

Being a follower is sweet always . To follow knowing we can't ever grab it. Grabbing takes courage as many say. But for me grabbing and possessing steal the charm of it. That's why I love the breeze. Never allowing to keep in your possession and always skips smiling.Roaming all around us and wistfully persuading . Mischievous enough to drive you nuts. Have  you ever thought of travelling with her? Oh! Nothing sweeter than that. Wandering around the unknown paths and that too with unpredicted moves. Rest never, complain never , argue never ... always busy trailing . I always thought , why can't she stop to share some sweet stories. The stories of green meadows , steep hills , dry lands and blue lakes . The stories of white , black and brown men she met . The stories of love , hatred and vengeance she saw over her trail. I'm sure you too would agree.

 I silently followed her , don't remember from when and where . Just to befriend her , I tiptoed and watched her swift and sweet moves. That  grace I swallowed and learned to adapt with her pace. She often playfully touched me and my senses but I knew I was just one among her ardent admirers. She made ripples in the bluish water with her toes and I could feel the ripples far inside my heart. And then one day I asked her losing my patience ... " Why don't you see us ? Your followers .. Or your admirers.. I'm one among them. I know you have seen me following you. Why don't you stay back for a second to have a glance at least. You touched me.. embraced me with your moves and made me follow you..Are you playing with my patience? I won't follow you anymore "..She smiled and touched my hair , whispered low.." Follow me just as you  did and let's fly over the hills and meadows. You too are a reason for my sail and I am glad to have you. You won't be tired following me. Followers will always have their reasons for sure.."

I couldn't but smile. You are breeze and you are wind..You are storm and you are hurricane. You can take with you whatever you want. Permissions not needed. So am I.. Follower is valiant and brave. He never seeks possession. So permissions are not the least needed. Happy to follow..As swift and smooth as ever..🙂

You are a follower.. space and time never matter

deepaknrcreators' thoughts