
Who Are You Doing?

Prompts by: 

You never had any of your clients over but this one was important. They had been with you since the start of your business and hadn't doubted you for one second. You were always answering their calls no matter the time of day and would quickly resolve anything that they were dealing with.

This time, they had called to deal with a paperwork emergency that you had to fill out and they couldn't wait. You led them towards your office.

"Lena, this is Kimberly. Kimberly, this is Lena, my wife. We'll be at my office if you need anything."

Lena did not like the way Kimberly was looking at you. She was standing way too close to you and somehow would be touching you every couple of seconds. She glared at the girl behind her back as she watched you head to your office. 

Not one to be left in the dark, Lena stood outside your door to listen in.

She was bored after listening in to you talk almost 20 minutes long about some boring ass paperwork. Clearly, she had been wrong and just realized she was looking too much into this. Kimberly was probably being too friendly. Some people were like that.

She almost smiled when she heard that she wasn't wrong if it weren't the fact that Kimberly was practically asking you out.

"So what are you doing tonight?"

Not liking where this was going, Lena barged in.

"Me! Now leave!"

Your client was taken aback by how Lena's aggressiveness and turned to look at you, hoping that maybe you could kick her out and make her apologize. 

"You heard her, now leave."

Lena had been expecting for you to apologize on her behalf but she smiled when she heard your words. 

Kimberly was furious but also embarrassed at the same time so she just rushed out the house. 

"I can't believe you were jealous, love."

"I was not jealous!"

"Mhm. If you say so."