
Find my way home

A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. Thats what my mother told me. I never expected to hold on to a saying so tightly. It is what kept my wit when I felt unsafe. When I lost everything only to gain something far more valuable.

Mama_Wolfblood · Ti vi
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12 Chs


Iris stood infront of the mirror in her wedding dress. She couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. She never thought of herself as beautiful let alone becoming a bride. " oh look at ya your going to make Murtagh a happy man Iris. He will be good to you and yur boys." Mrs.Fitz said fixing my hair. Laoghaire walked in though she was sad about Aaron, she was happy for Iris. She had been like a second mother to her and to a few of the young ladies. "I picked these flowers for you." White wild flowers, blue roses babies breathe. They were bound together with a blue ribbon. Iris took Laoghaire in her arms thanking her.

"I truly am sorry for the loss of Aaron Iris." She said before leaving the two older women to finish getting ready. Ainsley and Alasdair were with Murtagh getting him ready. The past few months have been hell for all of them but this day was ment to be happy. Aaron wouldn't want them to be sad anyway. "You boys need to go walk yur ma down the aisle. I will be on the other end waiting for her I promise." Murtagh said getting the rowdy lads out of the room. "Uncle are you ready for this?" Jamie said walking in to Murtagh's room. "More than ready Jamie that woman has been threw enough. I am going to do all I can for her and those boys."

He said looking at his nephew. "Worry about your English slut. She was sluting it up with Randle one truly wonders is she a spy for that bastard." He said making Jamie glar at him. "Iris needs to let what happened go. Holding a grudge won't bring her son back." Jamie said trying to bite back his anger.

"How would you feel if your son were killed by the English? How would your bitch feel Jamie?" Jamie looked away and couldn't answer his uncle. "I thought so Jamie. If you can't bring your to move on in a similar scenario, Don't expect others too. Now lets get going before Calum has my head." The two men left for the great hall. It was time and nothing was going to stop this wedding. That was what the two thought but fate had other things in mind.