

Immediately the evening of the first day, of those granted to the giant half-blood tribe to decide, from the castle come screams and noises of struggle. Drew, by order of Simon, has troops prepared for battle.

Some soldiers are thrown down from the top of the walls. In the dark and tens of meters away it is difficult to understand the dynamics of events.

A bizarre being, a cross between a man and a tortoise, or rather a turtle standing on two legs, is fighting against some men. In one hand he squeezes a kind of tablet, while with the other he keeps his enemies at distance with a shimmering spear covered with red cloths.

The fight lasts several minutes and Olmaria's soldiers are silent in absolute silence. Simon is not able to give a precise order by not knowing the background of the battle. Rather than hitting possible allies it is better to stay still and wait.

The solitary fighter is phenomenal. The way he handles the spear is divine. With no useless movement he is able to easily pass from close combat to medium-distance combat, and above all every movement naturally follows the next as in a suggestive dance.

Some arrows hit him but bounce off the hard shell that covers the back and some areas of the head.

The turtle man is unnaturally snappy and in a few but precise jumps he manages to cover the entire battlements of the castle up to the highest tower built on the right side of the fortress.

As the encirclement closes, increasing the frenetic pace of the battle, he jumps into the void.

All with bated breath witness an unpredictable scene. The turtle man seems to land in mid-air, suspended above the soldiers of Olmaria, unable to fall.

Simon signs to hit him with the arrows but these fall on the head of the archers without even being able to approach.

Suddenly from nowhere still appears the strange vehicle encountered in the mountains between Olmaria and Luberistan. In less than a few seconds the strange individual disappears inside the strange flying vehicle and flees in the distance at a disarming speed.

Immediately after a few minutes the doors of the castle are opened and the occupants come out unarmed with their hands up in surrender.

Simon approaches escorted by Desmond to ask the first in line "You are their captain?"

He answers "In a sense we could say yes. I have a question too. Will it be as you promised?"

The young commander "Obviously! From now you are part of my armed force. You will be examined to verify that there are no spies among you. After that you will swear loyalty to Olmaria and to me as your commander. Soon we will march to your new home."

"And our families?"

Simon pensively answers "Where are they now?"

"They are a few miles north, hidden in a valley. That guy had promised us that if we had helped him recover that ancient table, he would have given us the chance to live in a beautiful place. It had not been that our island was just devastated by a storm I would never have accepted."

The baron absent and continues "Don't worry. However he did not take what interested me. I'm sure what I'm looking for is still there."

Then he turns around and after explaining some things, he gives the men to Drew who is preparing to check them and prepare them for the acceptance ceremony.

As Simon walks towards the entrance of the castle he approaches Cacam asking for explanations "Do you really want to finish everything like that? They have to pay for what they did to us!"

"We have already slaughtered most of their forces. What sense does it have to proceed. Soon there will be dangers that we will not be able to face and strong warriors as they will be our only hope."

Impatient Simon advances through the walls of the castle chasing the point that appears on the panel of his demonic bag.

Unfortunately, the indications are only relative to two dimensions of the space so he takes a while, after several attempts, to understand that the indication points towards the basement.

The basement is all upside down. Rubble and picks are scattered everywhere.

Large and small holes can be seen in all the walls of the rooms in the basement. In one of these you can clearly see where the stolen table was located. One of the walls of a huge room has, right in the center, a lectern embedded in the stone. On the base of the lectern one can glimpse the shape of the tablet held by the turtle man.

The panel, however, continues to indicate something right in the position of the lectern. Simon thinks that perhaps he erroneously reads where the table first rested, but for his own sake he begins to examine the small basement.

After several attempts, a small section of the base opens to reveal a small drawer. In the drawer you can see a kind of brilliant circle. By moving it, the light is reflected on the surface, dividing into a thousand different colors. The small disk is small as a nut and very thin. In spite of everything, however, it seems very resistant and apparently time has not affected its brilliance in the slightest.

Simon watches him quietly clutching his fingers then tired of thinking about the strange object decides to put it in the demonic bag.

Once the artifact has been inserted into the magic container, a new panel appears before it. This time the letters are understandable and report the following:

"User interface dedicated to the natives. To update the device version in order to make it usable by the lower species of this planet, press enter."

Simon presses one of the symbols of the bag and the panel disappears and then replaced by the usual panel.

But this time all the writings are understandable and written in a language rather similar to that spoken by him. Some words are written wrong or strange but the concept expressed is now much clearer.

The panel shows three main functions. Warehouse, the one used until now. Inside are all the objects collected by Simon. For each object now you can read a name, a sort of date or better an increasing number and a brief description.

The second page is the one that activated in front of the castle. The word even if translated remains incomprehensible to the boy. However this panel shows the usual circles but on the side you can read some words. Scrolling through them he is able to activate the vision of where people are or show a real map. The latter is not complete because perhaps subordinated to the fact of having already been in one place.

The third and last possibility is a sort of dark table full of symbols. Each symbol is different but all have the same square shape with rounded corners. Activating one of the symbols, a light dazzles Desmond, leaving him dazed for a few seconds.

Instantly Desmond appears on the panel. Now two identical people are in the same room but one of them is frozen at a specific time.

Simon entranced test the function several times finding that the portraits are kept in the demonic bag.

Other squares allow you to enter into other strange situations but the young man cannot understand.

Deciding that it is time to get out of the castle and regroup his armed force Simon exits decisively from the door of the castle and once arrived in the middle of the military camp he summons all his officers.

The meeting is short and concise. After all are sent to their duties and after only half an hour the army, including new members, are deployed in the clearing in front of the castle.

Simon starts talking "To the troops who fought I say you did a great job. Be proud of yourself! To the new recruits instead I say to learn from your new companions. You will have to become a perfect war machine as soon as possible."

"This is your last chance to rethink. Do you want to fight under my command for the reign of Olmaria?"

The scream is rather ambiguous, elder elf Cacam does not understand if it is the intention or not "We swear to fight for our Lord Commander Simon Forb, today and forever!"

As usual a very violent discharge of energy passes through all those present when the strength of all is added to that of others.

George takes the floor and adds "From today Drew will take care of our fellow veterans while the new levers, clearly fit to become armored knights, will be under my command!"

Simon lets out comments and shouts and then announces "Desmond and I will return to the elven capital alone, you and the new recruits will have to recover and escort their families to Olmaria. Be careful and do a good job as usual!"

Hearing this the group of soldiers, who until a few hours ago were giving up, cheered happily.

George points to a wagon to one of the new recruits who disbelieves, under the order of his new captain, he manages to drag the heavy vehicle quietly along the road as he marches with the others, effortlessly.

Simon smiles as he sees the strength of his army and observes his inhuman characteristics. Even the elven magicians just joined his army are quite excited, finding themselves as strong as bulls and with a magic tens of times stronger than a few days before.

The only one worried is Cacam, who is now aware that he can't make any claims against such monsters.

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