
It's My Loli, No Touch


In front of me is the most dangerous loli in the entire world, Ophis the Ouroboros, the Dragon of Infinity. What confuses me is the reason she is sitting outside a minimart like a homeless person because I know Ophis has a base of operation somewhere in the world.

"Ophis-Chan, why are you here?"

"I don't know?"

Suddenly I hear a sound like a beast growling at me; if I near its nest, I then look at Ophis's stomach that rumbles and making the sound that I just heard.

"You are hungry, huh?"


"Then come on I will buy you something."

Then began to take Ophis's hand and take her inside the minimart where My companion and I began to buy the drink that we need for the barbeque and the food for Ophis. After paying for the drink and food, we get out the minimart and walk our way to the mansion while also feeding Ophis with a melon bread that I buy in the minimart.

"How is it?"


"Is bread delicious?"

"Um, Sweet"

"That's good."

We walk for at least 5 minutes to arrive at the mansion, and on the way home, I also feed more snacks that I buy from the store. Ophis is quite content with my treatment as she stuffs her mouth with as much food as she can and makes her face stuffed like a squirrel. Seeing Ophis face, I take out my phone and take a picture of her stuffing the food inside her mouth.

After we arrive at the mansion, we immediately go to the backyard after placing our dirty clothes in the laundry room. When we arrive at the backyard, I can see that Emiya is already cooking the meat and some vegetables. I then see the two Cuchulain's are busy cleaning the fish that he caught when he was fishing that afternoon. George and Kokabiel are busy taking pictures of the party with their camera while Asia helps with the table.

"Oh, Master, welcome home."

"I'm home, So when can we eat the food? I'm hungry."

"Around 10 minutes."

"I see, Anyway, Oi Cuchulain!"

"Yo, master."

"I bring some drinks if you guys want."

After placing the drink inside the cooler box, I sit down on the chair, followed by Lily and Valerie, who take my left and right side while Ophis sits down on my lap, looking content with her place.

"Gudako, who is this young lady?"

"Ahhh, Georgios this is Ophis"

"I see, I don't mean to be rude, but why does she have the aura of a Dragon?"

"I will explain it after the party, but you can ask Kokabiel about her identity."

"Very well."

After waiting for another 10 minutes while feeding Ophis some chips, Emiya arrives at the table bringing all the meat dishes he cooked and goes back to the grill to bring the fish as well.

I look at Ophis who is drooling at the sight of the food and smile then says.

"Just wait a little longer, okay?"


After Emiya took all the food from the grill, we then began to eat the food. I look at Ophis, who didn't touch her food and sees that she looks at me with a hopeful expression. With a sigh, I began to feed her and also eat my food at the same time.

After we finished eating, Kokabiel asked me a question.

"Fujimaru, is she the actual Ophis?"


"Why is she here?"

"I don't know. I found her outside the minimart sitting outside."


"Yeah, I know it's weird."

I then look at Ophis, who is eating the dessert that Emiya made this morning.

"Ophis, why are here? I thought you wanted to defeat Great Red?"

"Eh, Great Red?"

I ignored Kokabiel and Yasaka's shocked face.

"My power is gone."


"My connection to my silence has been cut off."

"Connection to the Dimension Gap?"


"I see, That is your source of power, isn't it?"


"Do you know who the one that cut your connection to Dimensional Gap?"

"Rizevim? En Rizevim"

"I see, Look like Rizevim is betraying his Group Leader, Ophis here and taking the leadership himself. Now we don't know their real goal because the Chaos Brigade has a goal to defeat the Great Red, so they need to make progress on their main goal or at least Ophis's goal because it was her goal."

"Fujimaru, do you know the main goal of Rizevim Lucifer?"

I look at Yasaka, who has a serious expression before nodding at her.

"Yes, I know that he wants to go to another world and cause chaos as much as he can, but with the Great Red and Ophis in the Dimensional Gap, he can't do that. If he wants to go to the other world, he will disturb Ophis's silence, so he knows that he will not have permission from Ophis, and as for Great Red well, The Great Red will kill him right away."

"I guess you are right."

"And with Ophis gone or at least powerless to stop him, Rizevim only needs to deal with Great Red."

"But Great Red is the most powerful being in the World."

"Yes, that's why he needs the Grail."


"To summon his ancestor, of course."

"The Satan of old?"

"No, not the devil but the demon of old."

"... The race that already extinct."

"And also one of the most powerful races in the world."

"That is bad."

"Yes, look like we need to do something about this disaster. Fujimura, I'm sorry, but I need to go back to the palace and inform the gods in Takamagahara."

"I see, please inform me if there any news about the Chaos Brigade."


I then looked at Yasaka, Kunou and her Bodyguard began to leave the mansion, and after I knew that she was leaving, I began to look at my companion.

"Alright guys, Looks like we know what Rizevim goal is in this World."

"Yes, he wants to summon Goetia."


The entire mansion becomes silent as if mentioning the name of Goetia is the cause of the phenomenon. Kokabiel, who is confused about the name, asked me a question.

"Fujimaru, Who is Goetia? Here Goetia is the name of a human called the 72 devils, but seeing the reaction of the people here, I can guess that Goetia is different from the one in this world?"

I look at Kokabiel a little before nodding and saying.

"Yes, Goetia the Demon God-King, the aggregate form of Solomon's seventy-two Demons. To begin with, the 72 demons were "a system to efficiently promote proper reason" invented by the founder of magecraft, Solomon. It was initially created as a magical ritual to look after humankind after Solomon's death, the Human Order Correction Ritual. Said system grieved and raged against the relationship between King Solomon and humans, becoming a curse that takes action to conquer "the imperfectness of humans" that King Solomon continued to ignore. It eventually changed into the Human Order Incineration Ritual. A magecraft with its own will that was devised to attain true wisdom, and is now attempting to reach the origin while making use of the entire human history."

I took a breath before I continue explaining.

"After King Solomon's death, the 72 demons that were sealed away inside his corpse awakened to their own ideology, swindled Solomon's name (although, from their point of view, they are the true King of Magecraft Solomon) and embarked on a new venture to convert the entire mankind into energy."

"I see."

"Yes, that's why we can't let it happen. We need to stop Rizevim before he was able to summon Goetia. He needs a huge amount of energy, and the way to get that said energy is by using a sacrifice ritual."

"Who do you think he will sacrifice for the ritual?"

"Who is the one that the Old Satan Faction hates the most?"

"The Current Satan…"

"Yes, and two of the satan has the power that makes them one of the tens the most powerful being in the world."

"Which makes them the perfect sacrifice for the ritual."

I then get up, followed by Lily, Valerie, and Ophis, then walked to the mansion.

"Master, what should we do right now?"

"Right now? Nothing, but tomorrow I have something that we could do the entire day."

"Which is?"

"The Saber War event is still available."


I look at my servant and give them a sweet smile.

"It's time to grinding."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts