

In a world where magic and blessings aren't just an echo of the past, follows the journey of Noah, a disillusioned teenager thrust into a realm where the eyes are not only windows to the soul but conduits of magic itself, and on top of that he finds himself in the body of an aristocrat girl, what will Noah do in this new and unknown world? Will he crumble under fate or will he make it his own?

RunnerSix · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


A cloudy and dirty sky could be seen, Kayle's mind was flooded with thoughts like a piercing song., that sky...it was nostalgic for him, it was his homeland, how could he forget how dirty and toxic was the air? Everything was silent when Kayle felt his very soul begin to cry, he didn't know why until a memory of a girl playing with an old and dirty baseball ball came to his mind, it was his little sister...the one who swore to protect, now he understood why his soul was crying, he broke his promise,

he was no longer by her side, he had left, his heart sank to his stomach, a feeling of guilt, sadness and dread completely overwhelmed him, what was going to happen to his beloved and innocent sister? He didn't trust his irresponsible and greedy parents nor the slums…it was a bad place, he swore to kill anyone who touched his sister, but now how could he torture any filthy hand that dared to even think about her in some perverted way?.

He wanted to vomit at the thought that his sister would be defenseless in his cruel world...he wanted to return, he didn't care about his curiosity or this new world, but despite his soul screaming towards the sky, he saw how little by little the sky was disappearing, leaving him in an unknown place, everything was white, where was him? 

With sadness in his heart he looked around and saw countless balls of light appearing around him, some brighter than the others, but there were four that stood out the most, one of them was one of the brightest stars Kayle had ever seen, the second It was a blinding white light, his eyes did not want to focus on the fourth, not that he wanted to, the third on the other hand...it made his soul shrink for some reason, it was an orb with an image of him, a little girl and his childhood friend, three children smiling in the slums...

'How nostalgic'

Kayle unconsciously tried to grab the orb, when his small hands touched the warm orb, Kayle felt a spark of electricity run through his veins, it didn't hurt, but it didn't feel natural either, as if it was forced to happen.

Kyle then woke up crying in the arms of the young priest, he didn't know what just happened just that it ended, before Kayle could regain his lost composure the priest spoke in a rather fake cheerful tone

-Wow that was fast, i guess it's no surprise you come from Laplace's bloodline, a shame you are a girl- The priest chuckled before walking out the chamber, before leaving, Kayle shoot a last glance at the arch,

'I'll see you again, I swear' , Kayle thought with longing in his eyes, he had already stopped crying even if his cheeks were still wet.

When the priest carried Kayle out the chamber, the first thing Kayle saw was his parents and Joel talking, Arthur was the first one to notice them, as he took a step forward he said

-Was there an issue Adam? - Arthur asked as Melina rushed to pick up Kayle and stared at the priest concerned

-No, not really- The priest said with a gentle but calculating smile

-Then why was it so fast!?- Melina said not trusting the priest

-I know, right? Maybe we got ourselves a real prodigy, a shame she is a girl. I would've gladly accepted her in Lux Academy- Adam kept a polite smile on his face as Joel frowned at such a misogynistic comment, while Arthur and Melina kept looking at Kayle with concerned looks.

-But Kayle was only 10 minutes! What's the meaning of this Adam!?-Joel said in an untrusting and angry tone.

'Wait, i was only 10 minutes there? it felt an eternity!' Kayle's sorrow leaves his mind for a moment as Adam held his hands in the air as he tries to calm the doctor down,

-I know, i know its my first time seeing this too, it normally takes at least an hour, but maybe this means she got a powerful blessing or…- The priest expression darkens as he doesn't finish the sentence as if he didn't want to say anything more,

-Or what? Tell us Adam, we have the right to know what is happening with our daughter- Arthur said in a colder tone than usual, Adam was taken aback by Arthur's cold eyes feeling threatened he took a step back and let out a sigh 

-Look, Miss and Mr laplace, this is just a possibility, but maybe the gods have rejected your daughter, or even more strange…Kayle…took the blessing by force? maybe a gift she holds or something, but it could also be that the gods absolutely love her and they didn't need to think much about if they should give her a blessing or not, i mean she is named Kayle after all- Adam then chuckled as he tries to lighten the mood, it didn't, but Melina gave a sigh of relief,

-I hope so, maybe our little Kayle does have the god's favor- Melina looked at Arthur as if asking for some sort of validation, Arthur then gives a nod with a thoughtful expression, Joel kept his untrustful eyes on Adam,

'Maybe it's because I picked the orb myself? And what gods! I didn't see any of those there, it's a scam!' Kayle felt disappointed that he couldn't have an argument with some sort of deity, or ask how to come back to his world, as Kayle kept thinking about what had just happened. They were already out of the magnificent church before he knew it, he didn't mind though…he was still grieving about his sister so all the curiosity and enthusiasm died down.

The way back was rather awkward, no one talked too much as if they were still processing how fast was Kayle's baptism, Kayle wanted to go back to his world even if he had to kill someone, but as a baby he would,'t stand much of a chance of getting out of there, neither he had the knowledge to do it, the only smart thing to do in that situation for him was to wait and try to get as much knowledge as he could and avoiding of thinking what is happening in his old world.

When the car went through the gates of the small mansion the first thing Kayle took notice of was the same redhead girl taking a nap under a tree.

'Maybe she has a blessing, i mean with those eyes and hair it wouldn't surprise me if she was the main protagonist of some comic or something' Kayle kept his gaze on the carmesi girl as they walked inside the small mansion, once he was back alone at his room in his crib he could finally think what to do. First thing was to learn to walk and talk.

'At what age does a child normally talk at? Maybe it was 3 years old, but before that it is more important to walk, i can crawl, but that isn't enough, i need to walk to gather information…'

Kayle then tried to stand up using the bars of his crib as support, it was surprisingly easy, now he had to walk…that wasn't as easy as he thought, he just couldn't keep his balance for dear life!

But he tried again and again and again, this went for two weeks until he was at least good enough to walk around.

'Now that i got this controlled the problem is how to show it to my parents, i'm just a few months old! wouldn't it be a bit weird to suddenly be able to walk? I have to wait at least two more months…two months of crawling! i'm no damn snake, i shouldn't be doing this' Kayle let out a sigh as he laid back down in his crib and then closed his blue ocean eyes.

Kayle had also found something very interesting since his baptism, that is that every time he closed his eyes and focus on the orb that he touched back in the church he finds himself in a empty solar system, the only thing in there are some colorless and dull planets moving around a beautiful graceful white sun with an unknown symphony of flames inside it.

it was mesmerizing to look at, Kayle could only guess that this solar system was a projection of his power or soul, he didn't know yet, the only thing he knew is that everyday one of the stars, one that was far away from the angelic and ever warm sun was slowly but steady getting more colorful with time, it was almost that it was maturing, once a colorless and boring star, will be a blinding one with time, with a silver undertone to its core, Kayle couldn't help but be excited about this mysterious star.