
Fate/Demon goddess

I had an idea of putting a previously dropped character and putting into the fate universe, so I binged the anime to know the character and plot, this is what boredom will do to a man sadness indeed and also there are already a bunch of Fate FF already so don't expect this to be unique out of the other FF the book cover sauce: https://twitter.com/li_nauu/status/1766395201365635133

ashenlight · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs


Entering the school grounds the first thing I saw was a boy who was currently flirting with two girls near some vending machine

The boy noticed me instantly as I entered and said goodbyes to the two girls before walking up to me

"Good morning, Hanabi-san you're cute as always" Shinji greeted me with a smile

"Shinji-senpai, you know I think that smile doesn't suit you" I smiled in reply

"Oh really, you're hurting my feelings you know" He over-dramatically sighed

I smiled at the sight and an idea popped up in my head, focusing my mana on my mystic eyes I cast an illusion spell on Shinji

"Oh? then let me help you with that" My voice became the only noise that Shinji heard, other students' chatter became a void

'Wh-what is going on' Before he noticed I altered his mind to be filled with only me, every purpose of his existence was for me, and every word I utter would become his belief

Slowly his eyes turned dull and he looked toward me with a feverish smile

'Shinji-senpai you really are a tomboy, what a bad boy' Hanabi's whispers seem so addictive

'Y-yes im a bad boy, please punish me' My knee felt weak and I fell to the ground and looked at Hanabi, Hanabi please, only Hanabi-sama

'Meet me on the roof after class' Hanabi's last word before I snapped into reality, many students gathered as they looked at me and Hanabi-sama

Wait, why was I on the ground? I held my head to remember but nothing came to mind, Hanabi-sama left me and headed to class


"Hehe" I giggled as I made my way toward the class

'Hanabi, I sense another master besides Rin and Emiya is here' Xian gave me a warning

'Ah, the other master is Shinji, the blue-haired boy'

'The one you talked to?'

'yup yup'

'I see' Xian accepted my words without any doubt

'Xian, you can explore the street once in a while, I can take care of myself'

Silence came as Xian thought about it and finally agreed to my words


Wondering casually on the city streets, I observed many vehicles pass and go on the road and thousands of crowds walked to their desired location

I changed my attire to suit more of the current fashion of this era, a plain blue dress with decorative patterns

"Mommy, why is that pretty lady wearing a blindfold?" A young child with her mother pointed at me in curiosity

"Well I don't know, do you want to ask her?" The mother patted her daughter as she nodded in response

"Then go ask her nicely" Her eyes beamed as she walked over to me

"Pretty lady, why do you wear a blindfold" Looking at the innocent young child I couldn't help but smile and give a response

"Child, I wear this blindfold as my eyes as I cannot see normally anymore" I untie the bind of my blindfold, revealing the dull red eyes

"Wow! You have pretty eyes" She complimented before leaving with her mother with a smile

"Didn't take you to be the kind spirit" A voice came behind me, putting back my blindfold I turned to face the black-haired girl along with her heroic spirit

"Though I am ruthless to enemies, the innocent do not deserve such treatment" I looked back towards the daughter-mother pair

"I despise wars greedy leaders raiding each other only for their own gain, but it is a necessary evil to protect the weak"

"You've have been through a lot huh?"

"It seems I have, though my memory is but a faint linger, I still have the same emotional reaction towards some subject"

Rin looked at me with surprise and turned to Archer

"Look Archer, someone also lost their memory besides you"

"I don't see any relevance in that information master"

"Ahem, it was a cool thing to point out ok" Rin blushed in embarrassment

Observing their interaction I concluded they seemed to not be keen on fighting, Archer noticed my 'gaze' and shortly answered my question

"You're not down to fighting when there are civilians right?"

"Indeed part of the reason, but my 'Summoner' instructed me to engage with you also"

Both Rin and Archer turned serious as they thought about my reply

"What do you mean by that?" Rin was the first to ask

"As I stated my 'Summoner' only wishes to not be at odds with you, by her words 'Don't hurt that girl she is my fave'" Rin paused for a moment and asked again

"Do I know this master of yours by any chance?"

"I shall not disclose any more information"

Rin frowned but didn't pry further knowing if she did it would cause a circumstance that likely turn into a battle

"Alright, I won't ask much further" Rin and I stared in silence and decided to go our separate ways without conflict

"Also. Why are you not in school?" I asked one last question

"Wh-what, I woke up late alright, leave me be"


Waiting on the roof I saw a figure approaching me

"Huh? Why am I here" Shinji looked around and saw me looking over the half-broken baseball field as the result of yesterday's battle

The school concluded there was a storm that broke many of the fences and equipment so they canceled any club activity that involved the baseball field this week

"Shinji-senpai you came, just in time" I approached Shinji with a happy smile

"Ah Hanabi-san, were you the one called me?" His eyes seemed a little confused but replied acting as if he knew how he ended up on the roof

"Listen Shinji-senpai for the longest time I wanted to tell you something" My eyes glowed a little as I drew my mana toward my eye

Misunderstanding my words Shinji's imagination went wild with what I was about to say next

"Shinji-senpai, I-" Sensing danger from behind I activated a barrier magic instantly deflecting the chains aimed at me

"Rider!" Shinji was surprised at the sudden attack and was instantly angry "Why did you attack Hanabi-san" In anger Shinji didn't seem to notice the barrier

Rider only frowned in response and tried to attack me from another angle

"Rider, it's rude to interrupt my and your master, the conversation did your sisters not teach you manners!" I summoned a fireball and hurled it toward Rider

Deflecting the fireball with her chains she frowned as she looked at me

"You know my identity?" Rider looked at me with seriousness and retreated next to Shiji who was shocked that I was a magus

"Who knows, you're the one that will find out 'Rider'" My smile widened as she looked at me with caution

Sensing The amount of prana I have Rider's mood turned to worse

"Careful master, she is a first-class magus" Rider's warning sent Shinji into a spiral of thoughts. First-class magus he heard of it when studying some books relating to mana and prana, he read First-class Magus are at the top of the food chain, obtaining mystical eyes as a sign of their mastery over mana, being able to control weather and seeing the future

She is one of THE first-class magus?!

"Oh my, it seems you're a bit surprised Shinji-senpai" I covered my mouth to suppress my laugh