

After years of not seeing each other,Of course they had still been in contact with each other they still ran to each other’s side and hugged But what had surprised Isabella was that Gabriel whispered something to her It was a confession “Bella,I like you No i fell in love with you already” Although he said that for already a minute she still couldn’t process that information And was only brought back by him calling her name “So what do you say?”Nervous that he might not get the response that he wants “I-i Don’t know”Confused at what she was feeling “Don’t worry take your time I’m not in a hurry”says by him while smiling at her . . . . . What would you have said if you were Isabella?

P_I_L_L_O_W · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs


She was shocked at his text since his father was in an accident,She felt guilty because she was just ranting about him to Lily

She mentally scolded herself for being so impatient"You just had to be impatient did you Bella"She stared at her phone with an annoyed and guilty look so she threw her phone aside to take a nap since she couldn't handle the information yet and needed a fresh mind to think about it


Meanwhile with Gabriel

Curious as to why He felt like that he searched at google to see why and just try to confirm it by asking his mother too


When she woke up she immediately took her phone and started typing

"Hey Gab,I'm sorry for being subconsciously mad at you i know it's probably nothing to you but i can't keep it from you since i feel so guilty now •~•"

"Btw,too late I already ranted at Lily,Anyways take care of Auntie and Uncle and you're self I'll tell the teacher Tomorrow about you're situation"


The next day

She went ahead and ate and got ready for school all the while she heard her mom say to her that she'll cover up her co workers shift tonight so she won't be here and would come back tomorrow or so

After she was done she went and rode her bicycle to school


After arriving she first dropped off her bag to their classroom and went to look for their teacher to tell him that Gabriel won't be able to attend classes because of what happened to his dad

And when she found him he was talking to someone on his phone so she waited until he was done

After he was done talking he saw that Isabella was waiting for him and so he went ahead and ask about Gabriel situation since his mother didn't explain what had happened

"Isabella,Do you know what happened to Gab?" Asked in a concerned voice

Startled that he was already done she answered "Umm,you see..." and so she quickly explained what had happened and told him that Gabriel can not attend school for a while