
FTWD: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

This is a story that focuses on a teenager named Dominic, who starts out as a simple teenager, much more insightful than the rest. But as the story unfolds, more secrets about him that were unknown will be revealed. Just when he thought he had a peaceful life, a message from his father forever changed his perception of reality. Discovering that a terrorist attack could turn everyone into the walking dead, he did everything he could to prepare. However, just when he least expected it, chaos invaded his world. As his adrenaline-filled story unfolds, he will discover that these undead, better known as walkers, are much more familiar than he believes. The entire course of history changed once again when he discovered that he was in a world that he had much knowledge about. Can Dominic survive this apocalypse? What will his position be in this world? Do the Bearers look familiar to you in any way?

SrCuervo · TV
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176 Chs

What Has Happened in the World?

More than two years have passed since the world ended. Dominic had led his entire organization and, in less time than they thought, had taken control of Los Angeles. At that moment, an organization called the CRM contacted them.

As was well known, the world had completely collapsed, with over 70% of the population turning into walkers, and those who didn't were related to or died from the virus outbreak.

The New Dawn Unification, now known as the NDU, had spread its wings across many parts of the country, focusing on military bases to seize all their resources.

During this time, a containment barrier had been created, connecting Oregon with California, and they focused on taking Nevada to expand their territory.

All expected goals had been exceeded. Dominic knew that his refuge had received as much as, or even more than, the CRM.

Having nuclear bombs at his disposal was no game; this gave Dominic a power that very few, if any, people in this world had.

"Zz... all walkers have been cleared from Nevada. The containment teams are doing their job, placing barriers so that walkers can't enter our territory."

In a command room, Dominic sat watching how the mission was developing. Helicopters were carrying the metal containment barriers, while soldiers began clearing buildings one by one.

During this time, they hadn't encountered the much-anticipated mutated walkers, so everyone felt more secure.

The forward bases were at their peak, with most soldiers being young, between 20 and 30 years old, while adults or war-wounded took care of cultivating food. Of course, not everyone was a soldier, as they also needed doctors, nurses, police officers, transporters, and laborers.

Most of the construction workers were Latinos. They had been rescued in national waters, and others were accepted by the NDU after clearing border cities within Dominic's controlled territory.

Everything was going very well. There was a bit of racism, but that was resolved when Dominic showed what color the blood inside their bodies was.

"Proceed with the cleanup. Send the corpses to be converted into fertilizer." Daniel cut off communication with the forward team after learning that Nevada had now been contained.

Dominic then changed the topic and showed some photos of abandoned submarines they had been recovering. "We have recovered around sixty submarines in total. We estimate that the others have been abandoned at sea, and we'll know more about them when we find them."

"The fleet is also being recovered. We currently have three operational aircraft carriers used as training points and for functional practices."

The New Dawn Unification currently has fifty thousand soldiers, thirty thousand of whom are in reserve, fulfilling other functions, while the rest are daily taking new territories.

By next year, Dominic hoped to double their numbers to take even more territory. He had contacted numerous human refugees, accepting all of them into his training program, and those who did not accept were eliminated.

"Well, that's all for today." Dominic concluded the meeting, and all the leaders of various departments returned to their work.

Daniel stayed behind, looking serious, and said, "A group of agents encountered one from the CRM. The confrontation lasted twenty minutes before each side responded with heavy artillery. The combat ceased when both armed helicopters engaged. What are we going to do now?"

"I'm thinking about it. Obviously, they are similar to us, so ideally, we would merge. But if that happens, we must be the ones to lead. If that doesn't happen, we'll kill their leaders and take everything." Dominic said this before standing up.

"I'll take care of it then," Daniel said, thinking about the best way to kill those CRM leaders. The ideal approach would be to use CIA agents for this job, so he would recruit the ideal team to do it.

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