

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Old friend?



"We have a meeting with Ms Suarez at 11:40 Am," Jessica said as I was listening to my schedules. Today we have only a few meetings as my schedule is already hectic because of Camilla's wedding plans and some other events which I accepted before. "And we have to go to Camilla's house today to talk about the venue." She said and placed a file on my table. "This is the file that you asked me to prepare yesterday, everything is prepared accordingly as per the client's request."

"Great job Jess." I took the file and was impressed by her work. She is the best as always.

"As always." She winked at me. That's the Jess I know. I don't want to see her all gloomy, I just want to see her smile and be as cheerful as she is like always. If Nate ignores her and hurts her again, then I'll personally take care of him. No one can hurt my best friend and escape with it.

I chuckled, "So there is only ten minutes until the next meeting then, did they tell you about any details like which event they want us to plan?" I asked her while checking tomorrow's events.

"Well, they didn't exactly mention anything in particular but just booked an appointment with you and said that they will directly talk to you about the event." She said the last part doubtfully.

"What is it?"

"Her voice, it's different." She said.

"Different? What do you mean?" I asked her furrowing my eyebrows.

"It sounds like a ma-…"

"Like a male voice."

"Yes, exactly." Jessica and I were stunned by hearing that voice and looked at the door to see that person. We are so surprised to see him here which made us stun like that.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" He raised his brows while leaning on the side wall of the entrance.

"Enzoo?" we both said at the same time.

"So no welcoming hugs, huh? I'm really disappointed with you girls." He pouted and walked towards us.

"ENZOOO…" we both shouted his name in unison. Coming out of the trance, we ran towards him to see if it's really him or not. "OMG, it's really you… what a surprise!" we hugged him at the same time squeezing him, not giving him any space to breathe.

He chuckled, "It's really good to see you guys and all but can you please stop sandwiching me in the middle." He complained but we hugged him even tighter. He laughed, "My bad. I shouldn't have said that." We laughed and stayed like that.

"Uhm uhmm…" we pulled away from the hug when someone cleared his throat demanding attention. "I also came here, don't you think I deserve a hug too." He pouted crossing his arms over his chest.


"We also came here." I heard two other voices behind Aaron and looked at them before going to Aaron.

"MARCO and LAURA…OMG Guys you all came here…" We squealed after seeing the guys and went to squeeze them also with our tight hugs.

They all started chuckling their hearts out with satisfying smiles on their faces. It's been so long since we last saw them. It felt so good seeing them here.

"What are you all doing here? You didn't even call us to inform us." I asked them, still laughing. They made my day with their presence here.

"Can't I visit my best friend? Do I have to inform you before coming here?" Enzo asked while pouting and placing his hands on his waist acting like I hurt his feelings.

"Stop pouting, idiot. You are not a child anymore." I elbowed his stomach earning a groan.

"Ouch… that hurts, damn it. And here I thought that you would have become a little gentle. Seems like the devil never changes huh…" He chuckled earning a glare from me. "How can you handle her all the time, Jess?" He asked giving a safe distance between us and going towards Jessica placing his hand around her shoulder, Jessica laughed.

"I'm the one who is handling her here and you know that." I spat the truth and looked away making faces.

"Do you want me to answer that? You know how I handle her." Jessica teamed up with him and started teasing me.

"Of course, I know." They fist-bumped each other and laughed at me earning a glare from me.

"Come on, stop teasing our Little devil." Aaron and Marco came to my side placing one of their hands around either of my shoulders. "Even though she is a little bit psycho but you shouldn't say that to her face, okay." I thought they came to my support but instead they started tormenting me. I swatted away their hands and punched both of them in their stomachs. They clutched their stomachs wincing in pain while everyone laughed.

"Suits you, bastards," Laura commented giving me a hi-fi.

"So, it's two vs four, huh?" Enzo laughed with the others.

"Are you challenging me? Really Enzo?" I asked him, raising one of my brows.

"Oh, bloody No… I still have to go home in one piece and most importantly I still want to live peacefully. If father knows that I'm challenging you, he will taunt me for my whole life." I laughed at his answer. His father is really scary but not to me though. I'm his favourite. "Anyways, I heard that you are back in the ring?" I was surprised by his sudden question.

"Who told you?" I asked him.

"Well, I have my ways." He said signalling Jessica and she nudged him not to drag her in the middle.

"Of course, the gossip queen." I shrugged placing my hands on my waist and glaring at her.

"Well, it might have slipped my mouth." She looked everywhere but me.

"Stop looking at her like that. I'm the one who should be angry at you for not telling me." Enzo said and I sensed a bit of hurt in his voice and I regretted not telling him.

"Sorry Enzo, it's just that…"

"Just what Alina? What's the reason that you went back to street fighting?" he asked in concern placing his both hands on my shoulders and making me look him in the eyes.

I couldn't answer his questions, I don't know what to tell him, in fact, I don't even know why I went back to street fights. It's just that my mind couldn't process all those feelings. It's just new to me and I couldn't work when all these unknown feelings are inside my mind thinking about him all the time. I just wanted to let out everything and fighting seems like the best option for me.

And that's why I went back after a freaking year, but it just felt like yesterday I stopped fighting. I stopped going to street fights because I thought I don't have to go anymore and I have been busy with my work and everything. Street fights are like my refreshing place. I can just forget everything after a bloody fight.

And yesterday I felt like I'm gonna burst out anytime with those feelings, so I just went to one of Rudy's fighting clubs to fight. I wantedly went there wearing a black wig and purple contacts just to imitate them. If I got the chance, I would have given him a lesson by breaking a few bones.

Rudy is not my enemy but still, he needs a lesson for grabbing my hand and calling me a psycho that day even though he got what he deserves. And it's all because of that arrogant Shane, if he didn't enter my life, I would have worked peacefully just like before, without all these feelings.

Enzo waited for my answer but what can I say? I can't tell him that it's all because of a man who got on my nerves and some stupid feelings which occupied my mind. "Enzo, It's just that I wanted to go and fight to clear my mind after a stressful week. That's it." Sorry for lying to you Enzo. But I can't tell you anything until I know what this is. And it's not completely a lie though, after all, it's a stressful week in some ways.

Jessica eyed me in disbelief and was surprised that I lied to him. She knows that I never lied to Enzo. "Don't stress yourself so much, little devil. You know that you can just tell me anything." He hugged me comforting me like a big brother, "I know that you are not completely telling me the truth, but I won't push you and will wait until you are ready to tell me. And If you need me anytime, you know that I'm just a call away." He said looking into my eyes and I nodded.

"I know." I smiled and suddenly remembered something. "Oh, f*ck… we had a meeting with Ms Suarez."

"Shit, I forgot." Jessica tensed.

Enzo and the others started looking at each other signalling something. I don't understand their expressions clearly, something doesn't look right with them. But, is it me or are they really controlling their laughter?

"Why do you guys look so flustered?" I asked them, furrowing my brows.

They suddenly burst out laughing holding their stomachs. Jess and I were confused about why they were laughing. "Guys, why are you laughing?" Jessica asked innocently.

They laughed even louder sitting on the couch and covering their mouths. "What's so funny?" I asked them while crossing my arms over my chest.

They didn't stop laughing but tried to control it by closing it with their hands. "If you tell us, we can laugh with you too," Jessica asked not getting their evil thoughts.

They laughed louder again and now it was starting to irritate me because they are not telling us anything and are laughing for about five minutes by now. "If you are planning on laughing all day, make sure to tell me when you are going to tell us, until then goodbye guys, we have a meeting to attend," I said and was about to leave when they burst out laughing again and this time even louder than before making deafening sounds with their laughter.

And now, Jessica was also irritated with their confusing laughter. "What is it that you are hiding?" she asked them.

"If you don't stop laughing and tell us what's going on in a minute, then trust me, you won't have your teeth to laugh again." They stopped laughing immediately and looked at each other after hearing my threat.

"Cruel." Aaron and Marco said.

"Devil." Enzo continued. Laura stayed silent, an intelligent girl, she knows what will happen.

"Okay time up, be ready to welcome my punch." I faked pulling up my sleeves like I'm getting ready to punch them.

"Okay, stop with your threats, little devil. We'll tell you." Enzo said while standing up from the table he has been sitting on. "Do you remember our literature lecturer in our college?"

"Yeah, the one who always supports you even when you come late but scolds us for coming late even though you are the reason." He chuckled listening to my answer. Even though Enzo is my senior, we still had some classes together and literature class is one of them.

"So, do you remember her name then?" he asked me while controlling his laughter.

"Yeah, Ms Sua-…" that's when it hits us, me and Jessica looked at each other. Ms Suarez, it's her name. We both looked at them throwing daggers and they started laughing again.

"Stop looking at us like that. It's not our fault that you forgot her name." Enzo said looking so flustered after laughing so much.

"So, that's why it sounds like a male voice. Which one of you called me?" Jessica asked them.

"Me…" Marco raised his hand like a good boy earning a slap on the head from Jessica. "Ouch…"

"Good shot Jessica." I gave a hi-fi to Jessica and laughed.

"But it's Enzo's idea." Marco dragged Enzo with him earning a glare from Enzo.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't drag your boss with you, Marco? You're becoming a bad boy, Marco…" Enzo said silently walking away from us but I clutched his shirt and pulled his ear.

"Not so fast Enzo," I said smiling evilly.

"Ah oh… someone is in trouble," Jessica said and started laughing.

"Sorry devil. I just wanna give you a surprise." Enzo reasoned with me. "Ouch… stop pulling my ear."

"Hmmm okay… I forgive you this time. Don't use her name again." I said, leaving him.

"Okay, I'll use someone else's name then." He said and started running away from me.

"Youuu…" I started chasing him. We all are having fun laughing happily. It felt so good to have them around like the good old days.

"Okay, guys… stop with your Tom and Jerry fights. Alina, what are your plans tonight?" Laura asked as we stopped chasing each other and sat on the couch with them panting.

"Umm, nothing I guess…" I said.

"What do you mean nothing? It's Friday night Alina, don't you wanna go out and have fun?" Laura asked, raising her brows.

Jessica sighed, "Are you really asking her, Laura? If you say go and have fun then she will definitely go back to the street fights." Everyone laughed at her answer.

"True… that's so like her," Enzo said laughing.

"Stop it guys. Tell me, what are your plans tonight?" I asked them in return.

"Well, nothing in particular today," Aaron replied.

"Okay, then we can hit the club tonight after you get rest," I said and they all looked at me doubtfully. "What is it?"

"We are just shocked to hear that from you." They all said in unison and all of them started laughing.

"Okay, stop it guys," I said and that's how our day ended. Talking and laughing until they left to have some rest. They just landed today and directly came to us after a long flight. They are the best.

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