
Famous Among Top Surgeons in the 90s

Back in 1996, when the daughter of the Old Xie family, Xie Wanying, said she wanted to be a doctor, many laughed. "Phoenix begets phoenix, dog spawns dog. A truck driver’s daughter becoming a doctor is as likely as a sow climbing a tree." "I’m not just going to be a doctor, I’m going to be a female chest surgeon," said Xie Wanying. Her words provoked even greater waves of disdain within the doctors' community. Relatives who were doctors ridiculed her mercilessly: "Do you know how high the admission scores are for medical students? Do you think you can make it?" "There are zero female chief chest surgeons in the country. Who do you think you are!" A bunch of people mocked her: "You'll probably only get into a third-rate medical college and end up as a health worker in a small county town. It's easy to imagine what sort of marriage you'll have." After the college entrance exams, Xie Wanying entered the top surgical class in the country with the highest science scores in the province, with department heads in the Capital’s top-tier hospitals vying for her from her internship beginnings. "Student Xie Wanying, come to our digestive surgery department." "No, she must come to our urological surgery—" "Pediatric surgery is in short supply of female doctors like student Xie Wanying." Circles of relatives and friends: … At this time, Xie Wanying independently completed the youngest Tetralogy of Fallot surgery in the country, represented the national association of chest surgery at an international medical forum, and published the world’s first minimally invasive heart valve repair surgery, becoming truly the foremost surgeon in the field of female surgery! As for the marriage concerns that everyone "worried" about: A brother from the Returned Overseas Faction, a hot bachelor within the Capital, changed his QQ profile picture to Junior Sister Xie. The young CEO, a handsome man, came to the hospital every day with flowers, keen to offer a diamond ring. Not to mention, a whole host of suitors had long since worn a path to the Old Xie Family's doorstep...

Kindhearted Mama · Tổng hợp
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373 Chs

【53】Medical specialties are not divided from the whole2

The first class of the new semester had just ended.

Ren Chongda hurriedly left and returned to his own office.

The surrounding teachers, who had already heard the news from the female teachers, gathered around him with smiles and asked, "How do you feel?"

Ren Chongda, with legs casually draped over each other on his knees, grabbed his collar to catch his breath and asked his colleague with a curious tone, "Who brought up this girl's file?"

The scores were sufficient, but the school had the discretion to admit or not. Traditionally, it wasn't the case that if a girl scored higher than a boy, she would be admitted to certain majors by the university. Otherwise, how come for so many years, Xie Wanying had been the only one accepted into surgery?

About this matter, some teachers had heard some rumors and didn't hesitate to share with Ren Chongda, "It seems it was one of your classmates who brought up her file."

"Which one?"

"Who else could it be if not Cao Yong?"