
Part Seven

Throughout the rest of the day was pretty boring. The day finally ended and I was ready to go home. As I was walking down the hall, I began to hear some people arguing.

I listened to the voices and it sounded like Devon and Charlotte. I walked towards where the voices were and then I saw Devon and Charlotte arguing.



I honestly wanted them to stop arguing so I put my headphones in and started playing. I started to sing Despacito a little loud, grabbed my keys and started shake them as I was walking down the hall.

They saw me and I pretended to be shocked to see them. I took my headphones out of my ears and said "hey. What's going on here". Before Charlotte could say something Devon said "nothing just an argument. You ready to go?" and I said "yea. You want a ride?" and he said saying it to Charlotte's face "I would love to babe".

He walked towards me and held my hand and as we were about to walk out Charlotte just had to say something. "YEAH RUN AWAY WITH YOUR LITTLE WHORE BECAUSE APPARENTLY THAT'S WHAT YOU GO FOR NOW. A LITTLE SLUT".

I got so mad my eyes changed black again. Devon knew what was going to happen and he let go of my hand. I looked at her and said "THAT'S IT" and I ran to her and grabbed her by her neck and lifted her off the floor.

I got close to her face and said "I suggest you listen very carefully. Devon will never love you. He's with me and there is nothing that you could do to change that so I suggest you back off right now and stop with your stupid pettiness. He doesn't love a little cheating white slut like you. He loves me so get over it".

After I said that, I dropped her on the ground and turned around. I could hear that she was trying to catch her breath after I did that. I could feel my eyes change back and I looked at Devon. "Did my eyes change back" I asked and he nodded. "Do you think that was too much?" I asked and he said "No I think she got what she deserved and I thought that was actually kind of hot". I punched him softly in the shoulder and we got out of the school.

When we got outside we hopped in the car and drove home. We got out of the car and waved goodbye to eachother and I went inside and up to my room. My room was hot so I opened the window and turned on the radio. I started to sing as I was changing into my shorts.

As I was taking my top off, Devon was knocking on my window,but I didn't hear it and he ended up climbing through my window. I was in my bra at this point and as I turned around, I saw Devon staring at me. "DEVON OMG!!" I yelled and covered myself with my tanktop.

"TURN AROUND!!" I yelled and he did and I put on my tanktop. "What the hell dude" I said and he said "I didn't mean to. I knocked on the window,but I guess you didn't hear me". Then I said "I should smack you right now" and he said "I'm sorry". "What do you want anyways?" I asked and he said "I was wondering if you wanted to do homework together" and I said "sure".

All of a sudden, I got a call from Isa. I answered the call and said "Hey Isa what's up". "Can you help me and Brendan with our spanish and math homework?" She asked. "I could help you guys with your spanish,but not your math I suck at it. It's a miracle I even passed it" I responded then Devon said "I could help them with their math homework" and then I said that to her and she said "really sweet can we come over". "Sure come on over" I said. "Okay see you in a bit" she replied.

I hung up the phone and said "looks like we are gonna do some tutoring. Now let's get started on our homework first" and he nodded.

We finished our homework after a half an hour and just in time too because then the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and opened the door and there was Brendan and Isa with what smelled like Chinese food. "We are here with homework and food". "Ok then let's go upstairs".

We went upstairs to my room to see that Devon was laying on my bed. "Hey Devon" Isa said and he said "Hey Isa. Hey Brendan. Ready for some tutoring" and they both nodded. I grabbed the Chinese food and put it on my desk and asked "which subject are we starting with first?" and they both said "math because spanish is harder" and I said "ok".

They went to Devon and for an hour and learned about math. Then when they were done it was my turn with the spanish. It took me nearly an hour to teach the basic spanish,but we did it.

"Ok who is ready to eat?" I asked and we all raised our hands then laughed. We all ate the food and were full. Brendan and Anaisa left and it was just me and Devon again. "I should get going before my mom starts talking again" and I said "Yea. Hey its a half a day tomorrow. You want to ride our skateboards together to school" and he said "sure I'll see you tomorrow" and then he climbed out the window and went into his room. I laid on my bed and turned on my tv. I started watching some tv then soon dozed off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at nearly 4 o'clock in the morning. I got up, went to the bathroom and took a long shower. I ended up getting dressed early and drove to McDonalds for some breakfast and since it was almost time for me to leave, I got Devon some breakfast too because that boy never eats breakfast I swear.

I drove back home and put the food and drinks down and started to dump the stuff out of my book bag and only put what I really needed which wasn't alot. Then it was time to leave for school. I put on my bag, grabbed my skateboard, and the food and drinks.

I walked outside to see Charlotte walking up the street. It was suspicious,but she knows what's best for her if she doesn't stay away. Devon finally came outside with his skateboard and yelled "BYE MOM!" and I started to laugh and said "very suddle".

"What you got there?" he asked and I said "here's a caramel frappe and a sandwich for you and I got the same for me except mines is mocha" and he said "thank you". "Hey you see Charlotte up the street too right cause I swear I'm seeing stuff" I said and he said "Nope. I see her too. Let's hope she doesn't come over here and start shit" and I said "yea...anyways let's get to school".

We rode to school on our skateboards while eating our food together only to find Brendan riding his bike on the way to school. We waved to him as we passed him.

As we got there, kids were just being let in the school. We threw out our garbage and Devon started to hold my hand again as we went into the school. We put our skateboards together in my locker and went to class.

When the half a day ended I was relieved cuz I wanted to relax. I grabbed me and Devon's skateboard from our lockers and waited for him. Then I suddenly got a text from Devon. "Hey I got caught up with something with coach can you put my skateboard in the locker room I'll catch up with you later". I did what he said and put it in the locker room and rode my skateboard home by myself.

When I got home, I went up to my room and laid on my bed. I felt really tired from this morning so I took a little nap. Okay maybe not a little. I ended up waking up the next morning.

The next couple of days went by fast and I rarely saw Devon. Next thing I knew it was Friday morning. It was game day for the team. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Coach made us Jerseys to wear on game days,so I had to put my jersey on then all I could hear was a knock on my window.

I went to my window to see Devon knocking on my window. I opened the window and he came into my room. "What do you want?" I asked and he said "well hello to you too, anyways instead of your jersey coach wants us two to wear these" and he laid down a pair of Jerseys that looked exactly the same.

"I don't see a difference" I said and then he turned them around. I looked at them and one of them said Devon's Girl and it had his number on it which was 5 and the other one said Nicole's Man and had my number which was 14, but the cutest thing was that our fake relationship date was that date 5/14.

"Omg Devon this so cool, man if we were really dating this would make me cry. I would be even more happy" I said and he said "really" and I nodded my head. "We got to make sure our parents don't see this or they will freak" I said and then I heard someone behind me and didn't want it to be who I thought it was,but unfortunately it was. It was my mom.

"I'll freak if I saw what" she asked me and Devon while trying to hide the jerseys said "nothing" and she said "Devon I can see you trying to hide something let me see em" and he handed her the jerseys.

My mom laid the jerseys on the other side of my bed and saw the back and I quickly said "plug your ears" and we both did. Then my mom started screaming "AHHHHHH.OMG.FINALLY. FINALLY YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER. OMG. DEVON I GOT TO TELL YOUR MOM THIS!!".

She ran downstairs and out the door to next door and started banging on the door. When the door finally opened my mom started to talk to someone and then all of a sudden we hear a scream "AHHHHH.FINALLY. FINALLY WHERE ARE THEY? WE HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES!! and we knew it was his mother.

They both came running up the stairs running with cameras and I'm pretty sure my mom almost fell on the way up. Anyways they came into my room and showed her the jerseys and they both started taking pictures. "Put them on" Devon's mom said and handed them to us.

I took off my original jersey and we put the jerseys on and they started taking pictures of us.They made us get closer to eachother and everything.

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