
Chapter 2

"Hey, CK!!" Jai called out to him.

We were in the playground since our teachers were not coming in our classroom since they had decided that we were so unruly that they can't teach us anymore.

Me, Jai and another classmate was in the monkey bars trying the tricks that some of our classmates taught us. That was when the topic of crushes came.

I was always an honest kid before. So, I said that I had a crush with CK before in 2nd grade.

That was when Jai called CK out of the blue.

"Yeap! What's up?" He asked while playing with some of the bars too.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Did you know? That moira had a crush on you before?"

CK stopped for a while and laughed.

"Are you joking? Ew!"

And that went my first puppy love. But I wasn't heartbroken because he did not felt the same way since I knew he liked another classmate of ours. But the thing that broke my heart was that our friendship also ended that day.

We were still talking with each other but more of classmates now unlike before the BIG REVEAL as I called it.


My next disappointment with my parents reared its head when graduation from grade school came. My dad promised before that he would be the one to get me my 'diploma' but he said that he would just attend when I graduate high school since he had work to do. And I agreed.

But I was already so disappointed that, that was the first time I did not want to do good in school.

There was an examination for a special class in our high school that summer and my mom wanted me to take it. But I did not really want to do it because in my mind, what was the point?

But she still pushed me to go through with it.

"Come on, hurry up! You're going to be late with the exams, what would you do is you're not in the special class." My mom said while dragging me to the classroom where my name should be. I didn't even know that she applied for me to take the exam.

We got there just in time, just before the exam started.

I saw some of my classmates there and I smiled and waved at them. I looked putside and saw that my mom was already walking away. So, when the teacher gave the test papers, I just encircled randomly on the choices. I don't even care where I was put with the sections and all.

While we were on break, my friends and I were talking about the exam.

"We thought you wouldn't take this exam?" Kaye asked as we were walking back to the classroom where we were taking the exam. We just bought snacks from the canteen and we were walking while eating.

"Yeah, I thought so too and I wouldn't have if it were not from my mom."

"You think you would pass?" She asked.

"Definitely not! I heard from Kim that you and some of our classmates before took a review class for this exam?"

"Yeap and man was it hard. The questions now are also difficult. Some weren't even discussed but most of them were."

"Hmmm....I don't even know what you were talking about since I just answered randomly."

"Well, good luck. But I thought you were going to the different school? That was what you told us before."

"My dad did not agree. He said that it was too far from home. But I was thinking that since it was close to his work that it was convenient but he did not agree. I wonder why."

I always thought that this was where fate first meddled with my life.