
A mere manager

The sun illuminated the whole sky with sparkling orange and Yellow light. The butterflies were flying in a beautiful little nursery.

Lu Han squated down to touch the plant's leaf. As soon as he touched the leaf his forefinger felt a bit wet. By Thinking it's just a water drop he rubbed his finger with his thumb to make it dry.

Suddenly he noticed that Crimson color spread on his finger and thumb. Wide-eyed he looked closely to inspect the Crimson liquid in his hands.

Just as he confirmed it is a drop of blood an abrupt voice enter his ears.

"I.. Kim... Ji... Wan"

Lu Han turned to look towards the direction of the source of the voice. There was a faint silhouette in front of him . The silhouette was none other than Kim ji wan.

Looking at the figure Lu Han's mind went blank. he felt a lump in his throat. Kim ji wan's faint silhouette continued saying something but he couldn't even hear a word. He felt like all his senses stopped working. He can only stare at the vague, obscure silhouette in front of him.


It was around 9'O clock in the morning when all the employees already started working on assigned tasks.

Song Hye Kyo Handout the blueprint her brother gave her to the group leader for furnishings of the shop. She instructed them the Same way her brother instructed her. Honestly speaking, she was Just a medium between workers and her brother. Trival or important all matters were handled personally by him. He instructed Song Hye Kyo through text message and song hye Kyo will deliver his orders to the workers.

"Manager Song, how's work ?" Secretary asked.

It's the same secretary she met when she first came to the mall for contract signing. Today he Colourful shirt with blue pants. Giving a feeling of typical Secretary from dramas.

"everything's going fine." Song Hye Kyo answered in a professional tone.

" That's good!" he said in a polite Manner. "this is Tae hwan he'll assist you for the next 3 months."

"oh okay" Song Hye Kyo simply nodded before turning towards Tae hwan for formal greetings.

"Hell.. Hello" upon seeing Tae hwan Song Hye Kyo froze for half a second. He was th same man from before who she assumed as a wall. He was wearing the same purple suit. Judging from his clothes she can tell that he is working in higher level.

"Nice to meet you!" Tae hwan replied with a meaningful smile plastered on his face. Looking at her baffled expression which only appeared for half a second. He couldn't help but laugh secretly.

The secretary who was watching everything quietly by sidelines can't help but scoff inwardly. Although he doesn't know what's going on exactly but he knew Tae hwan is up to no good.

He could never get to a conclusion that Tae hwan's interested in this girl. According to him She is just a mere manager with thick makeup on her face.

She was wearing long black pants with cream top. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she had thick makeup on her face ( to hide her baby face *) .

Although she was looking good but her appearance was just like most pretty girls. The only different thing about her was the unusual calmness in her eyes. He also noticed the perplex experssion on her face when she first saw Tae hwan but she immediately concealed it. She appeared indifferent to others but at the same time she is professional In her work.

Before leaving He Cast a final Glance towards Song Hye Kyo and Tae hwan .

"Then I'll take leave" he bowed slightly

Song Hye Kyo gave him a nod. While Tae hwan was still looking at a certain mere manager.

Song Hye Kyo Take a sit as she looked up at Tae hwan and this time she examine him properly.

He has a Perfect built, wide shoulders , slender long legs similar to model. His facial features was perfect as well, deep brown eyes, long eyelashes, thin lips, shark nose, thick eyebrows and perfectly set hair.

"Like what you see" he said teasingly.

Song Hye Kyo rolled her eyes, maintaining her professional tone she replied.

" there's nothing to do right now. If there's something I need your assistance with, I'll inform you."

Tae hwan smiled faintly and sat beside her silently. He looked around for awhile before turning his gaze towards her.

The workers she hired were best at their work. So he wasn't much interested in them. His job was to follow her orders only.

Song Hye Kyo put on her earphones and ignore his stare. To put it more accurately she put on earphones to ignore having conversation with him. She busied herself with her phone and time to time glancing at the workers .

"A two faced person indeed" Tae hwan commented.

Song Hye Kyo lifted her eyes as she found his comment intresting. But she pretended as she didn't hear anything as she continued what she was doing.

Under his gaze she felt a little awkward but as she tried her best not to show it on her face. Little do she know that he had already looked through her veil and just playing with her.

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