
Chapter Six

Once in front of door i took a deep breath.

okay oli you can do this.

and knocked.

And waited for his reply.


It was Natasha and looking at her i think i interrupt something.

Oh god why i have the worst timing in the world. Maybe i will come later.

No oli you don't have time.

"I wanted to talk Marcus. " i said looking down hoping it would hide my blush.

"Are you blind? Can't you see he is busy? We are busy."she said.

"It's okay Nat let her in." His voice sends chills thorough my body.

"Thank you"  i said in small voice.

"Can i talk to you alone?"

"Why you-"

"It's fine nat i will meet you in our room" he interrupted her.

When said our room it did something to my heart. I wasn't supposed feel this way.

"I just--" i don't know how to say this without sounding like a gold digger.

"Say it"

I looked at his grey eyes.

"I needed some money. I never wanted to ask you but i really have no choice. I will return it to on Monday i promise. "

"Breath Olivia" he said coming near me with glass of water.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you both but it is very urgent. "

"How much?"

I looked at him confused.

"How much you need?" He said with a little smile on his face.


He was shocked. He went around the desk opened the drawer. And that's when i noticed his office. It is beautiful just like his house , there is this big window on my left which gives the beautiful view of garden. He have a small lake. The garden is filled with beautiful flowers.

"Olivia here."he handed money. It no where looked near three thousand dollars. I counted them it was more than 5000 dollars in cash.

"I can't take this. It's 5 thousand dollars.  Please take this back" i said while trying to hand him extra cash.

"Keep it." He replied sternly. My eyes went to small digital clock on his table.

I need to leave now.

"I have to go. Thank you"i gave him small smile and while opening door"Take wilson with you."

"I will. Thank you."

I guess he is not as bad as media show.

I quickly went to my room got dressed and took money in my purse. I called wilson and asked him to drop me at Jessica's house.

While on ride only one thing was on my mind.

Marcus the person who decided to ignore.

His smile,the amusement and suprised look in his eyes  and his kindness. He didn't even ask me for reason why i needed so much money?

Oli he billionaire.. a billionaire, a businessman with beautiful girls lined up for his attention.

He doesn't care.

But why he have to be so nice? It is going to be hard to ignore him.

We finally reached at my aunt's house.

I hurriedly went in opened the door without knocking.

And there she was, sitting on sofa like a queen.

In front of her, on coffee table there was ring in golden chain near it was my mother's ashes in silver plated urn. It have my mum's name Mary Williams.

"You are before time as always. Do you have money i asked you for?"

"Yes" i replied taking 3 thousand dollars from my purse.

"Good Olivia. And i wanted tell you one more thing."she took money from hands and started counting "stay away from my son. Don't you dare to tell him anything about this marriage. I've already blocked his number from your phone and deleted it."

I was shocked.

"Jessica i can't--"

"I didn't asked you Olivia i told you to stay away from my son. Oh and go check in your room if you have anything left because we're shifting." She got up and left towards kitchen and that's when i noticed some packed boxes. I took the urn and wore the chain with shaking hands.

I went upstairs to my small room. There were few things of mine. I took bag which was in my old closet and started  packing some books few dollars which were under my mattress. Few clothes which were left behind. I packed all of stuff and placed the urn safely.

I have decided I'm going to church it is time to let her go. I went towards front door in hurry. I wiped my eyes with back of my hands. I closed the door and pulled out my phone to call uber.

"There is no need to call uber Oli" i looked to see Wilson i wiped my eyes again..

"Oli are you ok? Here." He handed me his handkerchief.

"I'm fine Wilson. Thank you" i said while taking handkerchief from his hands. I wiped my eyes again but my tears were not stopping.

Calm down oli you can go home and cry in your bathroom like always.

"When a women says she is fine she is not fine. I've learned it hard way." I gave him a small smile.

"Thank for staying and making me feel better Wilson. "

He took bag from my hand and helped me sit in car.

And with that he started car.


Did you did something productive in this lockdown?

Cause i didn't.

I didn't did anything than scrolling insta, reading books and watching web series and movies?

Thank you for reading 😊.

Have a day you deserve...

Wait i just wanted to thank all the people who are reading this story and giving it a chance.

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