77 The God's Tongue And The Golden Hands

I was planning on doing some all chapters check-up but I had work in my family shop and couldn't do anything, I barely finished today's chapter.


Standing under the shadow of the nearest tree, Alexander and Erina looker at their surroundings awkwardly

"So, you came to see the battle?" Alexander asked

Erina flinched "eh?! Ah, yes...I had finally got some free time in my schedule so I decided to drop by..." She played with her hair shyly

"I see..." Another wave of awkwardness descended on them

"You...want to go there...together?" Alexander said, he started walking without waiting for an answer

"Yes...!" Erina looked at the back of the departing Alexander and ran behind him

"Why are you alone today?" He asked

"....?" Erina felt confused and didn't know what to say

"I meant the purple-haired girl, Hichoko I believe that was her name, where is she?" Said Alexander

"...I don't know..." Erina felt down and her

"What do you mean you don't know? She is your assistance..." Alexander didn't understand what Erina was talking about, and her grim expression made him even more confused

Erina sighed "She has not returned since the day she lost to the spice boy...I think she is afraid that I will be angry with her"

Alexander chuckled making Erin feel a little irritated "What is funny?" She asked

They entered the Chandra's room and faint noises of the crowd screams could be heard

"I mean, she has been with you ever since she was young, right?"

Erina stopped in her track and with a serious face, she is dead serious, she wants to know what made Alexander laugh at her words earlier "That is correct..."

Alexander felt her stopping, he heard her voice far behind him, so he stopped too and looked back at her "Tell me what did you do to all of your followers who lost their Shokugeki?"

Erina raised her head up high with pride "Of course I kicked them out, my wing doesn't have a space for useless losers..." As she finished her words, Erin looked at nothing as her words sank deep in her thoughts 'Can it be...?!!' She thought of the sole possibility

"There is your answer Buddy" When he saw Erina realizing what is the reason behind her assistance disappearance, Alexander resumed his walk towards his destination

Once she came out of her shock, Erina saw Alexander merging with the crowd of the staff "W-wait!! Alexander-sama!!"

She ran as hard as she can and pumped into few people but she was able to catch up to Alexander in the end

"What?" Seeing Erina grabbing the end of his white chef coat, Alexander asked Erina for her reason for such action

"Where are you heading to now?" She asked while trying to catch her breath

"To the waiting room..." He responded

Getting the answer she looked for, Erin blushed slightly and tried to speak meekly "Would you like to watch the next battle with me at my room?" She requested

"Why for?" Alexander saw no reason to why he should join her

"That...that is because my room is a VIP glass room, there is a TV and it is also at above the stage so you can watch clearly and live as the battle is going on..." Erina tried as hard as she can to get Alexander to be with her a little, she can count the times they were in the same room and talked to each other

(A.N: Yes, Glass and not Class, you know, like it is made of hard glass, it was shown in the anime one; although the floor and the ceiling are not made of glass)

She worked so hard to free her schedule without Hisako so she can come and watch his battle with her own eyes, but Alas, she couldn't and she was late to see his battle

So the least thing she can do is to stay with him to compensate for the lost battle she messed, right?

Alexander thought for a moment, Alice is having her battle against Hayama which is though one, especially if the theme of the battle was in Hayama's favor... Having a visible room near the audience to cheer his girl would be pretty nice

"Alright, let's go then..." He gestured for Erina to lead the way, her face brightened up drastically, it even made Alexander remember her cute little face when she was young and used to come to his house to play

'That one is still there...' He thought as he followed behind Erina to the 2nd floor 'I wonder how deep is the innocent Erina buried? '

As they entered the VIP room, Alexander walked forward and looked down at the stage where Alice and Hayama are cooking their dish, each one is doing their best and not underestimating the other. Both of them know how deadly that can be

"Ooh! It is really a nice view from up here!" Said Alexander

"Isn't it!" Erina walked to a table that had a cup of orange juice and poured some for the both of them

"Here..." She handed the glass to Alexander and sat down on the couch and gestured for Alexander to sit with her

While the two though that this was normal, the mere presence of Erina in this room that can be seen by anyone was a one of a lifetime event for the students below

"Oi!! Isn't that Erina-Sama!!" One student shouted

"What?! Where?" Asked another

"Up there at the VIP room!!" Answered the students

That little new speed among the audience like wildfire, Erina's worshippers started popping out one after another

Soon enough, the news reached the judges and even the two that are fighting

"Hoo! That one is Senzaemon-dono's granddaughter and the god tongue holder?!" Tsunozaki said with a hint of surprise in her voice, even someone as arrogant as her could acknowledge the power of the god tongue

While she was surprised, the other 4 didn't show any visible reaction, especially after witnessing Alexander defeating Koujiro, someone who is feared and respect by many top tier chefs out there

On that day, suddenly, the fear and respect they had for the god tongue dimmed down a little

As for the two that were fighting, they both heard the name Erin pope up in their ears and raised their heads in a reaction to that

Hayama noticed Erina and Alexander there, he clenched his hand tightly 'the strongest first years are up there...' His mind made him see their standing position as their current position

Alexander and Erin up there reflecting their rank while he is down here, still weak

While Hayama saw that as the difference in their powers

Alice saw a completely different thing

'What in the sweet seven seas is that retarded girl doing with my man?!!' She thought


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