

Kyouya POV

There is not much thing that can make hibari kyoya feel unsettled. His parents coddling free faith unconditional love to him are one thing. His newly interesting created 'pack' are another. His haha-ue practically squealed with overwhelming joy that the little cloud finally settled in an actual decent crowd, with the passport and every necessity for their mission to attend the recital and gain Namimori primary school an access to some prestigious school in Italy . of couse he also can't save his baby carnivore, little omnivore, and loud herbivore from being hugged by the over zealous mother who muttered how cute they're.

A flushed expression at baby carnivore's was a delight to see (it's so good to see little animals get pampered, they are so so precious afterall. hibari has known how the baby carnivore's own mom demeaning him, its immediately make hibari seethed in anger if not for the delicious barbeque she bribed him with and a pleading eyes of baby carnivore), an amused laugh from the loud herbivore that strangely sound not as annoying as usual (with a warm, relieved, soft soft gaze), and a flinch and fakefakefake smile from the little omnivore...

...wait a minute...

Hibari take a double take look at his wards.

Before a growling erupted from his throat, and glared at the rain guardian. He doesn't like it when his wards forced themselves (besides training). A carnivore's pack need to be free, strong, and true to themselves. Not hide like a freakin herbivores. He would not accept that, especially not in his own turf.

Tsunayoshi yelped at his mentor glare directed at the person beside him before push himself to hug takeshi in tight grip. The boxing club captain on the other hand take a look at kyoya before take a hold on the rain guardian hand.

Hibari's haha-ue released the three children from her embrance, noticing something that wasn't right with the childrens.

Takeshi stop his sad smile as he closed his eyes. The little rain guardian fall limp as both the young sky and sun guardian supported the unconscious body of their friend.

Kyoya immediately help his ward to move to the guest room.

The room supposed to be for his dearest Uncle that was supposedly to be famous in the underworld.

His Haha-ue approved his dependable action, even tease that might be- might be Hibari kyoya will actually be ready to have a cute baby siblings of his own, resulted in the cloud guardian snarled (pout) at his haha ue, and a not so hard smack of wooden to his haha-ue that is blocked by his haha-ue with her own wooden hairpin.

He let out a huffed, before snuggling back to his little pack that somehow ended up in dogpiles while the unconscious rain being buried under, a little price the rain need to pay for making them worried.

They had a little time before they need to board to Italy at the morning, a sleepover definitely efficient.

Sasagawa Ryouhei might be a loud herbivore with no sound filter, and Kusakabe tetsuya probably will be overwhelmed by the job he usually did as the Disclipinary committee head with the help of baby carnivore as the student council president, especially with the festival's preparations.

But Hibari will trust his fellow pack mate and his righthandman.

He just hope his trust aren't misplaced. Or else...

There will be hell to pay.


Takeshi POV


Oh, lullaby

If you are not sleeping

The mosquito will bite you.

Dear brother

My dear brother

Sleep oh, sleep

In the cradle."

"Big brother, I am a big boy now, don't sing that lullaby anymore!" a whiny sound as the onyx eyed child looked up to him. "it's so stupid! I wouldn't even fit into the cradle, and your voice suck, mama's voice is better, and Papa's will beat the stupid mosquito away, big brother"

"I know mama is an angel, and papa's the strongest out there. But you're the cutest little brother ever, I can't help it, now sleep"

"this is so unfair, Arya. why only you can see mama and papa..*yawn* I'll also stay awake..."

"Rez, you'll not grow into big boy if you aren't sleeping enough. So just rest for now, mama and papa working hard so we can life happily, be patient dearest brother"

*knock knock*

"huh? Who? Brother"

A sad smile and a kiss to the child's forehead "goodnight, have a nice dreams" the older boy patted the childs head "I'll bring more snacks later on, be good" he said as he stand up and get out of the bedroom. As he locked the master bedroom where he and his brother waiting for their parents.

An old man with a trimmed moustache, looked down on him.

"Greetings, 1st elder uncle. You've come early" the young boy greeted with a smile. "Mama and Papa is out at the moment"

"at least you've some manner" the man said with a sharp no nonsense tone "how can sister can accept such a failure of a consort and buy kids like you is beyond me"

"I am and my brother grateful for mama's decision, and papa's support" the young boy said unnervingly calm, before giving a cheerful smile. "would you'd like to have some tea, uncle? We could wait for mama and papa...they usually get home at 2am"

"no need. By the way, I don't think your 'papa' will never go home. I'm here to take you and little brother to the funeral. That failure still an Ito and the heir's candidate father in the end. I don't know what father thinking to appoint such an outsider blood like you as a heir candidate. my sister already on site, you better get ready"

"...I see..." the young boy mumbled "then let my brother rest. He doesn't need to see this" he said as he look directly as his adopted uncle, A slight smile appeared on his face denying the twisted feel in his stomach with bile raised to his throat, and the sudden emptiness growing in his heart. 'Mama...'

...so disgusting....


...they're all just fake fake fake person...

...and he slowly changed into them...

...he is no better than them...


...a tools for the other's to use...

...for his lovely mama...

...for his adorable brother...

Papa, he hope he can protect their little family.

For a dreams with a totally normal home in suburban with no big family breathing down their necks with expectations.

'You better of died, brother!'




Tsuna POV

If tsuna knows how disturbing his nightmare was, then Takkun's nightmare were on totally different league. When Takkun wake up with a face so pale, with eyes that shone with despaired look, ran through the rain this morning, while looking up at the sky with a grin on his face, avoiding to see tsuna and the others.

...that was tears isn't it?...

The young yamamoto might have smiled and said everything fine with a chuckle while drying his body with a towel he get from kyoya-senpai's haha-ue,. an exaggerated story told by Takkun to them, that tsuna's know isn't what the real nightmares his bestfriend dreamed about.

...he isn't fine...

Ryohei-niisan started brawl to distract the rain from his own bad thought, and kyoya-senpai who just awaken would join in with the ruckus happened. While Takkun parry his upperclassman attacks, tsuna noticed the glint of nostalgia as he see the three of them, like he was seeing another person in their stead. A look that shouldn't even exist in childs like them. It was a look that tsuna's mom have, it's the same look Kyoya's haha-ue whenever she thought no one was watching them.

...this is so wrong...

As he himself throw his body to tackle hug Takkun, Ryohei-niisan, and kyoya-senpai. Eliciting a squawk from the rain, a pat on the shoulder for good job from onii-san, and a slight proud smile from kyoya-senpai.

'Maybe they do need this vacation afterall?'