
Fantasy's Reality

Things once thought to only be found in fiction, became a part of reality. The world has been reshaped. Guilds and adventures became the new normal. Follow Kobayashi Kaito as he unravels the truth of the world and the secrets hidden in the shadows.

Dragorize · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Entrance Exam

After Kaito had run from the girls out front, he reached the reception desk to register for the entrance exam. He was greeted by a friendly young lady seemingly in her mid 20s, standing at about 165 centimetres tall. She had short, brown hair and was wearing a black sleeveless vest over a long sleeve dress shirt. She was in black high heels, a black skirt cut just above her knees, and had a red bow tie with a rose pattern printed on it. In her ears, were small round earrings.

[Good morning, you're here to register for the entrance exam correct?]

[Yes, that's right. My name is Kobayashi Kaito.]

[And do you have a recommendation letter?]

[Um... ya.... just one second.]

Kaito started to search all his pockets before pulling out a yellow envelope sealed with red wax. Holding out the envelope to the receptionist, Kaito apologized.

[Sorry about not having it ready immediately. I was actually afraid I might have lost it.]

[That is not a problem at all. We just ask in case a participant has one. After all, Prism Academy serves as a gathering point for many potential talents from all types of backgrounds, and some get in by relying on connections they may have.]

The receptionist received the envelope with both hands and lightly bowed before noticing the insignia in the wax.

[This....this seal...it can't be...]

Noticing the disbelief and fear in the eyes of the receptionist, Kaito nervously asked...

[Is there a problem with the letter?]

Hearing his question, the receptionist shivered.

[N....nothing at all... There's no problem at all sir]


Kaito was confused since the receptionist had started to be more formal and her voice seemed to shake with fear. She held out the envelope to him without opening it and bowed at a 90 degree angle.

[Um.... are you sure you're alright?]

Hearing this, the receptionist quickly stood up straight.

[A..ahem.... my apologies for losing my composure sir.]

[Not at all, but is there something about the letter that made you react that way?]

[Ah...I apologize. I have noted that you have a recommendation letter.]

Kaito thought to himself, "So she won't tell me anything about the letter then? She seems to be avoiding the subject...and pretty badly too." Kaito took the letter back from the receptionist and put it back into his pocket. After that, the receptionist handed Kaito a semi-transparent crystal slip about the size of an airplane ticket with a number on it.

[That's your examinee number, it is used to identify you so please don't loose it. These crystals have all the information of a examinee registered on it and will notify you of your scores on each exam afterwards.]

[Each exam?]

[That is correct. There are 3 portions to the entrance exams here at Prism Academy. The first exam will be written, followed by a practical exam. As for the final portion, I'm afraid I am not at liberty to disclose its contents. These exams will take place over the course of the week, and the results will be announced at a later date. At that time, if you passed, you are to bring that crystal with you back to this building.]

[I see. Thank you for all that information.]

[That's not a problem, the first exam will be held in 2 hours. The waiting room is to your left. You will be able to enter the exam hall 40 minutes before it starts. We wish you the best of luck.]

The receptionist remained in a 45 degree bow while watching Kaito walk towards the waiting room. After he was no longer visible, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

[What's got you all spooked?]

The stern voice came from a tall, muscular, bald man that looked to be in his early 40s. He was around 2 metres tall. He wore a purple suit over a white tank top. He had a short, scruffy beard and black pointed sunglasses. The only other part of his outfit that seemed out of place was his military boots. At his left hip, hung two swords around half his height. One had a white handle, a guard in the shape of a snowflake, and was in a purple scabbord adorned with red spider lillies. The other had a red handle, a gold cross shaped guard, and was housed in a green scabbord adorned with gold lotus flowers.

[That boy.... he had a recommendation letter.]

[While it's rare, there have been applicants with letters in the past.]

[It wasn't just any letter. It...it was from them.]


[The seal... the crest was a winged dragon wielding a flaming sword pointed downwards.]

Upon uttering these words, not just the man, but all the nearby receptionists who could hear the conversation were also frozen.

[N...no way... So he's the one? Looks like things are going to get interesting around here.]

The man grinned nervously as he looked at the direction of the waiting room.

In the waiting room, in front of the doors to the exam room, stood a man with short, blond hair that seemed to be in his late 20s. He was wearing a normal black suit and was calling examinees into the room a few numbers at a time. In his hands was a clipboard and a machine shaped like a thin, metal rod that looked like it scanned the crystal slips that hopeful entrants were given.

[ Numbers 1500-2000. You may enter next.]

Hearing this, Kaito stood up and began to make his way to the doors. When he reached the guard, he held out his crystal slip for the guard to scan.

[Number 1507, Kobayashi Kaito. Okay you may now enter. The seats are numbered so do keep that in mind.]

[Got it, thanks.]

Walking through the doors, Kaito's jaw dropped as he took in the size of the exam hall.

[Since Prism Academy is on a large artificial island, and this is supposed to be the main building, I expected some rooms to be big, but this? I guess I underestimated the scale a bit.]

The hall where the written exam was to take place was a large room the size of 2.5 football stadiums. The layout of the hall was like a typical university lecture hall, with long desks stacked in rows with increasing height. On the ground level, a podium on a small stage could be seen. Kaito quickly found his seat and sat down.

[Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Zhuo Qianlong. Looks like I'm gonna be next to you for this exam.]

Standing next to Kaito with a smile on his face, was a handsome young man that appeared to be around his age. He had long, wavy sky blue hair that reached his shoulders and hazel eyes. On his left ear, there was a single tear drop shaped silver earring. He was wearing a white hoodie and seemed to be in a similar outfit overall to Kaito.

[Kobayashi Kaito, nice to meet you.]

The young man grinned, seemingly satisfied, and took his seat beside Kaito.

[Sooo you know what the exam is gonna be like? How did you prepare?]

[I heard it was broken into 3 parts, but I only heard about there being a written and practical portion.]

[I see, so how do you think you'll do? Personally I think I'll be fine if there's a practical exam, but I'm not all that confident I'll pass the written portion.]

[Well we'll just have to do our best won't we.]

[Fair enough, hopefully we both make it in. This place is known as the school for the best of the best, and I hear it's rather tough to get in.]

The two boys chuckled and continued to chat until the exam was scheduled to start. As time went on, the large hall was filled with examinees. Suddenly the lights in the room flashed off before turning back on. Nothing seemed different except for the centre of the room. Standing at a once empty podium seemed to be a large figure. At first Kaito could not make out what the figure was, but soons a large holographic screen lit up and everyone could see what was standing on stage. Whispers of confusion could be heard all around the hall.

[Is that...?]

[What kind of joke is this?]

[What's going on?]

Murmurs like these were growing until a loud voice echoed.

[SILENCE!!! I am the head proctor for the written portion of your exams. Other proctors are stationed throughout the hall. They will ensure that no foul conduct is displayed. Should they catch any cheaters, they will call you by your number and you will be escorted out. This written exam will test your knowledge and problem solving skills. There are 400 questions on this written exam, do your best to answer them. You will have 3 hours to complete. Any questions?]

There was a moment of silence before the test takers started shouting.

[400 questions in 3 hours? Isn't that a little too difficult?]

[What kind of written exam is this?]

[Are you trying to make sure no one gets in? Screw you!! Where's the real proctor?]

[Yeah!! Get lost!! I'm sure the real proctor will be here soon and we'll get a real explanation on what to do.]

The complaints were understandable. Everyone was confused and didn't believe anything they just heard was true. How could they? It seemed like a joke to them. The exam they all just heard about seemed unreasonable, and to top it off, these instructions were given by a 130 centimetre tall grey owl.