
Festival Of Legend

The world as we know It has to change Magic has resurfaced with in the world in the form of a game of supremacy. people of all ages have been summoned to participate in a game were legendary figures become chess pieces and magic is a ordinary occurrence. Solomon Gracen has been selected to become The King Of Darkness In The upcoming war to end the never ending power struggle between casters of all eras. He will face many foes and problems along the way in order to once and for all win this god forsaken festival.

Dark_jester3 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

First Contact

Chapter 5: First Contact

We woke up the next morning refreshed and ready to move the camp out of The Sherwood and away to the Archipelago. "Put the tent in the bag we're going to need it later for the journey ahead" Robin said as he made sure the fire was fully snuffed out in effort to miss guide the people that could be following us. By the time we were done nothing was left of the camp and we started to head out in what I assumed to be the direction of The Devil's Archipelago with a look of satisfaction on our faces. We started to trudge through the forest with supplies on our backs and a sense of urgency in the way we walked "how long till we get there you think Robin" he looked back at me as he sped up his walking "about a day or two till we get out into the border regions and from there it should take 4 more days to get to the ocean at the beginning of The Archipelago" he then turned his head back to his front to continue walking up front to guide the group " ok hiking for a week alright" I said as I marched on. That night we started to make camp and we heard a dog howling. All of our ears started to perk up and Robin put his pointer finger up to his mouth to get us quiet.

We started hearing more dogs and then a few voices " Come on you lazy good for nothing put your back into I have a green bandit to find" then we all heard the crack of the whip and one of the dogs howling again. We all began to slowly grab the stuff that we had placed and started to silently walk in another direction when one of us accidentally crack one of the sticks on the ground " Found you you little fox" we heard him coming from behind us and we slowly turned around to see a medium sized fat man with a black mustache and brown eyes dressed as a medieval era sheriff which in this case included black fabric and silver chains. "Hello sheriff, the alcohol hasn't been kind" Robin said with a grin.The Sheriff Of Nottingham Phillp Marc was staring at us with an extremely evil grin "well Robin I haven't touched the stuff in a good few years not after last time" he then grabs some medieval age handcuffs "now why don't you come into my custody and go to the queen willingly and please don't make me force you" he said while cracking his fingers. " So the way I see it it's a lose lose for you and the queen because I'm already claim by a king" then I saw a green aura burst out of his body " and I sure as hell am not going to be staying in one of your prisons cells down with the bloody red queen!" Then he started to push his green aura towards the sheriff "never again!" the sheriff then grinned "well then the hard way it is" the sheriff started yanked his dogs to the side and then took out his whip then a firm gray aura emerged and he began to run towards Robin Hood with the speed of a fully grown predator.

Robin started running towards him with his aura extended and his bow already knocked with an arrow " that won't work this time" and he shot straight and true grazing the sheriff's left side. The sheriff started to hold his left side and use his whip in his right and he started to try to hit robin with as much force that he could muster. By this time Romulus and Remus had already armored up and I could see their brilliant auras shining like the sun and moon and they rushed forward to flank the sheriff gladiuses in hand. While this was happening robin started to channel into his aether and expel wind in gusts slowly becoming waves of pressure onto the sheriff. The sheriff in response cracked his whip and hit Robin in his chest which stunned him for a few seconds, enough time to move and aim for Remus's legs, tripping him over. Romulus rushed over, summoning a blade of fire and light and slashed into the sheriff burning his right arm. As the sheriff was almost defeated he screamed " you shall not kill me today or ever!!" Then he started to roar and he puffed up his chest and then he became a fighting beast, a werewolf. 


I was terrified for myself as I saw this scene before me, a werewolf in real life right before me. The stretch of him was enough to get me running for the hills then he looked at me " so this is the king you all are trying to protect well don't mind if I do" he starts to run for me i'm trying not to freeze and I start running forward and then I here a voice "tap into the power it's the only way you will live" how was I supposed to tap into the power I was supposed to have , how was I going to protect myself and what felt like minutes was really seconds and he got to me " my queen will be pleased to have your head on a spike young king and I shall oblige her" and he rips his claws towards my head "do it Solomon it's the only way to survive" I quickly put my hands forth and said "Erebus" and a shadowy aura emerged forth and tore at the the sheriff leaving sword marks all over his body and then the aura came back into my body and I collapsed. I don't remember much of what happened next but from what I gathered is that just as I fell down Robin caught me and ran with the rest of the party. I was asleep for 3 days during which they got to the border taking turns holding me over their shoulders. I woke up midway through the fourth day while Romulus had me on his shoulder "could you let me down, my back is killing me" I say as i wake up from a 3 day comatose state. 

 They then started to make camp and started to tell me about the events after the attack which thankfully was mostly boring travel and little to no actual fights then I asked them "what did I do to the sheriff?" Romulus answered immediately "you casted your first spell and a powerful one at that" then I started to feel a dark aura around me " so this is aura huh" they all three nodded and the robin spoke "aura manifests when a person's life is in danger and in most cases is a right of passage because it gives you your element and in lucky cases your first spell" he then pauses for a minute " aura is the manifestation of your aether come into the material plane but it also takes a lot out of you if you don't know how to control it hence to long rest you just took my king" I nod my head as I absorb the information "I'll just have to learn once we get to The Archipelago and you still haven't answered my question what happened to the sheriff?". Remus then raises his hand and answers " you put him in pretty bad shape last i could tell he was on his way to hades but the blasted queens minion got to him around a hour after we left and she no doubt know of your existence" I stare at all of them and sigh and say " we can't help that now all we can do is wait and rest" I start to get up "Now let's get some food in our bellies and prepare for the next few days of hiking".