

The silver blood started to deform and change shape as it grew closer to her blood.

With a wave of my hand, I returned all my blood to the wound as it started to close.

Her eyes grew big as she saw what happened.

"What was that?"

I moved the blood closer I examined it.

"It seems your blood is suppressing my Adamantite dragon blood."

She looked confused as I spoke.

"Why do you have Adamantite dragon blood?"

I was shocked as I revealed something I shouldn't have.

"Well explain to me why you have dragon genes?"

Normal dragon slayer don't have dragon blood as they just use dragon magic but I have the elemental soul of two dragons and a giant that's why my bone marrow produces three types of blood.

She looked at me with confusion as I said those words.

"What are talking about? I'm clearly human stop joking around. Now can you take the seal off so I can leave and where are my clothes and armor?"

I cast Armaments as huge concave Adamantite mirror appeared.

I aimed it the drop of blood as little red blood cells became visible on the mirror.

"This is what I'm talking about your red blood cell is three times bigger than an average human red blood cell and you even have a dragonic mitochondria. Which as we all know is inherited from your mother who must be a dragon."

She looked at the mirror as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Wait that's inside of me? What am I then?"

"I don't know how this happened even I'm shocked. A perfect half dragon!"

I returned her blood as I canceled my spell.

"But I don't look like a dragon why is that? Why do you have a dragon blood yourself are you like me?"

"Have you ever wondered why you have an innate ability to control an element? Why do human's have to struggle to sense there magic while you just instantly you used it like it was part of you? That's what all dragons have in common an innate ability to use magic.

It means you have access to your elemental soul but not all of it as if you can't transform as you can't grasp your whole element soul."

She looked shocked as her boobs shake taking my concentration away.

"Are you like me as well?"

She spoke in a serious tone.

"You can say that.

As for you, I might be able to help you transform but I can't say you will still be human afterward. Your choice?."

She saw the armor and her clothes on the side of the bed as she started to put it on.

"I like what I am now and I don't want to lose my humanity. Just take the seal off and I'll be one my way."

With a wave of my hand black gas started to flow out her body into my finger.

"By the way, I'm Argus Geryon sorry for what I did yesterday I was a little drunk and I didn't know what I was doing."

She shook my hands as she spoke in a friendly tone.

"Erza Scarlet from the fairy tail guild. If you don't have a guild yet you can join our family."

My eyes grew big as I realized this was Erza the S class mage!

I waved at her as she closed the door.

"Jörmungandr you can come out now!"

As I said those word a large black snake as thick as a leg came slithering out from under the bed.

"You're growing big and fast."

I grabbed the large thing as I stroke its head.

"At the least, you can understand me now but you still can't speak like your mother."

I faced the snake in front of me.

Suddenly its eyes turned amber.

"What the heck happened to you."

It looked at me no longer with innocence eyes but with an intelligent one.

I let go of him on instinct.

"You're not Jörmungandr!"

A deep voice that sounded familiar.

"Hello, my son!"

I was confused as this dumb snake suddenly spoke.

"It's me your father from earth."

"Wh....what...are y...you talking about!"

Sweat covered my face as I paled.

"Kayn Farlier I don't have much time to talk. Listen I need you to infiltrate this dimensions upper echelons and be their overlord in 3000 years."

This shocked me beyond my imagination. All my suspicions were gone the moment he mentioned my real name.

"What if I don't!"

I said in a resolute tone.

"Then I will invade your dimension myself and I will exterminate all life except you!"

He said in a cruel tone.

"I'll do it then!"

My heart skipped a beat as I heard those words.

"That's my boy! Be worthy of the name World Serpent's son. I'll be off before this dimension's overload notice me."

Jörmungandr collapsed to the ground as its eyes turned to normal.

Two horns appeared on my head as a silver lined clothes appeared on my body.

"3000 years still a long time. I should join fairy tail so I can get close to the holder of Surtr's blood without them suspecting anything."

Suddenly my hand felt hot.

I realized that the mark in my hand was glowing with a red light.

I dashed outside the hotel as I looked among the crowd.

"Lucy your gonna love fairy tail. There are lots of nice people"

"And fish!"

"It sounds fun!"

"Also there's Gray his kinda weird but you'll like him and Erza to she's really strong."


"Sure I'll be glad to meet them."

"Haha, I'm sure you'll fit right in."


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