
Khaos Brigade III

Sirzechs didn't know how this was happening, He carefully monitored if there was any mole or other spy from the Old Satan Faction but seeing the result in front of him, Sirzechs knew that his effort was not enough. He put too much trust in people around him.

Currently, Sirzechs is fighting a horde of Shadow Servant that wields a bow and shoots him from afar while the one with the spear holds him even though they can't do anything to him as they get destroyed by his Power of Destruction if they get close enough.

Sirzech admits that the shadow servant is somewhat troublesome because their individual strength is almost the same as the Low-Level Ultimate Devil Class.

Sirzech snapped from his thought when the sky began to darken, then he looked at the sky and saw a massive amount of arrows began to rain at him. Sirzechs immediately created a barrier made of Power of Destruction to protect him from being hit by the arrow. After a few seconds, the arrow rain stopped, but his instinct told him to dodge or block an attack coming from his left side.


After blocking the attack, Sirzechs grabs his attacker and throws her then punches her attacker right in the chest. He then looked at his enemy in front of him. Sirzechs enemy is a woman with a cat ear on her head. She has white hair and yellow eyes with a slit as her pupil. She is wearing a cloth that barely covers herself and a black boar head with a purple line on her right shoulder, and lastly, she has a boar feet instead of normal human feet, which make Sirzechs a little bit confused about her species.

"I'll kill you…"

Before Sirzechs could say a word, the woman drew her bow, and suddenly three arrows came at him, so Sirzech blocked her attack, but the woman kept her attack, so Sirzechs kept his barrier. While blocking the woman's attack, Sirzechs began to charge at the woman who was able to keep up with him surprisingly.

He suddenly stops as he feels an attack coming from the back, so he dodges a spear that just barely misses him. Sirzechs completely forgot about the other enemy, which also began to attack him with their spear.

"Demonic Bullet of Annihilation"

Sirzech created a hundred of compressed Power of Destruction and shot it toward the enemy, and killed many of them at a single attack. Before he was able to breathe, Sirzechs quickly created a barrier as another rain of arrows appeared in the sky. While Sirzechs was busy blocking all the arrows that were coming from the sky, He got hit by an arrow coming from his side. Sirzech surprised, seeing that some of the arrows were able to pierce his armor.

Seeing his situation, Sirzechs then releases a wave of Power of Destruction destroying the arrow that comes at him and immediately flies toward the woman that is doing the Rain of Arrow and coat his fist with Power of Destruction as he can and punch her right in the chest. He then sees the woman immediately turn into ashes as he killed her instantly.

After killing the woman, Sirzechs began to fly toward the other Shadow Servant.


Odin is currently busy fighting with his adopted son, Loki. When Loki appears in the Underworld, Odin is being honest that he will consider forgiving him if he goes back to Valhalla. Still, instead of going home, Loki declares war against the Underworld and tries to cause Ragnarok. When Loki gets beaten up, Odin takes him to the prison with intent to release him after 20 thousand years, but instead, he gets help from the Khaos Brigade to get out of his prison. While that act makes him angry, The one thing that makes him furious is Loki trying to kill her mother and Odin's wife, Frigg.

In his anger, Odin grabs his weapon, Gungnir, and calls all the valkyries available and goes to the Underworld. Odin expects when he arrives in the Underworld, he will meet Sirzechs and discuss the plan, but to his surprise, the Khaos Brigade is already attacking the Underworld. To his delight, he sees Loki lead his soldiers.

Seeing his former son, Odin began to fly with his Gungnir at his hand, and after arriving in front of Loki, he thrust his spear at Loki, but unfortunately, his former son was able to block his spear with magic.

Odin and Loki fight in close combat, but after a few minutes of fighting, Loki begins to create some distance from Odin and uses his magic on Odin.

Seeing Loki magic, Odin uses Gungnir to create a barrier that blocks the Loki attack and creates an opportunity to close some distance to Loki. After getting close to Loki, Odin shot a wave of energy toward Loki via his Gungnir. Loki can block Gungnir's shot, but Odin immediately stabs Loki with Gungnir when the earlier energy blast destroys Loki's shield.


Loki raises his hand to the sky and creates a massive Magic Circle, and suddenly an Ice Blizzard appears inside the Underworld. Loki then snaps his finger, and suddenly a thunder from the sky hits Odin before he can react.


Another Magic Circle appears in the sky as Loki raises his hand once more. Odin then sees a thunder ready to strike him down, so he raises his spear and points his spear toward the Magic Circle.

"The Sharpened End Of The Shining Star, GUNGNIR"

Odin spear then shot a beam of blue light toward Loki lighting, the attack struggled a little, but Gungnir was able to overpower the Lighting with ease and destroyed the Magic Circle. This attack is Odin's special attack to handle something that needs more penetration power like when he is doing it with his-...

Anyway, Odin attacks, able to overpower Loki with ease, and seeing the shocked face of Loki, Odin dashed toward Loki and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and stabbed him right in the heart.

"What… How…"

"You need a million years before able to defeat me."

Odin takes his spear from Loki's body and prepares to end Loki's suffering, but before he can stab Loki in the head, a magic circle appears under Loki's feet. Odin retreated from his position, afraid if it was Loki allies that were casting the Magic Circle to attack him. To Odin's surprise, Loki disappears from his previous position. Odin then hears a voice coming from the sky.


I look at the sky and see Rizevim holding Loki by his throat while smiling, which gives me a creep.

"Well, Well, Look like my plan is failed, but I guess I can fix it."


"Oya? Look what we have here? The current Lucifer, The Crimson Satan. HAHAHAHA What a joke. Surrender? Never because you guys will die soon anyway."

Rizevim then slowly lands on the ground where a magic circle appears next to him, and something is coming out from the Magic Circle. The thing that comes out of the magic circle is the Holy Grail that releasing a corrupted mud that slowly fills the area with mud.

"Servant, Come to me."

Rizevim servants then came to him and then walked to the Grail as the mud-covered their entire body and began to melt. Seeing the situation, I order Archer, Lancer, Aster, and Custer to attack Rizevim to prevent him from summoning Goetia.

"Archer, Lancer, Aster and Custer attack Rizevim with all their might but don't get close at him, just shoot him from afar."

They then began to activate their Noble Phantasm and shot/throw it at Rizevim. Seeing our Action, many of my allies began to do the same and attack Rizevim with their long-range attack. However, our attack gets blocked by Rizevim, who creates a barrier around him, protecting him and the Grail.

"Do you think I don't prepare myself for this moment? Foolish"

I then see Loki's body get absorbed by the Corrupted Mud. A second later, the Grail began to shine before creating a massive Magic Circle in front of it. The Magic Circle shines brightly, and suddenly a portal opens from the ground. I could see the thing that tried to come out from the portal. It has two massive horns with black and red color appearing from the ground. The beast has the face of a woman with green hair and an eye with an 'X' in the middle of it.

As the beast head appears from the portal, It then 'roars' while trying to get out from the portal.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts