
Part Fourteen

Its the day before graduation and I'm feeling a lot of emotions. These last couple of weeks was very hard and it went by fast and now I'm finally graduating. Was I gonna be sad tomorrow? Was I'm gonna be happy? I didn't know for sure.

I was on my bed just thinking it over and over. The only way I'll find out is if I wait til tomorrow,but until then I'm just going to watch some tv and eat popcorn and that's what I did. I ended up falling asleep during a movie.

Next thing I knew, the day came. I awoke to the sound of my mom bursting through the door and jumping on my bed. "Wake up wake up wake up" she said as she was jumping on me and "okay I'm awake. get off" and she did. "Come on you have to eat breakfast then get dress" she said and then ran out my room.

I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then headed downstairs. My mom nearly shoved the food down my throat. She really wanted me to get dressed and do my hair.

After she stopped shoving food down my throat I went upstairs and changed into a beautiful short dress my mom got me and my mom did my hair. She did curls in my hair then clipped it up and I had to say my mom did my hair very well. I looked awesome.

I put on my gown but didn't zip it up, grabbed my cap and went downstairs. My mom started to take pictures as soon as I walked downstairs. "Really you can't take it without the flash" I said to her and she replied "oh stop it Nikky you are graduating and I want memories of it" and I said "okay but can you turn off the flash you are blinding me" and she did as she was told.

Then out of no where she started to tear up and she said "my baby is growing up". I walked to her and hugged her and said "I love you mom" and she said "I love you too". "We should get going" I said and she nodded and released me from the hug. "Let's hope I don't fall off the stage in these heels" I said and my mom started laughing. I grabbed the keys to my car and my mom and I went to my car.

As we were getting in the car, Devon and his mom came out. Then I hear someone say "wait wait" and I turned around to see Devon's mom saying wait. "Both of you need to take pictures" she said and she grabbed my hand and pulled me to Devon.

"Well okay then I guess I'm taking more pictures" I said and Devon chuckled and said "yup". "Alright guys get together" our moms said. Devon put his arm around my waist and I put my arm around his shoulders. We took a couple of pictures and then Devon's mom said "give him a kiss on the cheek." I giggled a little and said "fine,but after this one we have to get going". I kissed his cheek and they both took pictures. "Okay now let's go" I said and my mom and I went to my car and Devon and his mom went in his car.

We drove to the school and parked. "We'll see you guys later" Devon said as he grabbed my hand and we ran inside. We went into the gym where everybody was waiting and found our spots in line. I was right in front of Anaisa and Devon was behind Anaisa. I looked at Isa and said "man I feel bad for Brendan he's all alone up there" and she said "yea".

After about a half an hour of waiting the ceremony finally started. All of the our graduating class began walking down the aisle into there seats and when everyone was seated the principal started to talk. It was a kind of a boring speech.

Next person to talk was my favorite math teacher in the world Mr.Fiore. He was presenting awards. MVP for sports was presented first. "For boys the award goes to...Devon Heart. For girls goes to...Nikky Vell". We both held hands as we walked on stage and shook Mr.Fiore's hand as he gave us the awards. Mr.Fiore described what we did for the award including about me playing football. We were about to walk off stage but Mr.Fiore stopped me. "Ms.Vell if you please stay here" he said. I did and Devon went off stage.

"The next awards is from the music department. Three students will receive this award. One boy and two girls. One the girls is already on stage and that's Ms.Vell". I got my award and shook his hand again. "The other girl who will receive this award is Anaisa Mamoa". Isa came on stage,received her reward and stood next to me and I hugged her. "The boy that will receive this is award is none other than Brendan Healer". Brendan was happy he got on stage and received his award. We both hugged Brendan and Mr.Fiore described what we did he even included me doing marching band. "Ms.Vell do you have anything to say?" he asked and I went up to the podium and said "umm come to Erie County Fair for the best two weeks of summer on August 9 and remember to come watch the marching band preform everyday and don't forget the children. Children under twelve have free admission".

I walked back to Brendan and Isa and I was stopped by Mr.Fiore again. "Don't go yet Ms.Vell. You still have one more reward to get". I stayed on stage and Brendan and Isa walked off stage.

"This next award goes to one student out of the whole entire class and it's the foreign language award". He explained my spanish skills and grades from the classes and even me not showing up to class to review once. I received my award and I finally got off stage.

I sat down in my seat and was already tired. "Geez Nikky how many awards are you going to get" Isa said and I replied "hopefully no more".

After about a million awards the next part of the ceremony started. It was the slideshow of our baby pictures to what we look now and memories throughout high school. Devon and I put a picture of us together when we were babies as our picture. I knew I was going to cry.

The slideshow started and everybody was looking so cute when they were little. Isa's picture came on the screen. I swear she looked adorable with her little smile and then a pic went up about how she looked now. Brendan's picture then came on and he looked so tiny and then a pic how he looked now in football.

Then after awhile of more pictures our picture finally came on. We were next to eachother, our arms wrapped around each other's shoulders smiling. We looked adorable. Then our picture faded away and a picture of us now came on. It was a picture of Devon and I at prom then the words "together forever" came on the screen.

I was smiling and started to tear up a little. I turned to Devon and he turned to me and we kissed. Then a video of all 4 of us messing around during football practice saying "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT" came on. Everybody was laughing.

After more videos of our class hanging out and having fun, a video came on of some of our teachers doing goodbye videos. It was nice.When the video finally ended, I swear nearly everybody was tearing up.

The moment of truth finally came. It was time to get our diplomas. We all lined up and waited for our names to be called.We were close to having our names called. Then finally my name got called. I walked across the stage and was handed my diploma, shook the principal's hand, and walked back to my seat. Isa's name was called she did the same. Devon's name was called and he did the same.

Then the principal began to talk again. "Congratulations to the class of 2018 you did it". When he said those words our whole class stood up,cheered and threw our caps up in the air. We did it. We graduated. We all hugged eachother. It was awesome. We picked up our caps and everybody went outside.

Our moms took pictures of all of us together with our diplomas we were so happy. "I'm gonna miss this school" I said and they all said "yea". "Well you don't know maybe we will teach here in the future" Brendan said and I said "yea maybe, but for now I'm going to focus on marching band and going to Florida State with you guys".

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