

--Ritsuka Fujimaru's P.O.V.--

The world was black, he felt wetness on his cheek. His entire body hurt, and he really didn't want to move around. However, the sound of someone calling for him caused him to creek his eyes open.

The first thing that greeted him was a strange creature. It sat on his chest in a rather satisfactory sort of way, tilting its head in curiosity. It had snow-white fur with long ears and a large bushy tail. It kind of reminded him of a dog if he were to be honest, but its small squirrel like appearance made him think otherwise.

"...Umm.Since it is neither morning nor night, please wake up, senpai" a soft, timid voice asked. Realising he was laid out on the cold, metallic floor, he quickly sat up to find the concerned face of a girl peering down at him.

She was definitely not a normal-looking girl. That much was certain, he decided as he studied her face hidden behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses and light pink hair. By his estimates, she looked no older than sixteen, maybe seventeen. Her expression was rather reserved with a tinge of concern on her timid face.

"Senpai? Hello?"

"Ah, my apologies," Ristuka said, taking a good long look around. There was nothing he recognized. "Where are we? Who are you?"

"Oh…um well, I'm not…" she murmured, looking away from Ritsuka, "Never mind that. Anyway, we're actually in front of the main room of Chaldea, the Central Command Room."

"Fou!" the little white squirrel-dog-thing chirped, climbing onto the girl and resting on her shoulder.

"I…see," he answered slowly, standing up and dusting off his pants. Doing a full look around, he frowned at the unfamiliarity of it all. Everything looked like a stereotypical structure built in the far future.

"Um…are you alright, Senpai? Do you normally like to sleep outside on hard floors like this?" the girl asked, concerned.


"Sleeping…" Ritsuka muttered, mentally grimacing. "No not normally, at least not without a futon…"

"I see…" she said a little awkwardly as the animal on her shoulder began to yip again, "Oh and this is Fou. It seems he's taken a liking to you, Senpai. That is quite odd actually…He's not one to interact with people."

"He's an odd creature himself," Ritsuka commented as Fou jumped off of his caretaker and began walking around. He remained silent as he observed the animal.

"Ah there you are, Mash," a new friendly voice suddenly interjected as a man of German descent walked over from down the hall, "Please do not walk around without alerting the staff. It really could cause some problems."

"Sorry Dr. Lainur."

"Oh, but who is this?" he said, turning towards Ritsuka.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka," Ritsuka introduced himself as he stared at the man's smiling face.

"You must be one of the Masters then. Wonderful!" Lev Lainur continued cheerfully, "It's great that we finally have all 48 Masters capable of Spiritron Dives in one place. Without a doubt, our mission will be a success. I see you're acquainted with Mash though. Have you met before?"

"No," Mash answered simply, "I found Senpai sleeping on the floor here."

"Sleeping? Oh, I see," the man chuckled, "Likely a side effect of your first simulation. It's not uncommon for first-timers to be subjected to sleep-walking-like side-effects. It's likely how Mash found you."

"is that so? I find it ridiculous that someone like me could be here"

"Anyways Mr. Fujimaru," Lev continued, "I'm looking forward to your work. Tell me, how experienced are you? How long was the training?"

"Senpai is a civilian Dr. Lainur," Mash interjected since Ritsuka didn't seem to be keen on answering.

"I see. So, a civilian then. Well that's absolutely okay. Heritage here doesn't matter. Only your ability as a Master is really important," Lev continued, not catching the look of surprise on Ritsuka's face, "Well then, welcome to Chaldea. The Director is about to give her orientation for newbies soon, so I suggest we head over."

Ritsuka found himself seating in the front row of the meeting. The discussion was long and boring and he didn't really understand all of it, but I will explain for you.

The session started with a speech from the director, Olga Marie Animusphere, a magus.

she first explained the concept of the organisation. Chaldea was an organisation dedicated to the survival of mankind. Utilizing a direct connection to Gaia, it projected Earth onto a miniature planet, nicknamed Chaldeas. There were a bunch of other complicated systems that the Director had touched on like LAPLACE, SHIVA, FATE and TRISMEGISTUS but Ritsuka didn't really understand what they did.

All he needed to know was that Chaldea was focused on the preservation of mankind through the observation of history: past, present and future. Masters, like him, were expected to transport themselves through critical points in time to ensure the continuation of history, and, with the assistance of Servants, theoretically, they could correct any abnormalities. The summoning of Servants, apparently, hadn't been completely sorted yet.

After the speech of the director, Ritsuka looked to his right, towards a girl with orange hair, his little sister, and, subconsciously he sighed in relief.

After being gently "abducted" from his house he was worried about her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the man, Lev Lainur, as he was explaining their first mission. For some reason Ritsuka felt extremely uncomfortable each time he heard his voice but this time he also felt something else, danger.

As he was walking towards a coffin, his eyes widened in realization, and, without thinking, he immediately spoke "director, move from there!" Hearing the urgency in his voice she unconsciously jumped, leaving the place she was previously standing, and, in the next instant, an explosion resounded throughout the room.

let me know your thoughts regarding the chapter.

Yuto_mastercreators' thoughts
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