

Everything they find they throw hard into the shadow even though despite the knowledge it doesn't matter because it doesn't hit the shadow, every attack just penetrates its body.

"Damn! It's not really hitting this ugly monster!" Lily shouted in frustration.

"Lily! Come on, hurry up!" I shouted again.

Camilla pulled him away. "Come on."

The shadow is behind us. The chase seemed to slow down deliberately to annoy us and make us laugh.

Even though we were not far from the house, we saw a few large snakes lurking in the distance.

We stopped running and seemed to be statuesque on the stand.

"What the fuck!" Chren cursed.

My ears were almost ringing with the force of Chren's words. He still carried Francine on his shoulder. "Snakes? Again? Really?" He asked sarcastically.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. Fear and stuttering can be heard in my voice.

"What else? Of course we'll run for our lives. Let's go that way!" Camilla said. She almost shouted that.

We quickly ran in the direction Camilla pointed.

The large snakes were immediately alerted to our sudden deviation and are now being chased by them.

There are at least five of them.

His tongue was sticking out, and he seemed very hungry. If they catch up with us, we will definitely have a hard time fighting back because of their quantity and size.

"This way!"

Camilla took the turn again. We immediately followed him. Francine, who had just been led by Chren, had let go and seemed to be getting stronger again. Little by little, he kept up with the speed of our running.

"Faster! Argh!" Francine grunted.

We accelerated the run even more. When I turned to Macey, I could see he was having a hard time running.

"Can you still run, Macey?" Do you want me to carry you?" I asked. She nodded.

"Come here." I slowed down a bit to lift Macey.

But Chen got ahead of me. "Let me." He said.

He smiled at me to say it was okay. I just gave him another smile and continued running. Macey clung to his neck. I suddenly felt pity for the child.

She should be playing out there, not running for her life. Not being chased by these animals-or should I say, not-so-demonic-creatures.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

Lily and I were caught running. We are also picking up anything that can be used as a defense against the snakes that are chasing us.

I looked around when I noticed that the shadow was gone. Lately, we seem to want to tear it apart.

What are you looking for? You might fall for Miss Aya. "Mind your steps." Lily reminds me

"No. I just noticed that the shadow suddenly disappeared. Weird. I said. "Did he own the snakes?"

"I noticed too, Miss Aya. Snakes are unusual. I don't know if I saw it right or if my eyes are just messing with me weird, but I think I saw their eyes glow in red." Lily almost gasped as she said that.

"Just like those wild boars the other night," he added.