This is the story of how a man Becomes type Earth in the Nasuverse. Hope you'll enjoy it the same way i did ! ——————— #NOT MY WORK# This is an incredible fanfic written by XanaShadow that i beleive deserves more audience thanthey get on wattpad and in respect to that i will only upload the first part of the story here for the next part you'll have to go read on their profile ! ——————————————
"Stupid, lazy, egotistical, lion simp," I groaned as I walked beside two guards, both of which were looking at me like I committed the highest of blasphemy by calling Gilgamesh that.
The king of Heroes in his teenage years really was a lazy bum.
The only time he does work is when Siduri isn't around.
He put me - more like threw that work on me-in charge of the city's expansion while he sat back in his castle and played Uno with Enkidu.
I am going to laugh my ass off when he kills himself from overwork in the future and hold that to him for the rest of his life.
I did. I still do to this day and bring it up every chance I get.
I sighed as my walk lead me to an empty part of the city. And by that, I mean literally empty.
There was nothing here but land and a few patches of wild plant life jere.
"So, this is going to be turned to a living space?" I asked one of the guards.
The guards of Uruk were all far more at ease around me - except when I was screwing with Gilgamesh because they feared his rage - now than first when I and the forest nomads reached Uruk a month or two ago.
I didn't keep track of time like I used to anymore. Elemental mentality does that to you.
"Yes, small houses and two large ones to keep supplies and rations," the guard explained to me.
"Alright, let's do this," I said, stepping forward and changing to my rock element.
On the bright side, this gave me the chance to train on my control over the elements so I can cover small details.
I raised my hands and began to pull upwards.
Slowly, four walls in the form of a square began rising from the ground in front of me and the guards. When the walls were high enough, I stopped raising them and focused on the spot next to them.
A square-shape large plate ripped itself off the ground and floated upwards before moving to the top of the house and I gently placed it there.
I let go of my hold on the stone cube in front of me and was happy it didn't fall apart. When I made sure of that, I focused on the front wall and made a small rectangle rip off from the ground to near the top.
I also ripped a small square besides it for good measure.
And just like that, I managed to make a small house with a door and a window.
The houses in the main parts of the city may have looked better, but that was mainly because they were carved by hand, and now I can challenge myself to see if I can make houses as detailed as they were.
"Okay, one down. How many houses do we need?" I said before turning to the guards.
"Twenty five more," and just with those three words from the guard, Gilgamesh ensured another 'sudden unexpected rains' on himself.
It took me a whole day to make those back then.
My influence was so small and simple in the past.
While I wouldn't choose to go back to that state again, I do miss not having the whole world on my shoulders
All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad
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