
Falling for Miss Captain : LOVE vs DUTY

"Fight your war and I will fight mine. If I ever fall, you will help me up and I will do the same for you." * * * She was a Captain of the Silveren Army often described as cold and tough but she was a woman with many hidden scars. He was a Crown Prince of Edeladon who was once a domineering and cold man who learned from his mistakes. They met in a foreign country while keeping their identities a secret yet they share a mutual affection for each other. She made a vow to punish the ones who led her brother to death. He was determined to find out the truth behind the death of his ex-lover. They had many reasons to be apart. However, one reason kept them together - the happiness they find in one another. Join me in the story of how Captain Yelena Arista of Silveren and Crown Prince Felix Valestra of Edeladon fight to protect their love while maintaining the duties and responsibilities that they bear! * * * Excerpt - "I love you." She finally said the three words which the man was dying to hear for a long time! Felix didn't saw it coming at all! He was waiting for her to give him an answer, but this was beyond his expectations! His eyes grew wide in disbelief! "What did you say?" He cannot believe his ears. He wanted to make sure that he didn't hear her wrong. "I said I love you, you fool! I -" Before Yelena could finish her words, Felix rose from his seat, bend down once again and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. Felix slowly pulled his head back and gently held her on the neck. Yelena could feel the rapid thumping of his heartbeat which match hers. "Don't you dare go back on your words. If necessary, I will even chase you to the end of the earth." His lips curved into a smile. "The same goes for you." She replied confidently. "Then what will you do to me?" He asked her. Yelena pointed at her wound. "I'll shoot you. The pain will be two folds compared to this." She said with a devilish smile. She then leaned towards him and whisper in his ear. "You may not know, but I'm a good shooter." Felix chuckled at her response. "Is this how it feels to have a soldier as a girlfriend? But why do I have a feeling that you will try to shoot me even if I upset you a little?" He teased her. "Will you make me upset then?" She said with a serious tone. "No, ma'am!" He responded right away. -------------------------------------- Note: All countries, organizations, places and characters in this novel are fictional. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. It is uploaded from another source and all rights credited to the real owner...

Pearys · Thành thị
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203 Chs

Don't Waste Your Time On Me

The father and daughter awkwardly glanced at each other repeatedly. Both of them hesitate to speak up so the silence goes on.

For the first time in her life, Yelena thought that her father care about her. It was the first time she could sense her father's love! Before this, she never knew how much she needed her father's love and affection. Now that she felt it, she realised how warm the feeling was!

If it's like the other day, she will just walk away and ignore her father. But this time, she cannot bring herself to do that. "Father, I -"

"You should be wary of a man like him. I don't want such a loser to be around my daughter." The father's face was deadly serious but Yelena sense a hint of worried in it.

"I'm okay, Father. Did you forgot that I have a black belt in multiple Martial Arts? Such a loser cannot do anything to me." She said to her father with a faint smile.

She glanced at her wristwatch and realized that it was almost time to meet Maurice. It seemed like she won't be able to visit her grandfather.

"I need to go now. Goodbye, Father." She rushed out of the Headquarters in a hurry.

Mr. Arista watched his daughter until she was out of his sight. He really finds it strange. He couldn't believe that his daughter talked to him with a smile. Maybe his wife was right. Their daughter was more different than before! But how come she suddenly changed again?

He smiled, feeling glad for what he just experienced.

* * *

In a simple coffee shop, Maurice Serano was nervously waiting for his fiancée. He wondered how much would she changed since the last time he saw her was six years ago.

Though he wanted to at least have a dinner with her, the latter insisted to meet up in this simple coffee shop saying she was busy.

After waiting for a while, a beautiful woman in uniform appeared and sat before him. The moment his dark brown eyes landed on the woman, he felt the same old sparks that he felt when he was just 20! Before this, he never thought that a woman in uniform could be this dazzling!

"I hope you won't be bothered by my uniform. I came straight from the Headquarters." Yelena explained. After all, this was the same man who left her because she joined the Army. But she didn't care even if the man was bothered.

"It's fine. How have you been, Elen? You have changed so much." Maurice asked Yelena with a smile.

"I'm doing well." Yelena simply replied. Her face showed no expression. She simply sat there thinking the meeting as a duty which she was obliged to do, nothing more or less.

"I'm sorry for everything that I have done, Elen. I truly regret it." He looked at her with his face plastered with guilt.

The woman was not faze by whatever she heard. "You don't have to."

"Are you not angry with me?" Maurice face lightened up as he heard her unexpected response. He thought that she would be angry at him.

"It's because I don't have any expectations or hope in you. As they say, we only get angry when our expectations are let down." Yelena calmly remarked.

Whatever hope that Maurice Serano had, they were all gone in the blink of an eye! He was filled with remorse but it was too late.

All his actions didn't affect Yelena at all. Her heart was very far from being wavered! She could be the most considerate person when it comes to the people she cherish; but she could also be the coldest if it's necessary.

She didn't want to give the man any futile hope. She didn't love him or hate him. Maybe she was too busy to develop hatred for someone!

"Our engagement is like a business deal anyway. So, just live your life and I will live mine. You don't have to call me or meet me. You don't have to feel responsible towards me. I came here to say that."

"Elen -"

"Will you please stop calling me that? I'm not that naive and innocent Elen anymore." She coldly brushed him off. But she maintained her composure the whole time.

"Can you give me a second chance? I will never let you down again." Maurice pleaded with seriousness.

He cannot give up on her just like this! He cannot think of anyone besides her. Above all, he didn't want to have an empty marriage. It was how he felt seven years ago and even now!

"Maurice, don't waste your time on me. I don't care anymore. Even if you want to love someone else, I won't mind. So, please know that besides our family business deal, we have nothing to do with each other." She clearly drew the line between them.

Even though they were engaged, even though they will marry in the future; she didn't want any emotional connections again. That's what Yelena was saying.

* * *

At a road near the coffee shop, one black car was already parked for a while with two men on the inside.

Felix monitored everything that was going on inside the coffee shop from his car. Besides, all the walls of the shop were glass, which provided him a good view of the woman he loved having a chat with her fiancé.

On the driver seat was Sgt. Calvin who worriedly glanced at the the Prince multiple times through the mirror inside the car.

He was very surprised when the Prince asked him to give a ride at noon. They first waited outside the Headquarters and followed his Captain all the way to this coffee shop!

"Let's go." The Prince calmly said to Sgt. Calvin, which really startled the latter.

"Huh? Didn't you want to wait for our Captain, Your Highness?" Sgt. Calvin asked the Prince with a confused face.

"I'm only here to prove that there's nothing to be worried about and I already did that." Felix confidently responded.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" The Sergeant asked right away.

Was the Crown Prince not in his right mind? The woman he liked was there meeting another man. How could he said that there's nothing to be worried about?!

Felix ignored the question and simply giggled to himself. He didn't have to heard their conversation. All her reactions and expressions already said so.

He recalled Yelena's beautiful smile when she was with him. He then compared with the face she made to her fiancé. He didn't need any other proof. Everything was already clear!

When Sgt. Calvin understands that the Prince had no intention to answer him, he started the car and drive back to the Guest House.....