
Chapter 13

I woke up the next day bright and early and looked to my calendar. "mmm.. Looks like I only have just over week to do what's needed. I took a quick shower got dressed and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast but decided it'd be quicker if I just went out. So I sped off to the nearest diner and took a seat. " Good morning Sir what what would you like to order?" I chuckled a bit to myself , he really just called me sir.

"I'd like you to give me all the bacon, eggs and pancakes you have" the waiter looked at me shocked but wrote it down. Just as he was about to turn away I stopped him "I'm worried you think I just want a lot of pancakes, eggs and bacon but I want you to bring me ALL the eggs, bacon and pancakes" he quickly nodded his head and walked away.

After 20 minutes my table was filled with food as everyone in the dinner turned to look at me. I simply ignored them and took my knife and fork and showed them a sight they'd never forget as I devoured every last thing before their very eyes, washing it down with 2litres of good old oj. I then paid the check and walked out leaving them in awe.

After speeding back home I went down to my basement which I had nicknamed The bunker. "Jarvis tap into every security feed in in CC and start tracking and recording Harrison Wells. Feel free to use any resources you need." "Will do Sir"

I then sat at my computer and started my own hacking into Mercury Labs.

It's seems I'm too early. I thought there would have at least been some form of success on the tachyon prototype but as of now it's just an idea. So then how am I supposed to get to Earth 38. My most conservative estimates put me at mach 2 by years end but Barry was going at mach 3.3 when he broke the barrier. And I doubt I'll reach that within my first year since my bodies still growing and hasn't reached full maturity either.

It seems I might have to visit professor Steins friend. If I remember correctly he was at the forefront of such research. It took Cisco a little over 6 months to build the breacher device but then again he was more attuned to the vibrations than I am. Wait, what if I constantly vibrated my body to different frequencys and recorded them. In theory If I could vibrate my body while running at the right speed to generate enough energy to break the barrier I should be able to go to another earth. Aaah but how would I know which earth I'm going to, even if did trial and error I have no way of knowing if the universe I'm traveling to is hostile or not.

Thoughts for another day I suppose. I looked back at the computer screen and saw over 2 hours had passed. Time to go scouting , I got up and put on my smart watch and left the house to begin tracking Wells. My first stop was to STAR Labs. Standing outside it looks like the facility itself had been completed. Meaning the time vault should already be there. If memory serves then there aren't any cameras in that passage way so Jarvis can't track me there. And with Wells's hard on for Barry there's no way he wouldn't recognize me.

"Jarvis where's Dr Wells?"

"Dr Wells is attending a lecture at CC university, the lecture is said to end in an hour"

"Thanks Jarvis, keep tracking him"

With Wells out there's no way anyone will be able to see me. So I sped into the facility and started looking for the time vault. Ah finally found it. I placed my hand on the pad and the door opened to reveal a room. I didn't immediately enter as I used a scanner to first scan the room of any traps or bugs. After having satisfied my paranoia I walked in. "Gideon how you" "I'm well thank for asking Mr Allen". "Gideon I need you to tell me where Dr Wells is hiding his power source". "Could you please specify the question sir". "Uhm..Scan for the highest single, stable and portable power source in all of Dr Wells possession and bring up their specifications and images" " I've found 5 power sources but only 1 matching your specifications, bringing it up now"

Damn Gideons awesome, looks like his hiding it in his house. But it seems Gideon doesn't have the full specs or the research behind it so I can't build one for myself. "OK thanks Gideon, and keep today's meeting between us." "Of course Mr Allen" "Thanks" I then zipped off back home to plan how I would infiltrate this bastards house.

I spent the next couple of days monitoring Harrisons schedule try to find when the best time to strike would be. "Jarvis I believe we've found our weak link, keep up the surveillance, we strike tomorrow!"

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