
It's Time To Gacha II

I then press the Summon button on my phone and look at the rolling showing the process of summoning.

Roll… Roll…

Craft Essence… Oh! A five star… Wait, it was a craft essence Imaginary Round.

Roll… Roll…

Duplicate… Duplicate… Craft Essence and… Craft Essence… Why?!? I just hope that my luck is getting better because if my 10416 Quartz is wasted, then I don't know what will happen to my sanity.


It's getting worse… I only got a Craft Essence of Kirei Kotomine half-naked body not only that I also got Souichirou Kuzuki Craft Essence as well, and guess what? He is also half-naked… F#CK.

And the worst thing is that the half-naked man Craft Essence is 4★ and a 5★ if it was Before Awakening. All my hope is crush because of that cursed Craft Essence that always hunted me in my Gacha Time. Maybe… Maybe if I kill Kirei, my curse will be gone… Yes… Yes… Kukukuku, I will kill him with my bare hand… And I will make sure he cannot bear any child Fufufufu…

I snap from my thoughts when I see a bright light appear in front of me. When the light is gone, I see a little girl holding a rice bucket on her left hand and a rice ladle on her right hand.

"Welcome to Enma-Tei. I am delighted to meet you, honorable guest-dechi… Hmmm is not how it goes, right-dechi. Servant; Saber. The Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Benienma. I have come here to offer my services. Please take care of me from now on-dechi."

When I see my first servant that appears, I immediately run toward her and hug her while crying. Finally… my servant's first servant… and she also a 5★ servant at that… My tears won't stop coming out.

While I am busy hugging Benienma, I hear my other servant saying.

"Good job Saber"


"Nice job, Benienma, right?"


"I thought I would lose Ritsuka for a second there… Nice save Beni-chan"

"Nice save-dechi?"

"Thank you for rescuing our master from the abyss, my lady."


After crying for at least a minute, I release Benienma from my arms and look at her from head to toe to make sure that she is real. After making sure she is real, I smile at her and say.

"Welcome to our group Benienma. My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"YES! I'm The Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Benienma. Please take care of me-dechi."

After doing our introduction, I then led Benienma to our base. I leave my gacha for another time because I already use at least 5000 Quartz just to summon Benienma, which I am happy to have as my servant.

When we arrive at the living room, Emiya places a snack on the table as my servant sits down around me. When all the servants had sat down, I began to explain our situation toward Benienma and also say about our enemy that would appear in the future.

"I see, Then I Benienma will lend you my sword-dechi. Chuchun."

"Thank you… Also, do you want to be called Saber or Benienma?"

"Please call me, Benienma."

"Then Benienma, once more, I say welcome to our group."


After explaining the situation, I walked to my bedroom and was ready to sleep as I promised Valerie and Lily a date.




I wake up from my sleep. I dream about Altera destroying my phone with her Photon Ray while saying that Gacha is a bad Civilization. Is this her revenge because my other self gave her a nightmare about Gacha? Is she giving me the exact treatment my other person gives to her?

After questioning my entire life, I then slowly got up from my bed to not wake up Jacky and Ophis. After taking a bath, I walk toward the dining room where I see Emiya and Benienma look at each other but not in a good way. Their eyes are like a predator looking at its rival.

When I sit down on the chair, Emiya and Benienma look at me and say.

"Master, I need you to judge our cooking. This LITTLE GIRL says that my cooking is not good enough for you."

"Chuchun. You don't have enough experience to compare your food to my food."

Both Emiya and Benienma then put down their food in front of me.

"Now, Please taste it, master."

"Please enjoy my food, Master."

I just know that this will be our regular morning event from now on, I just know it.


After eating a ton of food, I was finally able to go on a date with Valerie and Lily. When I ask them where they want to go, Lily and Valerie say that they want to go to Diagon Alley and have some Ice Cream with me. So I take them to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and order some Ice Cream for both of them, of course, I also order one even though I eat a lot earlier I still have some space for Ice Cream.

While eating our Ice Cream and having a pleasant conversation with both Valerie and Lily, I hear many whispers all around me. Some of them are good, and some of them are bad and one of the snobbish Pure Blood from the Lestrange Family. The reason I know him is that he is one of the Death Eaters that Hassan informs me that he is one of the financial backers for the Voldemort campaign.

"Hmph, A woman has a relationship with another woman? What a waste, She should become a good wife and give birth to the heir of Noble Family not become a partner to a commoner."

Slowly I began to release a killing intent, but before I could kill him, Lily reached my hand and shook her head. I then give the man a death glare that he returns with a sneer then goes outside the store with his minion.

After seeing him gone, I then began to enjoy my Ice Cream once more, but not even a minute later, my date got interrupted once more by someone shouting.





~Artoria and Emiya~

Artoria and Emiya are currently walking toward their bedroom. Emiya didn't know how, but for some reason, he became Artoria's wife. Emiya is not complaining because this is not the most bizarre thing he ever witnessed. Artoria also has many similarities to the people he knows. The eternal beauty just like his Saber even though Artoria is the more mature Saber. The thigh of Rin Tohsaka… The hip of Sakura Matou… The chest of Rider… So yeah, Emiya is not complaining.

"I like your new pants, Emiya."

"Thank you, I got it from Japan, and they were 50% off."

"I'd like it better if they were 100% off."

"What? They can't just give it to me… For goodness sake Artoria. Can't you at least wait until everyone is asleep?"

Emiya then sees Artoria summon her Lance and says.

"Pull your pants down, Final Warning."

Emiya, the man that wants to have a peaceful sleep just for once, summon his sword as well and say.

"I can do this all night."

Emiya kept his promise and did it all night… Of course, it was not the fight but the other thing. That night Emiya switched jobs to Lancer and began to thrust his spear all night.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts