
The Scent of What Could Be

The haunting refrain of a violin drifted through the empty halls of Jeonghwa Academy. I wandered alone, my footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors. Though classes should be in session, not a soul could be seen.

As I approached the grand double doors of the music hall, the violin's melancholy song grew louder. I hesitated, pulse quickening. The doors stood slightly ajar, just enough to glimpse shadows shifting within.

With a deep breath, I pushed the doors open. My mouth fell agape at the sight.

On the spotlighted stage, Haneul and Taeyoung knelt over Da-min's limp body, their uniforms soaked crimson. Da-min's own white dress was stained red around a gaping wound in her chest. Her vacant eyes stared right through me into darkness, arms splayed at awkward angles.

The audience sat petrified in silence, hundreds of sculpted faces twisted in horror. Parents clutched their mink stoles with manicured fingernails, poised to flee yet transfixed by the gruesome spectacle before them. Even the headmaster stood paralyzed, the blood draining from his wrinkled cheeks.

I clutched my pounding chest, struggling to inhale. My legs quivered as I staggered closer. Haneul and Taeyoung paid me no mind, utterly consumed by the deceased on the floorboards between them.

As I neared the stage, my shoes slipped on something wet. I looked down to see scarlet pooling, dripping steadily from the platform's edge. The overpowering stench of iron flooded my senses. My ears rang with echoes of the dying violin notes.

"Seol Jin-ae!" A voice cut through the haze.

I jolted upright, the music hall vanishing in a blink. I found myself back in the familiar classroom, the teacher glaring from the chalkboard. My classmates tittered, sneaking sidelong glances my way.

"This is the third time you've dozed off in my lesson. Is the curriculum not sufficiently engaging?" Mrs. Bae asked pointedly.

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I sat up straighter, avoiding the eyes burning into me from all directions. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bae. I didn't sleep well last night."

The teacher pursed her lips, brow furrowed. "Seol Jin-ae. Falling asleep repeatedly is unacceptable, especially with midterms approaching. I won't tolerate it anymore!"

I nodded meekly as Mrs. Bae resumed her algebra lesson at the board. My classmates had already lost interest, returning to their worksheets and idle gossiping.

Only Lee Ye-Jun continued smirking in my direction, no doubt reveling in my humiliation. As captain of the girls' football team, she never missed a chance to torment me. Ye-Jun's pretty features and athletic prowess granted her queen bee status at our school. Not that I cared what someone like her thought about me. I had far more important things to worry about, like somehow raising my grades before Parent-Teacher conferences next week.

As I halfheartedly skimmed the textbook chapter on quadratic equations, my disorienting dream lingered at the edges of my thoughts. The empty academy corridors...the haunting violin melody...Haneul and Taeyoung kneeling over Da-Min's lifeless body...

None of it made any sense. Lately, my dreams had become so vivid, almost more real than my waking life. This one in particular seized my thoughts with its eerie atmosphere.

Who was Da-Min? Just a figment of my imagination, I supposed. My subconscious was probably trying to send me a message about focusing on my studies instead of daydreaming. Easier said than done.

The piercing chime of the bell jolted me from my musings. I began gathering my things, wincing as my heart gave an unpleasant lurch in my chest. A wave of lightheadedness washed over me, the classroom blurring at the edges. I gripped my desk for balance, taking slow deep breaths until the sensations passed.

Lately I'd been having these weird episodes more frequently. Maybe I was developing arrhythmia or something. Given my luck, it was probably just stress and exhaustion. Still, the random dizzy spells worried me. Not that my perpetually occupied parents had any time to notice.

"Jin-ae!" a cheerful voice called. I glanced up with a weary smile as my friend Eun-ji bounded over, her flowery perfume cutting through the stuffy classroom air. "Let's walk to history together."

Leave it to Eun-ji to brighten my mood instantly. We'd been friends since middle school, when she was the only one who didn't shun me for sometimes -often- getting distracted from our reality. These days, Eun-ji was quite popular, though she still made time for me. I studied her gracefully curled hair and trendy outfit with a tinge of envy. Everything came so effortlessly to Eun-ji - academics, social life, family. Meanwhile, I was barely keeping my head above water.

As we exited the classroom, I cringed at the sound of mocking laughter up ahead. Right on cue, Lee Ye-Jun and her pack of minions were lying in wait just outside the door.

"Look who it is, Seol Jin-the-loser," Ye-Jun announced loudly. "Have a nice nap? You should sleep at night instead of scribbling your weird little stories. No wonder you're almost failing algebra."

Ye-Jun's lackeys tittered sycophantically. My shoulders hunched, clutched books almost slipping from my trembling hands. I averted my eyes and quickened my pace, praying they'd lose interest.

No such luck. Ye-Jun stepped into my path, mere inches from my face. "What's wrong? Daydreaming about your imaginary boyfriend again?" She pretended to swoon. "Oh Haneul, save me from pre-calc!"

I flushed crimson, blinking back the sting of tears. Before I could react, Eun-ji wedged herself between us, eyes ablaze.

"Back off, Ye-Jun," she said coldly. "Don't you have football practice to get to?"

Ye-Jun rolled her eyes. "Let's go, ladies. I can't waste time on these freaks." With a flip of her ponytail, she brushed past me, deliberately slamming her heavy shoulder against mine.

I stumbled slightly, risidual tremors coursing through me. Eun-ji squeezed my hand in solidarity before walking with me to history. My pounding heart slowly resumed its normal cadence.

By last period, I had shaken off the morning's events. Gym class was my sole source of enjoyment in this prison called high school. As we played a competitive round of dodgeball, my anxieties melted away, lost in the thrill of the game. For once, my chronic clumsiness became an asset, allowing me to dodge oncoming balls with surprising agility.

When the final bell rang at long last, I was coated in a sheen of sweat but feeling relaxed for the first time all day. I met Eun-ji by the lockers so we could walk to our part-time jobs together, just like every Friday afternoon.

The crisp autumn breeze felt refreshing after being cooped up inside. Fallen ginkgo leaves blanketed the sidewalks, the trees above swaying gently in their technicolor splendor. Despite my constant exhaustion, something about this season always energized me.

As Eun-ji chattered about her day, I occasionally chimed in, but my mind was already drifting to the few blissful hours of freedom ahead. Nothing compared to losing myself in a new chapter of my story, ephemeral worries fading into the paper's grain as my pen sculpted new worlds...

"Jin-ae? Earth to Jin-ae!" Eun-ji prodded, waving her manicured hand in my face. "You're daydreaming again, aren't you?"

"Sorry," I mumbled. "Just thinking about writing later."

Eun-ji sighed. "Your head is always stuck in the clouds. I wish you'd join me in reality sometimes."

I bit my lip, stung by her words. If only she knew why I found solace in fiction, how it provided an escape from my uninspiring reality. Lonely, overlooked wallflower Seol Jin-ae could transform into anyone within those sacred pages - confidant, genius, muse. But not even my closest and only friend understood that secret sanctuary, least of all my family.

We walked the rest of the way to the cafe in pensive silence. Soon enough, the glowing sign for "Moon River Coffee" emerged up ahead, tucked snugly on a corner between boutiques and restaurants. Stepping inside, I instantly relaxed, breathing in the bitter aroma as solace washed over me.

This cozy cafe was my sanctuary every Friday and Saturday. Surrounded by books as a barista, I could allow my imagination to roam freely between taking orders. The stressful grind of school and home faded away within these walls.

Eun-ji went to stow her things in the back while I tied on my signature lavender apron. Soon I was lost in the soothing motions of brewing coffees and steaming milks. For a blissful few hours, I was just another anonymous student earning weekend cash, no expectations or obligations, letting my creative spirit reign.

Closing time came too soon. As Eun-ji and I walked to the bus stop, she chatted animatedly about her upcoming date tomorrow. I made all the right listening noises, but jealousy nagged at me once more. Not only did Eun-ji excel socially, she also had a loving family that supported her dreams. The only time my parents paid me any attention was lecturing me to get better grades or stop wasting time writing.

These gloomy thoughts followed me on the bus ride home. I sat staring numbly out the window, the streetlights blurring into liquid gold streaks. For an instant, my reflection seemed to ripple and morph until...

I blinked rapidly, shaking my head. Now I was imagining things on top of everything else. The lack of sleep must really be getting to me.

At home, I managed to slip past my parents unnoticed and avoid my sister's taunts. At last, I could unwind and work on my latest chapters. Writing was the sole bright spot when everything else felt so hopeless.

I became so engrossed adding scenes to improve and refine my protagonist at her new elite academy, the outside world faded away. Da-Min didn't have sisters or parents criticizing her dreams at every turn. Though lacking in status and wealth, her kind heart won over the aloof, gorgeous boys vying for her attention. I lost myself in her story, wishing I could escape my own life so effortlessly...

The clock blinked 1 AM by the time exhaustion forced me to stop writing. I had to be up early for my Saturday cafe shift. As I nestled under the covers, inner turmoil kept sleep at bay.

Why couldn't I be more like Da-Min - brave, confident, surrounded by friendship and adventure? Or have Eun-ji's beauty and poise? If only I could leave behind this life that felt so stifling and be anyone I wanted.

My restless mind drifted back to the strange dream. What had triggered those bizarre images of the blood-splattered stage? It must be my subconscious telling me I needed to take my life seriously and stop wasting my time.

After tossing and turning for ages, a new scene struck me. I could write Da-Min's story taking an even darker turn, culminating in her tragic death! Nothing like a shocking plot twist to captivate readers. I have many drafts with many random scenes, outcomes and storylines for this character.

Newly inspired, I turned on the bedside lamp and opened my laptop. My hands flew across the keyboard as I described Da-Min running off in tears after a humiliation at the school gala. Then a gaping wound through her chest on stage, blood pooling around her fallen body, the horrified gasps of elite parents all around.

I wasn't sure yet what exactly would lead to her gruesome demise - a jealous rival's attack, an accidental fall on broken glass, suicide from bullying? But I could figure out those details later. This dramatic endpoint would lend Da-Min's glittering existence a tragic poignancy.

Satisfied with the chilling additions, I saved the new file before finally laying down to sleep, mind buzzing with morbid inspiration. My dreams were filled with crimson rivers and violin echoes as I drifted into the void.


I jolted awake, heart hammering against my ribs. I gasped for air that wouldn't come, invisible bands squeezing my chest. The bedside clock's red numbers blurred as primal panic took over.

This wasn't just another dizzy spell. I thrashed violently, desperate to draw breath, to scream for help. But only choking sounds escaped my lips as I flailed against the twisted bedsheets.

Darkness crept into the edges of my vision, which was rapidly tunneling before me. The pounding of my frenzied pulse faded to a dull throb as my throat constricted. A final convulsive tremor wracked my body before everything went still and silent. The clock numbers etched in red were the last thing I saw before the world fell away, leaving me floating in abyssal nothingness.

Suddenly, white light pierced through the void, slowly resolving into fuzzy shapes. Hushed voices echoed somewhere close by. A pungent chemical smell overwhelmed my senses. I tried to inhale but immediately choked as something obstructed my airway.

Where was I? What was happening? I attempted to open my heavy eyelids but harsh light forced them shut once more. Panic rising, I struggled weakly, only for firm hands to press down on my shoulders, keeping me pinned against cold metal.

"Stay still, Ms. Yoo," an unfamiliar male voice said. "You've been in an accident and are in the hospital. Try not to move."

Accident? Hospital? Was this another bizarre dream? I had no memories to make sense of his words. Darkness swirled, threatening to drag me back down into its embrace. I clung desperately to the last fraying threads of consciousness.

"Quickly, hand me the-" The voice cut off abruptly as oblivion crashed over me. I surrendered to the black waters pulling me under, too feeble to resist any longer.


Light pierced through once more, though gentler this time. I drifted languidly up through veils of gray, emerging into awareness. No choking or blinding glare greeted me now. I cautiously opened my eyes wider, squinting against the sunlight filtering through gauzy curtains.

I was in a spacious hospital room, lying in a bed surrounded by monitors and IV drips. No one else appeared to be present. Where was the medical team from earlier? And what accident had they mentioned? My mind strained to recall anything prior to waking here, but drew a total blank.

Tentatively, I sat up straighter, body aching in protest. Glancing down, I realized my usual pajamas had been replaced by a thin hospital gown. Strange.

Pushing tangled hair from my face, I called out hoarsely, "Hello? Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

No response. The needs hooked into my veins prevented me from venturing out of bed to investigate. Perhaps I had hit my head and was suffering amnesia? Though surely I would remember basic details of my own life?

Heart quickening, I wracked my foggy brain but couldn't grasp a single concrete fact - no name, family, home, school. Only hazy impressions of arterial blood and shrill strings filled the void.

Panic rising, I wildly scanned the room for answers. My gaze landed on a small mirror hanging beside the door. I clung to the hope that seeing my reflection might trigger some spark of recognition.

With monumental effort, I slid my legs over the bed's edge. They nearly buckled as I limped unsteadily toward the mirror, trailing IV stand in tow. At last I stood before the glass, scarcely daring to look.

A stranger's face peered back at me.

My mouth fell open in shock. The angular features, curtain of silky black hair, and wide brown eyes were utterly unfamiliar. I touched my cheeks, waved my hand, but the reflection mimicked me perfectly.

This made no sense! Why was I trapped in another person's body?

I backed away in horror, barely noticing the IV stand clattering to the floor. This had to be a lucid nightmare. Any moment now, I'd wake in my own room, my real self restored.

A tentative knock at the door froze me in place. Before I could react, it creaked open to reveal a nurse's kind face.

"You're finally awake, Ms. Yoo!" she exclaims. "We were very concerned after you fell several stories into your pool. How do you feel?"

Falling? Ms. Yoo? What was happening? I opened my mouth but no words came out.

The nurse studied me with concern. "Let's get you back in bed, dear. The doctor will be in shortly to explain everything."

As she guided me back to the bed, my mind reeled. The name Yoo niggled at my scattered memories. Where had I heard it before? None of this made any sense!

I scarcely noticed as the nurse re-hooked the IV drips and took my vitals. She patted my shoulder gently. "Try to rest. You've been through quite an ordeal. We'll take good care of you."

With that, she exited, leaving me alone once more amidst beeping monitors and antiseptic smells. It felt like I was missing some critical piece of information buried just out of reach.

As I stared down at my unfamiliar hands knotted in the starchy sheets, a flash of memories suddenly sparked.

Could I be...? No, it wasn't possible...

I scrambled for the bedside table where I'd spotted a nameplate earlier. With trembling fingers, I turned it over to see the name etched there.

Yoo Da-Min

My heart stuttered as the truth dawned on me. 

Somehow, impossibly, I had woken up in the life of my fictional character.

I'm so excited to share the first chapter of this novel. I wanted to mention that English is not my native language but french. This is my first time attempting such an ambitious project in a non-native tongue and even if I take my time to correct and edit everything I sometimes mess up with the grammar. I truly appreciate any encouraging comments you may have, especially if you notice areas where my English proficiency can improve. My skills will strengthen in time hopefully.

Ak1lacreators' thoughts
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