
Chapter 1

Someone is called a "Hero" for the magnificent feats he/she has done in life.

Whether it is great goodness or evil, it's up to people who define this great and terrible deed.

Everyone can become a "Hero" when they completed an amazing deed that can astound the collective — a feat worthy of Legends.

A paragon of righteousness in one side can become the root of evil on the other side…

A villain for someone can become a hero for another...

Good or bad, it's up to the collective to decide...

And, this story is a story about a young man who was once called "Hero" in another world in a different time.

However, this story isn't about the fantastical tale of a man who's the personification of justice, righteousness, and goodwill who slays evil for the greater good and betterment of people of the masses.

Nay, this young man was great indeed. But, he was also terrible.

He was the type who was honest to his desire.

Self-centered, selfish, lustful, ruthless…

He was the personification of each of those words and more.

And this is his tale…

The tale of Corrupted Hero in another world called "Fantasia"…

However, before his tale in that fantasy world started for earnest, we will begin his tale with his everyday life in his original world, a familiar world we know since our birth, a planet that is known as Earth.


"Bryan, wake up. Come on, honey. Wake up..."

An attractive young woman was waking up the young man called Bryan, who was sleeping soundly in a bed. She was sitting at the edge of the bed, supporting her weight with her hand. Her other hand was on Roy's shoulder, shaking him as she woke him up.

The young woman had straight blond hair going down below her shoulder. She had a well-featured face with blond, curved eyebrows, big and beautiful soft brown eyes, small yet perfectly sculpted nose, and thin yet full lips.

She looked in her early to mid-twenties. She had a slender yet buxom figure. At that point, she wore only black mature brass and thongs with laces and frills. Her choice of attire showed off her smooth, unblemished skin too much. Yet, she didn't seem to be bothered by it.

If you ask the opinion of ten men about her appearance, all of them would unceremoniously agree that she was beautiful indeed.

"Hm…Oh, Mel, let me sleep more..."

Bryan mumbled faintly, feeling irked for being woken up abruptly.

He had a masculine appearance with his well-featured face and wild brown hair. It wasn't an error to call him handsome. He was still in his teenage and had yet to reach even his 18 years old. At most, he was around his fifteen.

He turned around and pulled up his blanket, shielding his sleepy face from the bright light sneaking into the room from the windows.

The young woman — Mel, a shortened version of her real name: Melissa — shook her head helplessly. However, she didn't seem to give up and tried to wake up Bryan normally again.

"Wake up, Bryan. You're already overseeing. It's almost eight in the morning..." Melissa grabbed the thick blanket and tried to pull it, but she found Bryan holding on it stubbornly.

She knew the hardship of waking up Bryan, but she knew how to wake him up easily. However, she wished that he would wake up without Melissa needing to use her usual trick.

Some time, Melissa wondered if Bryan was doing it unintentionally. No, Melissa denied her fleeting thought. Bryan was a heavy sleeper and a very lazy individual. He only showed alertness and turned serious if his life and everything he considered as his were threatened. Whether the threat was natural or artificial in nature.

Feeling helpless, Melissa chose to resort to her usual trick to wake Bryan. She quickly dived under the blanket and started her trick.

From outside, the bulged blanked would move up and down. Lewd, wet muffled sound came from under the blanket.

Before long, Bryan threw away the blanket that covered his face. There was no trace of sleepiness in it. He quickly raised his blanket and viewed what the woman doing under his blanket. When he found out what Melissa was doing, he couldn't help but grin widely.

"You're finally awake," Melissa commented from under the blanket. "I hope you would wake up without me resorting to this."

"And why should I stop myself from getting an amazing wake up every morning?" Bryan sounded smug as he replied to Melissa's comment.

"You're incorrigible." Melissa's voice sounded vexed. But, there was no heat in it.

"I am." Bryan seemed unrepentant. "So, why don't you continue."

"I don't have time. I am going to have an early class at nine."

"Is your class more important than me?"

Although Bryan sounded so self-centered, Melissa couldn't retort back. If you peek inside the blanket, you will see her deeply troubled face. She was silent as she couldn't answer Bryan's query. For Melissa, stating something else is more important than this cheeky young man is as if she denies her own self. It is something she couldn't do even in "What if". It was something unimaginable for her.

When Bryan saw that, the corner of his lips rose. He seemed satisfied with Melissa's trouble. It wasn't as if he was a sadist who relished in the trouble of others. He was satisfied because he knew that his control over the woman who was his young nanny for years was still strong.

Unbeknownst by Melissa, she had been put under Bryan's control for the past couple of years. She thought that her feeling for him was genuine, but she was none the wiser.

And how Bryan had done that to her without her awareness? The answer was simple yet improbable in the perspective of modern earthlings.

It was Magic...

Welcome to the first chapter of my original story. I hope the chapter has piqued your interest. Be happy for the mass release up to 5 chapters because the standard schedule is 3 times a week. If you want to read the early release, please visit my pat-reon site. You can check for more information on the "Offer" chapter in the Auxiliary Volume.

Thank you.

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