
Chapter 2: Planning, Fears and Prodigy

As time goes on after his and his brothers birth the Allen twins were slowly following their future legends pasts as they live their life's as one who no's nothing of his fate and another who no's nothing of his future.

In Noah last life there was a saying he thought was very wise and true. The saying is that knowledge is power this saying is true and a blessing to the ones who use the chance but it can also be a curse and this is proven true for the future speedster Noah Stark Allen when you focus to much on the future instead of the present.

In the house of the Allen's there are two boys one with blond hair and blueish green eyes and another with brown hair and green eyes the first is Noah Allen and the second Barry Allen these two right now is in a crib playing well Barry is Noah is to much in thought once again.

After waking up after being born he found himself in his new house at first he decided to tell his parent about Eobard Thawne and his goal but decided against that as he most likely will be deemed as crazy and didn't want to lose his new family as they love him very dearly but it still makes him sad when he thinks about how he will have to allow his mom to die and dad go to jail along with having to allow them to think his brother is lying and trying to save their dad.[ :( ]

Well since that idea was denied he come up with some targets to accomplish before the night of Barry's power up came into being also known for as being the day the particle accelerator exploded and Barry coma starts and becomes a speedster.

This list is so he can be prepared for future villain and finding a way to get the speed force. well mainly a way to get lest bored as he was still a baby and there isn't much he can do.

As for gaining access to the speed force he first he thought of trying the password for the speed force equation and life and death equation but he relished that he doesn't remember them to begin with he barley read the comic only watch the movies and tv shows well anyway here is the list for now it'll get updated as he goes on.

List for Project Savitar:

1.) Create two A.I names Jasmine and Lily these two A.I can help him with projects mainly secret ones and gathering info or spying on people and will be upgraded periodically plus he always wanted daughter in his last life but as he never was at all remotely social and he didn't really like the concept of adoption now don't get it wrong he isn't against it but their is more of a connection when its your own flesh and blood.

2.) Create a suit of Savitar but instead of blue and black the colors white and gold as more noble as he was going to become the god of speed but this and the A.I are more of a way future thing

3.) Find a source of money like build a company and put in stocks for companies.

4.) Get at least masters degrees in science, research, engineering, architecture, Biomechanics, and learn about physics and quantum physics and lastly art what I like drawing and you have to have a hobby or two not to go crazy from stress.

5.) Find a temp base until they get rid of Dr. Wells/ Eobard Thawne and then recondition star labs and up its sucerity, add more room and put the main vigilanty stuff into the time vault since that place is very secret but change where it is just in case Thawne comes back.

6.) Create a super soldier serem and or steal some Mirakuru and upgrade/ fix its defects so he can give a lover or himself mainly more strength and faster healing as even though they have speed they tend to be weak and if they were super strong one hit to most will end it and they wont even see how the were beat as of how fast they were.


So yeah this is the list so far but can as said before updated or something removed later. This list also took a long time to make as his body is of a baby and is hard to stay awake but he also had truble sleeping becasue when he sleept he had nightmares of the reverse flash coming to kill barry on that fateful night but becuase he was there he decided to get rid of him along with Nora as he was a paradox or a anomaly and Barry was just taken by the future flash and was very upset so he killed him as well.

This caused him and his new parent endless problems but it was only for a week because when he realized that all he had to do was hide or be close to Barry when this happened so future flash took him as well which caused him to have less and less nightmares until they were almost gone they are still there put it is rare to have them and it was still a fear as he just got this new life and didn't want it to end just yet.

As the years went on and it was very close to the day he loses his parent he noticed he had photographic memory but this dosent work on his last life memorys which sucks but at least he became known as a prodgy well at least by his parent until school.

As for why he was called a prodgy because at age one he was already walking, at one and a half he was already talking, and at age two he already learned to read and write and at three he already meorized and finished the work up to third grade which wasnt hard as it was pretty much just review but he kept this to himself instead of skiping grades as he wanted to stay by his brothers side and live a semi normal life until it happens and for once he was normal again no more trouble talking to people well some but whatever and also alway alone in a corner reading alone.

As for Barry he was also very smart but not my smart he also become friends with Iris West as he did in the orginal time line I also become friends with her via Barry as well but keep some distance as i dont want to steal or cause problem with my brothers future wife and my sister in law and as the years go bu 1995, 96, 97, 98, 99 but all things must come to a end at some point the fateful year finaly arrived they were now eleven this year the year of 2000.

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