

*There is fire on the mountain run run run run to your house, but when the fire is in our house where do we run too* What happens when the people that are close to you are responsible for your down fall? What happens if you can't trust anyone, and every one is a threat to you? What happens when a young girl was rescued by the police force and no criminal was apprehend? Join her on her adventurous journey of love, lost, betrayal, and friendship as she is on a mission to find out who she really is?, or even better who she really was?, as she is determined and will not stop until she finds out what happened to her. Is her past the answer? Find out what happens to Habiba in her quest in "FINDING HABIBA"

mu_eedarh · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
166 Chs


(Monday the 26th of August)

" Good morning Nigeria, my name is Muhammad yunus,

welcome to NNB,

as we bring you classified details of a girl who was found by the Nigerian police men last week in Abuja, two strangers a man and a woman claims to be her parents as they brought classified information about our victim who suffers amnesia, will be discharged today from Government general hospital, and we will speak to her live at 12:00 noon so stay tuned,

who is this girl?, are the Nigerian police men lying to us?, are these people true?, if she was captured why was she not reported missing?, Yes Nigeria I know these are questions that floods your mind, it also floods mine and trust me I am as curious as you and I think we need answers. Stay tuned and continue watching NNB news."

I stood still until the camera man dropped the camera. *Hmm* I let down a sign of relief as I walked into the hospital. The time was 9:00am I was reporting morning news, and had already wasted one hour shooting the first part of my report, I went into the office of the MD (medical director) and we spoke for two hours behind camera he told me the rules and regulations of having a camera in the hospital he also told me the diction I should use, he also told me not to say anything bad about the Nigerian police force, and about doctors. I agreed as we shock hands and I smiled back at him, typical Nigerians this horrible place I was born and brought up in I am tired, but luckily for me, I meet the MD in a good mood, and he told me they will be discharging the patient by 1:00pm as rumors of her leaving the hospital by twelve was rampart, and he those not want to be discussed by the countries reporters, politicians, and its people, afterwards.

I went to have a small snack as I tried to get in the mood of broadcasting, after my interview with the MD it was already 11:30am as I waited for good two hour thirty minutes before his arrival, yes he came to work by 10:30am and I overheard some attendants calling him early.

As I was seated on a chair while having my snack I meet two stranger who introduced themselves as the victims parents, according to my assessment they were okay, they spoke good English and were financial okay to me, unlike cases like this that the parents hardly communicate in English or our Nigerian pidgin, they wanted to be interviewed but I declined as I don't have a mind of my own yet in the news casting industry which I hope is temporary, and this was too good to be true like his the hell do I know if there are telling the truth.

*shit, shit, shit its 12:30pm already*

I shouted with a great shock, and to my surprise it was just my subconsciousness speaking. I stood up as I ran from the two strangers and started gathering my news team, I went into the patient's room and to my greatest surprise I saw the room empty and a nurse clearing and rearranging it, "what?, where is the girl?" I shouted as I continued to breathe heavily as I ran almost circulating the hospital.

" She left an hour and fifty minutes ago" she said as she reads her time

"but its only 12:50pm I said

" did you meet with the MD?" she asked

"yeah I did"

" Then you should have known that she left by 11:00am today" she answered with a smile which made her wig move a little backwards and I could see her unkept hair underneath.

" But he told me she was living by 1:00pm I answered with complete disappointment

" well, you know they are five news station outside, and they have been denied access into the hospital, and this is 12:56pm so imagine what it will look like by 1:00pm, and don't you think to get what they want they will follow the innocent girl back home" she said almost laughing at my stupidity

"true" I sighted as I turned to take my leave

" you know I can help you with classified information she said almost immediately

" Which is?" I answered as I turned again.

" What's in for me?" she answered looking more and more interested in the conversation

" you mean, how much" I just cut to the chase as it is almost 1:00pm and I need to report fast

"2k take it or leave it" I said

she said "OK, done"

which was strange for anyone to agree on but whatever, I forgot that this is Nigeria, and we need bribes right, thank God my company gives that just in case money, but it was not up to me as I had to call and ask for permission

" give me a second I said as I walked out of the room

" hello" I started the conversation

" Asalamualaykum musa I spoke with a nurse, and she said she has classic details for me, she is asking for token of 10k" I said with a smile, obviously I increased the money

"send me her bank details I will do it pronto"

"What? "No no, she needs cash send it to mine" I said with a lump on my throat as I knew what was about to happen here.

" Done, its 12:08pm get her to talk okay, and I need explanations do you understand

*Sure and you will get one *

" Yes sir" I said as I switched off the phone, just like that 8k in my account I never knew it was this easy to get, or maybe it's because of time. I entered the room and hurriedly sighted my camera crew who was coming as I had instructed them to.

" Done, get ready, you are going live" I said, not paying attention at the facial expression she made

" no, I am not on make up" she shouted

" You are live in 5...,4,.....3.....,2....." The producer shouted from behind.

" Cameras rolling, your live in 3....,2.....,1...and your live."

" My name is Muhammad yunus, Good afternoon Nigeria from NDB, how is your day?, well the incident that happened to our friend Habiba was too traumatic that the police had to escort her by themselves, the Nigerian police force did not allow direct contact with the victim, we bring you classified information as this room in which I am reporting from was the very same room she had spent her admission in, and beside me is a nurse who volunteered after the medical director wanted to compensate us" I said directing the microphone to her.

" Yes, you have said it all, three days after she was admitted two strangers came to claim her as her parents, they were investigation and it shows that they were telling the truth as she was discharged today by 11:00am, and was escorted home by two police officers, who will be guarding her till further notice, she suffers amnesia which was caused by several attacks to her brain, and she is responding perfectly well to the drugs that are been administered to her" She said confidently as if she has been waiting for this moment all her life.

" Thank you nurse we really are grateful and don't turn off your TV cos business news is up next stay tuned on NNB news station we won't disappoint"

Hmm, I sighted immediately the camera stopped rolling, it was already 1:50 and I paid the nurse as I went to the mosque to perform my afternoon prayers.

After which I meet with the crew at the parking lot as we parked our equipments inside the van, and we headed for our headquarters in town which took an hour because of the traffic and horrible roads.

It was a long and boring ride back to the office as there was a long hold up which seemed to not be moving at all, our time was wasted on the road but at last we reached the office.

I left the van immediately it stopped and I started walking straight to the entrance, I went straight to the head of the broadcasting office.

" Hey my man" he shouted

" Salam musa" I said!.

This was the easy I answered most peoples greeting since I am not a sociable person.

"Dude whatever bro" he said

" Here yours 8k she changed her mind" our I did, I know I might end up retreating the reason why I am returning the cash.

*well you didn't think I will steal from the company did you*

" I am heading home by 4:20pm" I said

" what happened today?, I know you are a timekeeper how come you missed her" he said with a little smile

" Gods time" I replied looking straight at his office clock "3:38pm

I ignored him as I now know that I will be late for late afternoon prayers, I ran downstairs towards the mosque as I had to meet up with prayer, on my way I missed a step and shifted to the left as I was thrown off balance, thank God I did not fall.

I meet the second rakarh of prayer which I finished by 4:15 pm I stood up, took a taxi on Uber as the company pays for our transport fair, the Uber came ten minutes after the order and I entered it as fast as possible cos I did not want to be in this office anymore, and so I left the company.

I reached my rented apartment by 5: 12pm and as I went in I took dropped my bag in the floor and went to the bathroom I turned on the shower as I took a hot long bath which lasted for a while.

The rest of the day was pretty simple it me laying flat on my back as u was on my bed. And so my brain started me off with the way the day started.

I was shocked to know how I was played because of my simplicity and calmness, like how the MD lied to me, how I had to tell lies in TV, and how I gave the money back to musa, I am sick and tired of this life, come to think of it the television network is known for bringing accurate and correct news, but I am tired of how this country is I think we need change.

Time ran at the speed of light cos I was not done thinking before I heard the call of prayer I stood up, dressed and I left for the mosque, I opened my front door and immediately the man coming from my opposite went back into his house I think I saw a knife on his hands, but I am not quite sure and I think sincerely that it does not concern me.

I did not leave the mosque until 8:10pm as I just decided to stay there till after isha prayer, after the prayer I stood up and was going back home I walked slowly as it was dark outside and the electricity distribution company already made up their mind not to give us light today, so I had to be careful.

I reached my apartment by 8:20pm and as usual I walked slowly to observe problems of this community, and I found a million but really what's the solution to all the problems of Nigeria?, what is because I know that it is not the government, or maybe Nigerians is Nigerian's problems.

I reached home and entered the door, I went to the kitchen as I was damn hungry I started to cook a light dish which was noodles and ate the whole food from the pot, * yes now I am satisfied*.

I slept by 9:30pm today which was 30 minutes earlier than my normal time, today was pretty boring and not as fun as I had expected.