
Chapter 5

It was lunch time and Carter was making everyone grilled cheese sandwiches. Liam was helping him but they both seemed to be struggling.  The steady sound of Carla sobbing had died down a little less than an hour ago. After Carter calmed her down, Tobias went back into Carter's room and hasn't been seen since. I looked over to see Carter struggling to undo the cheese. He threw it down on the table and leaned against the counter with his head in his hands.

"I cant do this!" He frustrated said and then disappeared in a flash of light. I quickly got up and helped Liam make the grilled cheeses.

"What's wrong with Carter?"

"Sympathy pains," Liam quietly answered. It was monotone and he was obviously feeling the pain too.

I nodded my head.

"Carla saves our lives again and again and then something like that happens?" Liam explained, "It's an involuntary guilt that we all feel."

"Why do you feel guilty?"

"Because if I hadn't stopped Carter, he might've been able to get her out with minor burns. But now," Liam took a deep breath and continued quietly, "Now Rachel doesn't recognize her."

I shot him a sad face and then looked back down at the cheese.

"We're all strong, but Carla? Yeah she is overpowered, and kinda bossy sometimes, and dramatically runs off after every slightly bad thing, but she kinda runs this place smoothly. She's not in charge but her ideas for the community certainly make everything better."

"Oh," I said quietly.

"Thanks Liam," Carla sincerely said from behind us.

Liam must've jumped four feet in the air from how frightened he got from the sudden noise.

"How you feeling?" Liam asked her.

"I just want to go for a run; Carter, Catalina, and Gemini are coming with me."

Liam nodded and turned to continue what he was doing. Carter looked concerningly at Carla, he was thinking and you could tell. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to touch people to figure out what they were thinking. Even then, the other person has to let me read them. My power is kinda useless.

Carla looked through me. She wasn't quite looking at me but she was definitely thinking about me. The only think I like about my power, I know when people are thinking about me.


I slightly jumped at the sudden voice in my head.

Daisy, make sure Tobias is okay.

The voice continued shortly after everyone left. I followed directions of the strange voice and walked up the steps.

I opened the door to the room Tobias was in. He was sitting in a chair, covering his face with his hands. His whole body was shaking and I couldn't tell whether he was angry or crying. His elbows dug into his knees, slightly bent over with his head in his hands.

"Tobias-" I started.

"Get out," he growled. Yup, he was mad.

"Are you okay?"

"No now get out," he angrily boomed.

"Toby-" I said softly.

"You lied to me," Tobias interrupted by yelling, "You lied for, what, how many years? Two? Three?"

"Tobias I-"

"No! You lied for so long about her! You knew exactly who she was!"

I started to inch closer to him.

"You lied! What happened to no secrets?"

I was almost to him.

He stood up, his height towered over me but I wasn't scared.

"Don't touch me!" He growled as I reached a hand out. I didn't listen and placed my hand flat in the middle of his chest.

The room changed. We were in a small candle lit house in the dark. Tobias, still infront of me, knew exactly what I did. We looked to the left and watched the conversation I was showing him.

"So you have a boyfriend?" Blaire asked.

"Yeah, his name is Tobias," Daisy softly answered.

"Lucky," Blaire answered with a smile. The girls were conversating over a meal of chicken and potatoes.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Blaire went silent for a second. Thinking deeply about her answer. With it only being three months after the murders of all her friends, she wasn't sure whether to trust her new acquaintance.


"You thought about your answer like you used to have one," Daisy pointed out.

"He was never my boyfriend," Blaire softly answered before taking a bite of chicken.

"Oh come on, with your unique hair and absolute beauty you should be able to get whoever you want, what happened?"

Blaire stood from the table and walked to the kitchen a few feet away to spaz clean dishes. It was her defense mechanism to calm herself.

She looked at the floor to the right of her and then looked at Daisy, "He didn't make it."

"He died?" Daisy said surprised.

Without turning to look at Daisy, Blaire nodded in response.

"Blaire can I tell you a secret?" Daisy softly asked.

Blaire turned to face Daisy and sat back down at the table.

"Yeah sure."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Only if your secret is that you killed all my friends."

Daisy looked at Blaire like she was looking into the eyes of a hungry lion, and she really was. She wasn't talking the Blaire, no, not at all. Daisy was talking to Carla, strongest superhero in the entire world. Humans quake in her presence, they know just how powerful she is. Even other superhumans fear her. Anyone who crosses her should pray to God that she has mercy because Carla can kill someone with a single touch.

Carla, Co-Leader of Lionsville, lost all her friends in a fight just a few months ago. She's been MIA since then. Now Daisy knew that Carla is working for the same people that want her dead. She's working as the justice system now, working alongside assassins and sometimes stepping up and being an assassin herself.

Carla/Blaire rolled her eyes at Daisy's reaction.

"I know you're a superhuman Daisy," Blaire sighed as she leant back in her chair.

"You're- You're Carla."

Blaire used a power she obtained from her adopted little sister and shifted back to her original form, back to Carla.

"If you don't tell then I won't tell."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"I'm simply reminding you that assassins are tracking superhumans."

"They want to kill you. Dylan wants to kill you!" Daisy exclaimed.

"And if they knew what you were Daisy, what would happen to you?" Carla rhetorically asked. Daisy looked silently to the table.

"They'd skin you," Carla answered herself.

"What about you?"

"They wouldn't lay a finger on me," Carla explained, "Daisy you know who I am and what I can do."

Daisy nodded.

"And how do you know they'd catch me?"

"Because your only power involves showing people what you want them to see and telepathically speaking to people when they open their minds," Carla explained. Daisy sat wide eyed. She had never told anyone of her powers.

"Daisy I can read people too," Carla explained, "I knew you were different the first day I met you."

"Don't tell anyone."

"Then you can't tell anyone who I am, not even your boyfriend."

"Okay," Daisy answered, "Okay deal."

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