
Fallen Lightbringers' Return

One day, a mechanical voice appeared in all of humanities head: [survive]. Dungeons started to surface, Historical Figures reappeared, Gods had turned real, and ordinary people gained the supernatural ability to rule the new era. However, they could not beat The Shadow. In such world, The Lightbringer, Lee Dojin had sacrificed everything... and perished right on New Year. Upon his death, the dungeons called him once more, and he warped to another universe where the apocalypse hadn't sarted yet; a universe 20 years ago. This time he would not be The Lightbringer, instead, he'd walk the path of shadows. --he'd become a controller of parallel universes. Only he knows the end of this world. Only he has seen the end of a universe. With this new chance, can he turn around the life he had once forfeited? "Child of The Shadow, there is another world waiting for you." ------------------------------- For chapters not yet released here, news of updates and future merch, character art, and discussions with either readers or writers, please follow this link: https://discord.gg/RnRQD73j8b or write me on Rafuk#5512.

Hyowha · Kỳ huyễn
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95 Chs

Currently in Heaven I

There comes a time where every human living on earth has asked this question: Does God exist? And every time, the human finds no concrete answer.

In a place, far far away from earth (yet so infinitely close, one may say), there exists a world of white and silver. Here, no shadows existed, as there was only love, affection and joy. The ground was made of clouds, and the sky was made out of clouds. Yet, it was not cold. Instead, everywhere, warmth exuded this world, though no sun was to be found. Strange.

A young, lonesome boy, in his hand a flute, stood in front of a humongous gate. He had short blond hair and a calming smile. His eyes, though, were pitch-black, filled to the brim, as if absorbing any light that existed—a contrary appearance to this place he stood in. He wore only a white robe, his bare feet grazing the clouds. How he felt, no one knew.