
Five of a Kind

Arlow is kidnapped by who she originally thinks to be a foe, which might end up being her savior. Vega is a runaway trying to protect a target of her former family Why do they want Arlow? What is so special about her? Read to find out!

Logan_McLarty · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter 6 - Vega POV

As I felt the first dab of antiseptic in the deep claw-like marks on my neck and face, the pain was almost too much, and my vision went black at the edges.

"Look at me; you're gonna be okay," she says.

I flinch as she moves to a new spot; even though she is putting little pressure, it still hurts like hell. The girl absently smooths down my hair in a subconscious way to comfort me.

"Sorry, sorry sorry" she mutters, moving to wrap my neck.

"It's okay," she says softly, "I'm gonna take care of you." She pets through my hair, brushing it out of my face. "Stay awake, you've gotta stay with me alright, you can rest in a little bit, right now just look at me." I struggle to heed her words and take a moment to just focus on her.

Ginger hair, brown eyes, and white gown swirl in my vision. 'From a technical standpoint,' my brain unhelpfully supplies, 'she is rather attractive,' As I sit in my haze from blood loss, I realize something.

"I just realized… I never asked… your name or your age... Or really anything about you," I stutter out. She lets out a short-laugh

"You really think this is the best time for 20 questions?" she says half-jokingly. "It's Arlow." A questioning look pulls across her face before she asks

"You know… I never got your name either Ms. Mysterious," I rolled my eyes at the nickname and replied.

"Just call me Star for now," even in my haze, I still have enough sense not to give out my real name. Star probably isn't a wise choice either but oh well.

"As I said, Ms. Mysterious won't even give out her real name," she shakes her head and sighs dramatically. I muster the strength to roll my eyes.

"You know what Arlow? Your-really-pretty," I say slurring together the last sentence. 'Huh,'' I think, 'Why risk alcohol poisoning when I can just lose a lot of blood?' I let out a small chuckle and immediately wince as it pulls at damaged skin.

"What's so funny, Star?" Oh wow… when I was with them I always hated whenever they called me that- never failing to send a chill up my spine and bile building in my throat. However… from her, I can get used to the sound of it.

"You should say that more often I like how it sounds coming from you," she hesitates, a blush quickly brightening her cheeks and I continue, " I was thinking… why drink when you can get similar effects from blood loss?" I say in between giggles. A dark look takes over her face

"Again, I'm really sorry," I groaned as she says this.

"Arlow. For the last time… it's not your fault…" my eyes slip shut as she finishes bandaging my wounds.