
Fix your game

"What are you doing?" Said the boy behind Louc. Louc looked behind him and said "Im fixing things." "But why?" "... Money i need money now leave me alone i still have to do stuff," Louc stated and told the boy to leave. "Alright goodbye mister. But wait what is that game your fixing?" out of curiousness the little boy asked. "Its League of legends." "What? What's that?" Louc looked at the little boy behind him 'so innocent you dont need to know the toxic planet, i can't let you be infected!' he thought then said, "Its nothing." "Okay mister thank you for your time." the little boy said and left. That was interesting.

LordPool · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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2 Chs

Fixing the sh*tty balance team.

What the hell am i doing to my life. An old man with a slightly tattered beard said he was wearing a black suit it seems that he was on a job hunt.

I have a system but i can't even make use of it because no one wants me! he said feeling defeated, he even has a system but no one wants an old man like him!

Suddenly a flyer flew onto his face, it said.

Recruiting Game Moderators please come to this address. XXX-XXX -Riot Games

Riot games? The company that made League? ... Why not try? I have the abilities of a world class game moderator or even any type of job involving a game.

He went to the address and saw no one else went there it was only him, it looked suspicious.

'Glad i have pepper spray and brass knuckles.' He thought and took out a little spray can and put it in his pocket ready to take it out anytime.

"Welcome sir!" Said a man wearing tuxedo, he looked a little fat but he was still fit.

Louc looked at the man and asked "Is this the place where the recruitment is?"

"Yes yes! Its just this way come!" The man said and started leading the way.

'System is this guy suspicious or have anything to do with illegal stuff?'

{No this man isn't suspicious, he is the boss responsible for recruiting people for the game League of legends.}

Phew.. alright im safe, but i'll still keep my pepper spray you may never know something might happen.

He started following the man, they both entered a huge building it was huge.

This place is huge as expected. he thought and kept following the man.

"Were here." The man said pointing at the computers and the people infront of him.

"Thank you, but how or what am i supposed to do to get recruited?" Louc asked while looking at the people in the area.

"You're hired!" The man exclaimed outloud not caring about the other people. "Here's your salary and here's the time table/schedule of where and what time you will be coming here to work, and heres a map of the HQ."

.... Wait what? So this is why your balancing team is so sh*t. You just pick random people to balance the game.

"Alright thank you boss, so should i work now? And what's my position?" Louc asked while maintaining a gaze to the boss.

"Game moderator, Game developer, you can do anything you want, just make sure to update the game with balances remember to always nerf aurelion sol he is very strong late game."

What? ... Louc calmed himself down and said.

"Alright sir, i'll be issuing a balance this day can i work now?"

"This day? What do you mean?" The man asked confused what Louc just said.

"Yes this day im intending on changing the meta of the game to fit the fair and balanced enviroment."

".... O-okay? Should i appoint you as the leader?" the man asked.

Louc looked at the people on the desks doing stuff, and said "If possible please do."

"Alright." The man then inhaled, and yelled "Wake up! In this moment, this man right here is gonna be your leader, he is one of the best of the best so make sure to follow his directions."

the bunch of people then looked at Louc standing beside the boss.

"Yes boss." they sounded pretty tired and just told the boss that they'll be following him now.

"Alright im leaving, make sure to eat and make sure to finish the update by today."

Huh? Update by today? What are you talking about?

"Boss.. what do you mean?" A tall man stood up and asked.

"This man here wants to make a giant update overturning the meta by today, so make sure to follow him."

"What!" all of the people on the office exclaimed out in shock, it seems that the shock woke them up fully and started questioning.

"What do you mean??"

"Can you really do that?!"

"What the hell!"

Louc heard their voices and started to think of what to do and just said.

"Calm down, if you can't do it then i'll do it by myself infact i wont even need you guys." he said making people frown.

"Why are you being so arrogant?" A man with a yellow hair said.

"Im not arrogant, im confident in my abilities." Louc counterattacked making people frown once again but decided to just stop because they know this argument wont be getting anywhere.

"Alright let me introduce my self, i am Louc the Fix it master i can fix anything any bugs, glitches, or loopholes i can fix any game you name." Louc said once again making people frown but didn't argue with him.

Louc inhaled and loudly yelled "Lets start! Im gonna assign some people, so on the left side row will be dealing with 52 champions, on the right side row will be dealing with 52 champions as well. If you cannot finish it in time then pass it onto me, i'll be able to finish the changes. As for me i'll be doing 53 chamlions in total 157 champs."

.... Are you serious..? What the f*ck are you doing making a brand new game?

"But sir there are too many champions we cannot finish this in a day!" A small but muscular man said.

"What did i say? I said to give me the remaining champs you guys didn't finish."

... Alright if you insist on dying then we'll give you the champions we cant finish. Besides we've been bored since that fat ass wont let us do anything so atleast now there's something to do. They all thought and started working.

'Alright i better start as well," He said and started working.

{Would you like to use the ability [Extreme Work Ethic]}

'Yes' He thought and went into zone.


After 24 hours of break, mental exhaustion, trial and error. Finally the finished product was done.

Louc was standing up not even tired clapped his hands together making a loud sound, "Alright thank you for your hard work lets put it out now, and see the people's reactions."

"Haha i wonder what they'll think when we the balance team finally did something good for once." The tall man laughed outloud while patting Louc's back it looked like the man was tired, but not tired enough to stop him from laughing.

"Yep, i hope they shower us praises." The little but muscular man said with glittering eyes.

"Hey but remember, that if it weren't for the leader we wont even finish in time he did all the work."

"Indeed your right about that, now lets put it out! Drinks on me tonight if people have good feedback!" The tall man yelled outloud.

"Yeah!" All of the responded more or less in unison.

'They're finally looking like a team, earlier they couldn't even communicate with each other. Is it the result of my skill? [Extreme Work Ethic (Team Version)]'

3... 2... 1... Its out!

Phew now all we have to do is wait.


10 minutes have passed when the updated launched.

The players all around the world were confused normally if an update were to happen, the gm's would hype it up but this time they didn't even hype it up? What's the meaning of this?

"Hey bro look a new update and its huge!"

"What the hell happened?"

Reddit, Instagram, facebook, youtube, name all of the social media's you know and you'll be seeing on the top search League of legends new update.

Alot of people seems to be talking about the balance update and how finally the balancing team did well.

"What the f*ck is the world ending? The balance team actually did something good? Not even good this is f*cking amazing!" A redditor said with 50k+ upvotes.

"Ahaha did riot finally fired the kids who we're balancing the game?"

Streamers, League streamers and alot more caught of this information and started making content.

(League of legends finally making the right move??) Youtube videos popping up left and right it has only been 5 hours since the release!

Irelia adjusted!

Aurelion sol adjusted!

Akshan adjusted!

alot more overrated and underrated got nerfed or either buffed.

The people started saying that this was by far the best move that League has done in a'while.

The game is finally balanced for f*cks sake! People can already see the Lucian outplays, yasuo outplays, outplays everywhere this patch can finally bring out the outplays!

Well atleast now they can atleast fight back by outplaying the adc, well only if they can outplay them, atleast they wont get oneshot are what the players are saying.

A video went out on League of legends social media's.

The youtube video was titled, (Balance patch, the patch you have all been waiting for) it was straightforward and immediatley caught the players of League and non league players.

"Hi players, its me the new leader of the balance team my name is Louc miller bringing you the balance patch that you have all been waiting for..." Louc continued the video explaining all the balancing of the champions.

The video was about 6 hours long, yes 6 hours long who would be stupid enough to watch that long of a video. Apparently alot of people.

"What's going on? why is the video so long? What is going with the balance team are they on crack?" A yt commenter with 500k+ likes.

"I dont know what happened but i think it all changed when this leader Louc joined."

"Yeah i think so too, i think he is the god that the balance team needed."

"They even patched bugs and glitches! and balanced the items as well!"

"I dont know anymore, is this a dream?"

"Riot, did you finally hear my prayers?" Tyler1 commented recieving alot of agreement with the other people. People can't imagine how big of a smile Tyler is making right now.

"Riot are you good? If its possible we would like you to keep the leader of the balance team, it seems that he is the one that made the huge amount of changes if you fire him, your on drugs." Voyboy commented recieving alot of laughs.

"I love you riot." Yassuo commented.

Louc was now scrolling throuch youtube comments on the League of legends yt account, he needed to upload the video, he gave alot of hearts and commented on some of them as well.

"Thanks for the support voyboy i'll try my best not to get fired. -Louc."

"Oh sh*t its the leader!"

"Hello can i get free stuff?"


"Tap this link to get free S3#£@,@;'"

"Stupid bots."

Meanwhile Louc was laughing his ass off, and kept scrolling down and found t1's comment.

"Thanks t1 we're gonna keep issuing out the balances to refresh the players mind on the meta's as well as the new champions that will come to the game, and thank you for your support of the game! -Louc"

"Bro, you dont know how much i love you." T1 replied fast.

"Haha thank you i love you as well." Louc replied and turned of his phone and walked to the bar.

He looked at the people infront of him drunk with red faces, they looked like a bunch of kids that discovered the playground.

'This is only the start.' He smiled and took a seat "One bottle sir!" He yelled and slammed his hand on the counter.

"Coming right up!" The bartender was in a good mood as alot of people came to drink.


Author's note: Wassup alright have a nice day peeps.