
Wild Loli has Appear

The next day we found Emiya already wake up and ready to cook some food, but remember that we are not in our Mansion so he cannot cook as much as he wanted. So we walked to the dining room where the servant was already preparing the food, so we ate the food the servant cooked for us. The food is good, but it still can't be compared with Emiya cooking.

After I finished eating the food, I suddenly remembered that we left behind Muramasa alone in the Mansion because he didn't want to come with us to the beach. He says that he was not interested at that moment as he was currently creating some sword for me to use. I tell him that I already have a Jeweled Sword of Zelretch, so he didn't need another one, but he insists that I must have one seeing that I am learning to become a swordsman. He also said that while he can't help me in fighting the enemy, at least he can create a sword for me to protect myself. Seeing his expression, I only nodded at him.

Anyway, after we finished eating, we searched for Yasaka, who is currently inside her office. So I knock on the door and go inside after Yasaka permits me.

"Fujimaru-dono, What can I do for you?"

"I just want to say farewell to you."

"You want to leave?"

"Yes, one of our friends is still in the mansion, so I thought we would visit him as we didn't come back for a full day."

"I see, Can you give me your address?"


After I gave Yasaka my address, My companion and I began to walk out of the palace and go to our Mansion.

After going inside, Muramasa appeared in front of us and began to question us about the reason why we didn't come back yesterday. We then began to explain that we are fighting a shadow servant and a real servant on our way home. We also told him that we are staying inside the Leader of Youkai faction palace.

"I see, I also fight this Shadow Servant when on the way to the mansion."


"Yes, I fight this Saber Class Servant that wears what looks like a trench coat and has a cross symbol on it."

"I see and Muramasa, you are not facing a saber class servant but Assassin."

"Really? I thought Assassin should be faster than him."

"Yes, You are lucky to have him because his main attack is his noble phantasm."

"You know who this servant, Master?

I look at Asia, who looks curious at the servant.

"Yes, His name is Charles-Henri Sanson, The executioner."

"The same that execute the queen of France?"

"Yes, The very same."

For the rest of the morning, we relax on the Mansion and fill our free time lazing around the Mansion. Kokabiel and George are on the beach, taking a picture of the area after finishing taking a picture of us in the Mansion. Archer and Muramasa surprisingly became friends and began to talk to each other about the weapon project Muramasa is currently doing inside his Workshop. Assassin is now patrolling the area if there is any danger while Berserker remains silent in the corner of the room, ready if there is any threat to me. Caster and Asia are busy creating a new bounded field around the Mansion because I order them to do so. If Azazel says that we can do anything to this Mansion, then I will take this Mansion as myself.

Anyway, Cuchulain already went wherever he went, but I think he went to the sea to fish because the last thing I see him bringing his fish pole. Lastly, Lily, Valerie, and Me are currently cuddling at each other on the sofa while watching TV. The people in the house already know about me being 'Gay' (They didn't know that I'm a man in my previous life), so they ignore us cuddling on the sofa.

When we were relaxing in the mansion, I began to feel a presence 'knocking' on our Bounded Field. So I walked outside and saw in front of the gate is Yasaka and Kunou, who was happy seeing me is the one that opened the door. After letting Yasaka, Kunou, and a few Karasu Tengu get inside the mansion, I began to tell the news to my other Servant who is currently on the outside of the mansion so they would not be surprised if they see a group of Karasu Tengu outside the mansion.

When Yasaka meets Emiya, I can see her eyes wink at him and only get a smile from the resident Mama. Looks like Emiya is still in love with his Saber, huh? Maybe that is the reason why he keeps his relationship with Yasaka as a friend with benefits.

Oh? How do I know about their relationship? Well, let just say that Cuchulain keeps complaining about Emiya getting the jackpot while doing nothing, but he must search the woman and seduce them with his look.

Anyway, Seeing that we have a guest, Emiya began to cook lunch for all of us. A half-hour later, the food arrived from the kitchen, freshly cooked food. This time, however, Emiya does a Chinese dish and a dessert of an Egg Tart.

After we finished eating the food, Yasaka invited us to go to the Onsen with her. Of course, we agreed with the proposal and began to prepare the necessary stuff for the Onsen. Emiya suggested that we have a barbeque in the backyard, and of course, I agree because it was a great idea, especially if it was Emiya doing the cooking. Thinking about it makes me drool a little.

Anyway, after we finished preparing, we began to walk to the Onsen that Yasaka showed us. As we enter the place, we are greeted by the kind old lady who gave us the locker key after paying the fee to the Onsen. We then go to the changing room and take off our clothes and place them inside the basket that has been prepared by the staff inside the locker.

After washing our body, we then soak ourselves in the onsen and feel that my body began to melt as the fatigue that I have started to vanish.

"Ahhh, this is amazing."

"I know, right? After hard work, we need a good relaxing time inside an Onsen."

We enjoyed the onsen in silence for a few minutes before Yasaka said something.

"Hey, Fujimura-dono…"

"Gudako please"


"That is what my friend calls me."

"Very well, Gudako. Anyway, Gudako, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you know why Archer avoiding me?"

I stay silent for a second before saying.

"I can't say it, but the thing I can say is that Archer has a bad past like a terrible past. You can ask him yourself, but please don't force him to tell you but let him melt his heart a little, so he willingly tells you about his past."

"I see."


"Then, I guess I will try harder so he can open up for me, huh?"

"Sure, I guess?"

"Anyway, Gudako looks like you already have a Harem, huh? A woman no less."

"What can I say? I have a huge amount of charisma."

We have a fun conversation while also teasing each other in a friendly manner. After 30 minutes, we get out the Onsen and wipe our body clean before wearing the Yukata that we bring from the mansion.

After getting out of the onsen, I walk to the vending machine in the corner of the room and buy some cold drinks. We then walked out of the onsen; we walked toward the minimart near the onsen and bought some drinks for our barbeque in the mansion, but as we arrived at the minimart, I saw a little girl sitting on the entrance of the mart alone.

The little girl has the appearance of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips. She also has reptilian slitted pupils inside her gray eyes. Her attire consists of a black Gothic Lolita fashion.

I walk toward the little girl and say.

"Hello, what is your name?"


Ahhh, so that is why I have a feeling why I know who this little girl is, She is Ophis the Ouroboros Dragon and also the leader of Chaos Brigade.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts