

Isabella Marie Stewart, a well-known young artist. She was famous because of her intimidating and dark personality which shows through her paintings. No one has seen her in real life. Probably because she tries to hide from the public eye as much as possible. She is avoiding not showing her biggest secret. But everything changes when she crosses a path with a young, handsome, and ruthless Lycan. Xavier knight has everything in his perfect life. He was the king of the werewolf kingdom, and he holds the strongest place in the council. People fear him because he shows no mercy to anyone who betrays him. He was ruthless and powerful. One thing he dreads most was "Mate." He was not looking for one but his life turned upside down he stumbles across a beautiful, fierce, and strong-willed girl in the forest.

bakhtawer_batool · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

*Adjusting to new life


I have heard this all my life that life after finding a mate becomes more beautiful. The connection between mates is stronger than anything in this world. They can even give their life for each other. It's like two souls merged with each other. Their bond is probably unbreakable and no one can apart them except death.

I am literally laughing at this stupid notion which moon goddess created and all werewolves believe this blindly. I have been betrayed my whole life and from my life experience, I can tell that such type of love never exists. Even happy endings only happen in fairytales. I am not even surprised that my own mate hates me. And I am not hurt at that fact because I never let anyone close to my heart and play with my emotion.

They gave me a room which is like a living hell even an animal will not live in this shit hole. The size of the room is so small it can barely fit a bed and a chair. The spring of the mattress is hanging out and paint on walls is peeled off. There is a damp smell everywhere, and this room has no window. It is just like living in the dungeon. I am sure no omega is treated like that in any pack. He is just trying to make my life miserable.

I am assigned to clean the packhouse and to do anything the pack members ask me. Like I am their dog who will do anything they command me. Do they really think that the most powerful supernatural creature will bend at their command? They wish really for a painful death.

My thoughts come to halt when I hear a knock on my door. A girl who seems to be nearly eighteen steps inside the shabby room. She has blonde hair and beautiful ocean eyes which really adds to her beauty. She has a smile on her face.

"Hey I am assigned to take you to the packhouse," She overwhelmingly said in a cheerful voice. She seems like a nice girl and innocent.

"Can you tell me your name?"I said this in a friendly way, so the girl would not get scared of me.

"I am not allowed to tell you but you seem nice so here goes nothing, I am Anastasia but you can call me Ana."She put her right hand in front of me for a handshake.

"Please to meet you Ana my name is Isabella but you can call me Bella, "I said this and shake my wounded hands with her.

"You don't seem like what I have heard about you."She said in embarrassment, and I knew what she meant by this. They probably spread this rumor that I am a dangerous rogue who came here to kill someone.

"Well now you met me you don't have to be afraid, I am not a rogue, "I reassured her by saying this.

"Okay but now we need to hurry up otherwise they will start questioning me," She said hurriedly and asked me to follow her. The packhouse is huge, and it is built beautifully. I ask her about the details of the pack on the way, and she answered, "The name of our pack is Blood Moon and we have a population of four hundred. The Alpha is a little strict but he is not that intense."

"Umm, what is your Alpha name?"I mentally slapped myself for not asking this question earlier.

"Oh his name is Xavier Black and no one in the pack is allowed to say his name except the beta as he is his best friend."We passed through the group of females walking in the garden. They looked at me with curiosity and then they start to murmur to each other.

"They are the mates of our best warriors, and I must warn you to stay away from them. "She said this with an unmistakable hint of warning in her tone.

"Why I must stay away from them? "I question her by raising my eyebrows.

"Well, they are not someone who you would want to associate with as they don't like anyone in lower status," She explained. There are many people living in this packhouse and it is bigger inside than it looks outside. Anna informed me that there are 250 rooms here and everyone eats together whether it's breakfast or dinner. I can feel everyone staring at me like I am an intruder. My duty today is to clean the first floor, and I am unallowed to go to the fifth floor as the Alpha lives there and that place is forbidden for anyone.

As we enter the kitchen everyone there stopped working and stare stupidly at me. All the attention was making me uncomfortable. Anna notices my hesitance and she instantly said to my rescue"Everybody please focus on your work and stops gawking at her."

"So she is the rogue slag who has been captured"A woman with red hair stepped in front of me. She was wearing short and a crop top that left nothing to the imagination.

"Rebecca minds your words and just back off," Anna said defending me. So the bitch name is Rebecca it fit her personality.

"Why I need to mind my words in front of this slave and you are just a child so don't get involving in this", Rebecca takes a step forward and allegedly grabs my arm tightly. Her sharp nails were digging into my skin and right now my mind is asking me to rip the bitch head off. Her crushing grip is stronger on me, and she is not letting me go.

"Leave her Rebecca at once and don't argue with me" An older woman comes into my view and her voice was commanding. Rebecca listened to her and leaves my arm but not before giving me a warning, "Don't think you are going to get away from this I am only leaving you for now."

"She is the pack slut and she thinks she is our luna just because she is sleeping with the Alpha," Anna said to me in a low voice.

"Ana child that's not the way to talk about someone," the older lady scolds her.

"Sorry, Grandma oh I forget to introduce you to each other," Anna said, and then she places her arm around her grandmother." Grandma meets Isabella and Isabella meets my grandma."

The old lady smiled at me and said "You can call me Adora my child".

"Well I am pleased to meet you Adora", I said to her in a polite manner.