
Meeting the Resident Pervert


"Nothing master. Anyway, Congratulation, master."

After saying that, Cuchulain goes back enjoying his coffee while ignoring me, but before I was able to ask once more, Emiya coming back from the kitchen, bringing food on his arms.

"Ahhh, Master, you already wake up."

"Ohh Good Morning Emiya, Do you know why is Cuchulain acting like this?"

"....Master, all of us already know about your night activity."


"Yeah, The sounds of Lily and the new kid moan can be heard all across the mansion."


"I must say you are good at bed, aren't you?"

"I-I what?... Shut up, Emiya, and you also have a threesome with Rin and Sakura, so shut up."

After I say that Emiya began to shut his mouth, even though he becomes silent, I can still see his amusement even from my position.

A second later, Asia coming to the dining room with a red face.

"Asia, are you alright?"

"Emmm... I-Is alright master..."

"Are you sure?"


While we are waiting for the food to arrive, I feel there is a guest 'knockin' our bounded field.

"Asia, can you see who our guest is?"

"Umm... It's Azazel, Ise-Kun, and another me."

"I see, then I will greet them."

I then walk toward the front door and open the door, and just as Asia says, The guest that arrives is Azazel, Issei and Asia (This Universe Asia).

"Hello Azazel, What can I do for you?"

"Gudako, Can we come in? I have some business that I want to discuss with you guys."

"Sure, Come on in"

Azazel, Issei, Asia, and I walk toward the dining room. When we arrive, Azazel, Issei, and Asia are shocked, seeing another Asia is sitting on the chair inside the Dining room.

"W-what? B-but? There is two Asia?"

"Hello, Who are you guys?"

Aster (Asia Caster) said with an innocent voice while tilting her head to the side.

"Ahhh, Issei, Azazel, and Asia, right? Let me introduce you to Aster."


"So, you are not Asia twin sister?"

"Hmmm Maybe? I'm just an orphan when I get taken by a couple of magicians."

"I see."

"Anyway, Azazel, what business do you want?"

Before Azazel can answer, George walked into the dining room and stopped a little, then look at Azazel with hateful expression and look at me shaking my head indicate that he is not an enemy.

George then processed to take a seat, and I also can feel that Assassin is agitated toward Azazel. The reason they are like this is that Azazel is Fallen Angel, and they are the servant that fight the God enemy.

The tension in the room is so thick that I fell I can cut it up. As the tension keeps rising, Mama Emiya is come to the rescue by bringing the food that he cooked.

"Alright, business later is time to eat."

Issei wants to decline the food, but after seeing my expression, he accepts the food and begins to eat with us. The expression they had when they eat the food that Emiya cooked is priceless. That's right, feels the power of Mama Emiya cooking.

After eating the food, Azazel looks at me and says.

"Gudako, The business I want to offer you is to capture Kokabiel."

"I thought you are the one that taking care of it?"

"I can't. Heaven needs help dealing with a devil trying to breach the Vatican."


"Yes, There is this army of Rogue Devil consisting of Stray Devil and a few Devil from Old Satan Faction."

"Do you know there an objective?"

"Michael says that they try to take The Holy Grail inside the Vatican."

Look like Rizaevim choose to take the Original Holy Grail to compensate for his loss of Valerie Grail because of me.

"I see why you want us to taking care of Kokabiel?"

"Kokabiel wants to start the great war between the three factions."

"I see."

"So, will you take the job?"

"You know we don't want to intervene in a problem between factions..."

Before I was able to finish my sentences, Azazel says something that I can't refuse.

"I will pay you five million Yen."


Emiya looks at me funnily, and the rest of the people inside the room look at me surprised except Cuchulain, who has a feral smile. What? Don't look at me like that, I love money, and with the money, I can buy more Quartz... Huehuehuehue.

"Master, I will be the one that holds the money."


"Yes, the way you have droll on your face, I know what you will do to that money, so I will the one that holds the money."

"Can I at least have one million?"

"... Very Well, now you can stop rubbing your hand and try something that I think you will."

Hearing Emiya answer, I immediately take away my hand from the Command seals.

"Anyway, Kokabiel will take action this night."

"That fast?"

"Yes, also, please take him alive. Even though he went rogue, he is still my brother."

"Very well."

"Also, take them with you guys, Kokabiel bringing his Legion with him. A little bit of help will do for your success."

"You know that we can take care of it, right?"

"I know, while I serious about the little help. I also want to make Issei have a real-life experience. That's why I want to bring him with you guys."

"Okay then, I Issei and Asia, you can stay inside the mansion for a while."

"Thanks, Gudako"

"Thank you Gudako-San"

Azazel then gets up and takes something from his pocket before putting it on the table. I can see the paper that Azazel put down is a check with One million yen written on the paper. Seeing the paper, I immediately take the check before Emiya able to keep it from me.

"This is the down payment after you finished the job I will pay the rest. You know how to find me. Now excuse me, I still have much business that I need to take care of."

Azazel then walked to the exit leaving Issei and Asia in our mansion. After seeing Azazel leaving, I look toward Issei, who is holding Asia's hand.

"So issei, you didn't look Aster breast here like a pervert you are? are you cured of the breast obsession?"

"No Never"


"I still like Oppai just like before, but after I meet Asia, I can hold my urge pretty well."

"Ohh? so you don't want to become harem king?"

"No, I'm not."


"It started when I meet Her. When I first meet her, I have a feeling on my chest that I must protect her for the rest of my life. At first, I ignore that urge, but after knowing Asia a bit more, I began to accept the urge because I know that I need to protect the innocent nature that she has. The innocent that should be not tainted by my pervert nature. At first, I want to stay away from her, but seeing her sad face, I can't do that, so I must be the one that changes for better, and here we are."

"And now you guys are a Girlfriend and Boyfriend?"



"Congratulation, both of you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

While we have a conversation at each other, Lily and Valerie arrive at the dining room and immediately began to eat. After they finished eating, I began to explain our next job to Valerie and Lily.

After done explaining the job to Valerie and Lily, I walked to the basement where Murasa should be staying. After arriving in the basement, I see many tools of blacksmithing, and I also see Muramasa sharpen a blade on his hand.

"Muramasa, please have some breakfast first."

"Is it morning already?"

"Yes, now go and have some breakfast."

"Very well, and what are you doing here exactly?"

"I want to use my Quartz without getting interrupted by Mama Emiya."

Muramasa looked at me with a weird expression before nodded and left the basement, leaving me alone.

"Now, Its time to Gacha!"

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