
Wrath II

After a few seconds, Altera Photon Ray is finished destroying the Demon Gods Flauros. I also see Alexander and Julius Caesar twitching on the ground because of Altera Noble Phantasm.

Fujimaru Ritsuka then walked toward the two servants that got friendly fire. When they get up, Julius then asks Altera why she did it and gets his answer shortly after.


I could see a smug smile on Altera's face as she tried to explain that it was an accident. Look like even though they are in the same team, Altera still has hatred toward the roman because of her identity as Attila. It was like looking at Hector and Achilleus from the Trojan War. They are in the same team, but their behavior is like children trying to prank each other but with different firepower.

As I was about to say something about another Demon Gods, The entire room suddenly set into the fire. A second later, a pillar of fire appeared in the middle of the room where the corpse of Flauros is located. Inside the pillar of fire, I see a shadow of a being, and after a few seconds, the pillar of fire vanishes and leaves a being made of fire. It had the shape of a man, but it had goat legs, and on its head, there was a horn of a goat as well. What makes the being in front of them so terrifying is its Aura that causes the air to be so heavy. The Aura around its body it's like a fire that hides its real body.

"The Lord of Fire, Satan of Wrath"

Dr. Romani says through the communication device. I know the identity of the Demon Gods as the Aura that Satan releases have the same feel as the Berserker aura of madness just a little bit different.

Without wasting any time, I summoned the Incinerate Anthem and began to attack the Demon Gods with it. However, when my Incinerate Anthem almost reaches the Demon Gods, the fire is gone without a trace.

"Fire will not work against him. Satan is the Lord of Fire, so all fire elements will never hurt him even though it was a Holy Fire."

Hearing Dr. Romani's explanation, I put the Incinerate Anthem aways and hold Jeweled Sword Zelretch. However, before we were able to attack, the Lord of Fire began to roar, and coming from its roar is a torrent of fire that comes toward us.

"Leave this to us."

Suddenly around us appear many ghostlike figures with a spear and shield. They then run toward Leonidas standing between the Fire that is coming toward us with his spear and shield in his hand.

"Here Goes! Bring your souls, hither!"

The army of 300 spartans for a formation between Leonidas and us.

"Thermopylae Enomotia"

Suddenly the ghostly spartan changed into an orange shield that was ready to protect us from any attack.


A second later, the fire hit the shield and created a massive explosion and shockwave that even behind the shield, I could feel the wind because of the blast.

*Crack* *Crack*

One by one, the shield began to crack, and only 100 shields were left. For half minutes, Leonidas and his spartan hold the ground, and another half-minute later, all the shields already get destroyed, and only Leonidas defends us with his shield.


Leonidas pushes the attack with his shield and then prepares his spear then throws it at the Lord of Fire.


I then see the Lord of Fire has a hole in its stomach because of Leonidas's spear. Look like Leonidas Noble Phantasm is effective against opponents like the Lord of Fire. Thermopylae Enomotia is a counter-attack Noble Phantasm that can endure any incoming attack and then launch a counter-attack afterward. The more people that endured the enemy's attack, the more powerful the counterattack would be on the next turn.

"Asia, heal Leonidas."

"Um, Yes"

As Asia is busy healing Leonidas, I mentally order my servant to attack the Lord of Fire before it can fully recover from Leonidas Noble Phantasm.

"Lily Asia, I need you two to protect me for a second. I need to try something."

I began to say the chant of a spell that I learned from Grimoire. This spell is the spell that Medea of Colchis uses as her favorite spell. The spell name is Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea. This spell is a spell that launches a shower of laser beams powerful enough to destroy a Mid-Tier servant if it hits the servant. Just the use of one single beam would normally require a magic circle, ten-count aria, and one minute of casting for a normal magus, and still thirty seconds with a High-Speed Aria. However, as I already have a Magic Circle from the DxD universe as the foundation, I can use some decent High-Speed Aria because Scathach has a high demand for her students. Now I can cast a single beam with just a half minute, which is awesome.

"Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea"

After I finished saying the chant, 30 magic circles appeared around me. I then point my finger at the Lord of Fire, and suddenly a laser beam launches itself toward Satan, who is currently fighting against Fujimaru Ritsuka servant and My servant.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

My spell successfully hit the Lord of Fire, but before I can celebrate, I see that my Spell didn't do much damage. When I prepare another spell to attack the Lord of Fire, it starts to roar that throws away some of the servants that are too close to the Lord of Fire.

Satan then raises its hands in the air, and suddenly a magic circle appears all round it, and from the magic circle appears a Lava Monster. The Lava Monster is like an Imp from a Video Games. It has a size of a Dog and stands with its two-leg. The Lava Monster also has a wing on its back and a tail of a scorpion.

Not only Satan summons many Lava Monsters, but it also changes its form into a shape of a wraith made of Fire. Before, Satan had a shape of Human with an Aura that looked like a fire, but this time the Lord of Fire has a shape that looks like a Dementor from the Wizarding World.

When I am about to order my servant to attack once more, Romulus says something.

"My Child… Go to the next room. Let us Rome defend this place."

Fujimaru Ritsuka hesitated a little before nodding his head a second later. After seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded, My servant immediately summoned their mount (The one that has the mount) and let Fujimaru Ritsuka and me ride it once again, and we departed to the other room.


"Great Founder…"

"We are all Rome, and we have a duty to protect the future of Rome."

Romulus looks at the people around him; all of them are his children; all of them are Rome and the future of Rome at the hand of his youngest child. As the Father of all Rome, it was his duty to protect its future because Rome will live forever.

Romulus then sees the Lava Monster try to chase after his child, but before it can leave the room, Altera already kills all the Lava Monster with her sword. Romulus knows that Altera has the spirit of Rome inside her soul and looks like he is right about that. However, Romulus still has a duty as the Father of Rome.

"Everything, absolutely everything leads to my lance!"

Romulus raises his spear high in the air.

"Magna Voluisse Magnum"

After saying the true name of his Noble Phantasm, The room is then filled with a Giant Tree that symbolizes Rome itself that continues to grow just like the tree.

"For the ROME!"

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts