at my phone. "Psst", I heard behind me looking back in surprise Kayden looked me in the eye he nods his head forward and the teacher was looking at me with impatience, "uh sorry Miss" I say quickly. "Now that I have everybody's attention", she began to teach, class seemed to go on for hours, I sighed, even though English was my best subject.

Math came and I groaned. Grab a partner, says Miss Carbon, Kayden looked around rubbed his temples and looked me in the eyes again omg why I screamed why does he always look me in the eye. "Hey" he said pulling his chair out and placing it next to me, he smiled, "Kayden" he smiled "I know" I said then I realized he was asking for my name "oh sorry" I laughed "um Levena."

He arched a brow; "you know your name means 'To lift' right?" he says, "no I did not" I say embarrassed. "What does your mean?" I ask, "it means son of Caden or Battle" he smiles sheepishly. Even his name was nice, I sigh. "Today we are going to learn Pythagoras theorem, the teacher bellowed. "Stupess" loud sucking of teeth came out of everyone in the class.

After explaining, the teacher spoke again, "I need two people to come to solve the problems on the board" the teacher requested. Students made themselves look small immediately. "If no one is going to come I will have to choose", she says.

"Kayden, Levena come forward" she said, "shit" I hear beside me, and I giggle uncontrollably. Jeriah smirked beside us, "oh you think this is funny?" he smirked, we both got up and solved the problems. my face scrunched as I left the board, a splitting headache forming, looking across at Kayden he looked calm as he walked back.

Peace rained as I had the last class of the day, Kayden rocking the chair behind us rolling his tongue around in his mouth, he looked so cute when he did that, I thought. The bell went and I picked up my light purple bag and grabbed Jeriah's hand rushing to the front, I grabbed Angela's bag and grabbed her rushing down the stairs, we began walking home together, just then a loud bike zoomed our ways stopping one foot away from me, Kayden seated on it, "see you tomorrow...friend" he saluted.