
Oh Defiant Heart

Beijing 2014

A tall,still man with wariness about him stood apart,distant from the crowd watching a 'don quixote' like costume on display.To those who knew this man's reputation and skill,he was limber as a whip,just as fast with guns and daggers and tough to a fault

Liu Steven was not dressed for this elite occasion but still wore a modest Tucedo suit,his hair was styled back,his high cheekbones and velvet black eyes,when stared at for too long may make oneself hypnotised making him look like a roman god a foreign-like features

Steve white smile made him look less dangerous(Steve short for Steven)some of the girls in ball could only giggle at each other when he looked at their direction,meanwhile his smile was not for them but for someone else,he noticed a young girl caught in a flash of blue,she was standing at a corner by the side of the entrance as if waiting for someone and was forbidden to come to the party,he studied her peaches-and-cream complexion,her slant eyelashes making her look half angelic and half devilish,he almost stumbled as in walked in circles to survey this goddess that looked at him in disgust,he wanted her to remove her the old-fashioned hat she wore so he cn see the colour of her hair,then he proceeded to look at her legs that was so slim and sexy to the eyes

'why am I behaving like this,sure this beauty is beyond imagination,why am I grinning like an idiot' reluctantly his gaze left the gentle sight of the girl

"hey brother" Liu Jess said to his bother tugging him at his shoulders"I just spoke to ChunHua and I am going to have a wonderful night"he said with a evil smirk on his face

"be sure not to make her sore,like what you did to XiaLang"he cautioned with an emotionless expression making look like he is talking to himself while holding hawk medallion on his wrist

"oh come on big bro XiaLang was the one who begged for it"Jess grinned looking at the direction Steven was looking at

"oh that one am going for..."

"don't think about it"he said giving Jess an icy glare "can't you see she is too innocent and young for a beast like you?,she won't survive under your badazokwa"

(A/N:yes Steven is right,Jess is just too horny that he could kill the girl while riding her,some men are just horny (^_^) no offense)

hurt Jess replied "well if you think so,then I meet the lady who doesn't think am a beast and besides it is a huge honour for her to be spending a night with 'the Liu second master"after the statement he laughed sarcastically looking at young then stopped "I better get going before I do something I regret"

Liu Steven reluctantly returned his gaze to the lovely sight as he knew he wasn't the only one staring at her then he saw a man walked up to to her and whispered something into her ear then she nodded and left,meanwhile the young man walked back to the party,he was disappionted at himself that he didn't get to know the girl,then he went a table to have a sit,he then gestured for his P.A,who instantly went to him

"who is that man"pointing to the man who spoke to the young girl few minutes ago

"Yang Alex"his P.A instantly replied as he know popular business tycoons in the hall "he is the heir or only son to the Yang international industries" he explained while his fingers were working frantically on his tablet

distracted by the information he asked"what about the girl he was talking to a while ago"

the P.A creased his eyebrows not knowing who Yang Alex was talking to a while ago

"Yang Monica"a voice answered behind Liu Steven

the P.A looked up to see who was the owner of the voice,while Steven turned around to see who it was

Yang Alex repeated with an icy glare towards the two men he was talking to"Yang Monica,and she is bethrothed to someone else so do not stalk my sister"he spoke then left as if the information was like a warning

The P.A frowned and was meaning to say'don't this man know who he just spoke to? if Liu first master wants he could kill Yang Alex and throw his body on the dumpster what a fool' but held it back

just then HuLiang walked up to them,as point of courtesy he stood up and left

"Hi" HuLiang greeted Steven, but Steven didn't reply but strode off

my first novel here please leave your comments down here my story might be slow coz am learning how make hair in a saloon so...umm kinda nervous but please also leave your opinions and also pleaseee don't be brutal *sobs* boo~hoo

Moneyhoneycreators' thoughts