
A Secret of Love

It was a couple months before Nikolai could be moved into someone's basement. Alex wasn't there for the move but he knew where he was. Nikolai stood in the middle of his temporary home. The walls were a dark grey concrete and the place smelled old. His bed was a mattress on the floor in the corner by the boiler. It was a good place to sleep with the cold winter. In whole the place was probably only 3 metres wide and 4 metres long, the perfect size for a bed and a boiler. He was allowed to use the bathroom at the top of the stairs as he wished. The woman caring for him kept all the blinds closed and always locked the door if someone arrived unannounced.

Overall the place was good and the woman kind. He was fed and warm and that's all he wanted. He'd only been there a couple weeks but Alex hadn't visited since last Sunday. His anxiety spiked as he thought about why he'd do that. Just like always, as soon as he started fretting, his mate arrived. Bursting through the door and sprinting down the stairs. Nikolai jumped into his arms enjoying the closeness of his mate. His mind was at ease again, at least until it thought of the pressing matter he need to talk about. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind he sprinted up the stairs and flopped over the toilet. He heaved his past meals out into the bowl, the sounds making him even more sick. His mate knelt beside him, rubbing his back, trying desperately to stay calm.

Nikolai slumped against the wall, his body exhausted yet again. He stared into his mate's eyes, seeing straight through to the concern hiding within. "I'm ok Xander. Promise." His voice was harsh but he spoke as softly as he could. His mate nodded but continued to frown. "I'm going to have Hades to organise a doctor. I don't give a damn if you think you're fine. Throwing up is not normal." They both looked up as someone grunted from the doorway. The woman who owned the house just rolled her eyes, "It has to be normal with the amount of times he does it." Her voice whined into the small room. Instantly Alex looked at Nikolai.

He took out his phone and called his friend, Hades. His voice was gruff as he argued with his friend. "Well, I don't care that it's late." "No I will not let you sleep. This is bad." "HADES, YOU SWINE! I don't give a damn if you come." With that he hung up, fuming. Nikolai had given up on leaning against the wall and was now flopped into his mate's lap, like a sack of potatoes. His gentle snores warned Alex not to move as he too started to feel tired. He'd spent the last 4 days confirming that after this much time Nikolai must be dead. Contacting his parents was the worst part, telling them a lie that would ruin their lives. He'd had a panic attack not long after, passing out later from all the stress. He'd then spent today handing in his notice and signing all the forms for his early retirement.

His mind dragged him closer to sleep until the sound of his friends angry voice alerted him. "Hades, Shush! He's resting. Go ask Sheila for info." Hades nodded and turned to the woman for information. She knew what he wanted and easily listed what was happening. "He's been vomitting at least twice a day. Barely eats. Sleeps a lot though. He's been like this for the last 3 weeks." Hades just nodded and frown at the sleeping omega. He gently knelt beside his and shook him softly. Nikolai slowly woke, smacking his lips together. Hades smiled softly at him, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners. "I believe you have something to tell your mate. I'll fast track your relocation to next week." He then rose to his 6 foot height, his knees cracking in response. He nodded and swiftly went on his way.

Alex sat there puzzled and concerned. "Nymph, explain.... please." He stared at his mate in fear. Nikolai just chuckled. "Calm down you worry wort. I'm pregnant, well, I think I am." Alex stopped breathing, his heart froze. His mate is pregnant, 3 months on and he's pregnant. His breath slowly blew through his nose as his right hand gently cupped the tiny bump at his mate's stomach. A baby.... a baby is in there. His shock lasted for a while but as it did his smile got bigger and his eyes more watery. He's going to be a father. He leant forward and gently kissed his mate, his joy oozing from him. They sat there, on the cold white tiles for most of the night. Neither of them speaking as the cuddled together, absorbing the joyous news. Theirs hearts began to beat as one as their bond increased. Sheila had long since gone to bed by the time they realised it was cold. Alex lifted a sleeping Nikolai into his arms, carrying him to his bed. He gently layed his mate onto the blue sheets before quickly lying behind him and curling them towards the boiler and it's warmth. They fell asleep in each other's arms both dreaming about their unborn child and what could be.

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