
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
52 Chs


They entered the crowded main lobby filled with adventurers of different ages races, and statures.

Most people in the main lobby looked fairly young with the youngest looking to be around the same age as Lucian and Althea and the oldest looking like they were in their early thirties or late twenties.

To the left side was a bar like area with an array of tables that were occupied by many adventurers eating meals and drinking.

To their right was a desk with a sign above it that read 'Exchange Shop', there was a long line of adventurers waiting for their turn at the exchange shop and at the desk they could see a man lay out some stones and dead beast bodies.

Directly in front of them was a circular desk where 4 people sat at each direction looking into screens and writing some things down.

As Lucian and Althea approached the center desk they could see the large digital screen that took up the entire wall on the far end opposite the main desk.

The two approached the desk in the center of the room where they were immediately greeted by the person that was looking intently at a screen.

It was a woman with a youthful face void of any blemishes. She wore a white dress the same as the other women at the main desk which had the insignia of a triangle within a winged shield.

"How can I help you two, I don't recognize you, are you family members seeking admittance? If so you will be required to participate in qualification…" the woman began to speak without stop her eyes never leaving the screen as her hands continued to work with whatever she was writing.

"We were recruited by… prime?" Lucian said cutting her off slightly confused how these words were supposed to do anything.

Hearing this the woman immediately stopped what she was doing looking up at the two youths carefully examining them.

Her eyes quickly went back to her screen searching through her notes and memos from their regular morning meeting.

"Right! Follow me this way you two." The woman said as she stood up and walked around through the short gate of the desk.

The woman walked towards the bar area where a man that appeared to be in his early twenties sat with a drink in front of him.

"Jason take these two to the S rank lobby for their introduction and to meet with their adventure hall lead." The woman said to the man that work a suit that matched her dress perfectly.

"Aye so it's these two? Alright let's go." The youth man said indignantly.

They walked back to the west spire catching the attention of many of the adventurers as word quickly spread that these two kids were really recruited by prime and they were immediately going to the s rank lobby.

The chatter quickly reached the ears of the man called Jason causing him to turn around, "what are you idiots talking about don't you have more important things to do!?" He shouted instantly quieting the adventurers chatter.

One man spoke up, "Oh, come on you coot, the prime adventurer doesn't recruit new guildies everyday and their so young they can't possibly be rank S." One man spoke up in protest.

Jason didn't say anything only looked the man in his eyes, the man that spoke up was an A rank adventurer still seeing Jason's face chills ran up his spine.

Without anymore words Jason quickly turned leading Lucian and Althea to the west spire and up the stairs, as soon as they had disappeared the chatter picked back up instantly.

"A lot of the adventurers are truly like wild beast so if they challenge you just put them in their place and if you are unable to do so come find me." Jason said while they walked up the stairs as Lucian and Althea exchanged glances that said 'what are we doing here?'

"Okay." Althea said after a moment of hesitation and Lucian only nodded.

Jason waved his adventurer badge at the entrance of the S ranks guild lobby, as soon as they walked into the lobby they could see it had almost the exact same set up as the lobby below it was only more extravagant and the 'Exchange Shop' had screens instead of people working there making the process much faster while the bar area had comfortable boots and cushioned stools.

Only 2 people were seated at the desk where Jason guided Lucian and Althea. "These two are the recruits." Jason said putting an elbow on the desk leaning over looking at the screen.

Hearing this the woman behind the screen looked at Jason's actions with an annoyed expression, "You will be their team lead Jason, here are their badges instruct them how to imprint their data signature into them." The woman sad throwing two devices towards Jason's head while her voice seemed annoyed with the young man.

"You're so cold Esmeralda… you picked me because you wanted to miss me huh?" Jason said in a jesting manner.

In response Esmeralda flipped her hair as she continued to work on the screen she was in front of without responding.

Jason laughed and looked at the two and said "Alright I guess I'm you guy's Lead, you will need to empty out your energy into these cards to register them as your adventurer badges, the prime gave you two s rank authority allowing you guys access to s rank missions and the s rank guild hall, but we were instructed to tell you two to not select a mission below B rank or above A rank until your strength improves."

Jason tossed the two their adventurer badges and looked up at the ceiling seemingly in contemplation.